
Defines functions codemapper_metadata

Documented in codemapper_metadata

# CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------

# UKB CODE MAPPINGS -------------------------------------------------------

# used by functions in clinical_codes.R

# NOTES: if editing this, always refer to `ukb_code_mappings_sheet_names` and
# `ukb_code_mappings_code_types` first - these should contain all possible code
# types and sheets from the UKB excel file (resource 592). Tests in
# test_data_raw_constants.R reply on the accuracy of these.

# names of excel spreadsheets in ukb_code_mappings (UKB resource 592) -----


# TODO - unhash this
# assertthat::assert_that(
#   all(sort(ALL_LKPS_MAPS_TABLE_NAMES) == sort(names(all_lkps_maps))),
#   msg = "`ALL_LKPS_MAPS_TABLE_NAMES` does not match the expected names"
# )

# colnames for each excel spreadsheet in resource 592 ---------------------
# colnames_for_ukb_code_mappings_sheet_names <- ukb_code_mappings_sheet_names %>%
#   purrr::set_names() %>%
#   purrr::map(~ names(ukb_code_mappings[[.x]]))

# clinical code system to lookup table map --------------------------------
# mappings note, BNF - 'description_col' is for chemical substances only (TODO
# amend this?)

# TODO - category col for tables?

CODE_TYPE_TO_LKP_TABLE_MAP <- tibble::tribble(
  ~code, ~code_label, ~lkp_table, ~code_col, ~description_col, ~preferred_synonym_col, ~preferred_code, ~grouping_col,
  "bnf", "BNF", "bnf_lkp", "BNF_Code", "Description", NA, NA, "BNF_Chemical_Substance",
  # "dmd", "dmd_lkp", "concept_id", "term", NA, NA,
  "dmd", "DMD", "bnf_dmd", "snomed_code", "dm_d_product_description", NA, NA, "dm_d_product_description",
  "icd9", "ICD-9", "icd9_lkp", "ICD9", "DESCRIPTION_ICD9", NA, NA, "category",
  "icd10", "ICD-10", "icd10_lkp", "ALT_CODE", "DESCRIPTION", NA, NA, "category",
  "read2", "Read 2", "read_v2_lkp", "read_code", "term_description", "term_code", "00", NA,
  "read2_drugs", "Read 2, drugs", "read_v2_drugs_lkp", "read_code", "term_description", NA, NA, NA,
  "read3", "Read 3", "read_ctv3_lkp", "read_code", "term_description", "description_type", "P", NA,
  "opcs4", "OPCS4", "opcs4_lkp", "opcs4_code", "description", NA, NA, "category",
  "data_coding_3", "Self-reported cancer (dc-3)", "self_report_cancer", "data_coding_3", "description", NA, NA, "category",
  "data_coding_4", "Self-reported medications (dc-4)", "self_report_medication", "data_coding_4", "description", NA, NA, "category",
  "data_coding_5", "Self-reported operations (dc-5)", "self_report_operation", "data_coding_5", "description", NA, NA, "category",
  "data_coding_6", "Self-reported non-cancer (dc-6)", "self_report_non_cancer", "data_coding_6", "description", NA, NA, "category",
  "sct", "SNOMED CT", "read_ctv3_sct", "SCT_CONCEPTID", "CTV3_CONCEPTID", NA, NA, NA,
  "phecode", "Phecode", "phecode_lkp", "phecode", "phenotype", NA, NA, "category"

# CLINICAL_CODE_MAPPINGS_MAP ----------------------------------------------

# used by `map_codes()`
# 'from' and 'to' cols: possible mapping combinations
# 'mapping_table': the appropriate mapping table to use for a 'from'/'to' combination
# 'from_col' and 'to_col': the columns to use when mapping
# Note, `preferred_synonym_col` and `preferred_code` refer to `to_col`
CLINICAL_CODE_MAPPINGS_MAP <- tibble::tribble(
  ~from, ~to, ~mapping_table, ~from_col, ~to_col, ~preferred_synonym_col, ~preferred_code,
  "icd9", "icd10", "icd9_icd10", "ICD9", "ICD10", NA, NA,
  "read2_drugs", "bnf", "read_v2_drugs_bnf", "read_code", "bnf_code", NA, NA,
  "read2", "icd9", "read_v2_icd9", "read_code", "icd9_code", NA, NA,
  "read2", "icd10", "read_v2_icd10", "read_code", "icd10_code", NA, NA,
  "read2", "opcs4", "read_v2_opcs4", "read_code", "opcs_4.2_code", NA, NA,
  "read2", "read3", "read_v2_read_ctv3", "READV2_CODE", "READV3_CODE", "TERMV3_TYPE", "P",
  "read3", "icd9", "read_ctv3_icd9", "read_code", "icd9_code", NA, NA,
  "read3", "icd10", "read_ctv3_icd10", "read_code", "icd10_code", NA, NA,
  "read3", "opcs4", "read_ctv3_opcs4", "read_code", "opcs4_code", NA, NA,
  "read3", "read2", "read_ctv3_read_v2", "READV3_CODE", "READV2_CODE", "TERMV2_TYPE", "P",
  "bnf", "dmd", "bnf_dmd", "bnf_code", "snomed_code", NA, NA,
  "read3", "sct", "read_ctv3_sct", "CTV3_CONCEPTID", "SCT_CONCEPTID", NA, NA,
  "icd10", "phecode", "icd10_phecode", "ALT_CODE", "PHECODE", NA, NA,
  "icd9", "phecode", "icd9_phecode", "icd9", "phecode", NA, NA

# PUBLIC ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Metadata
#' Returns a named list of tibbles which show the metadata used for (i) lookup
#' tables and (ii) mapping tables.
#' @return A named list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' codemapper_metadata()
codemapper_metadata <- function() {
    lookup_tables = CODE_TYPE_TO_LKP_TABLE_MAP,
    mapping_tables = CLINICAL_CODE_MAPPINGS_MAP
rmgpanw/codemapper documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 4:07 p.m.