The DREAM4 Predictive Signaling Network Challenge @prill2011crowdsourcing used a 17-node network containing canonical pathways downstream of four receptors. The network provides a simple test case for inference of causal structure with bulk data (one measurement per sample). We use this network to evaluate the relative advantages of active learning, and the importance of the use of prior information.


Visualizing the network:

net <- dream$net
model <- dream$model
graphviz.plot(dream$net, shape = "rectangle")

The network has 4 receptors: two inflammatory (TNFa, IL1a), one insulin (IGF-I), and one growth factor receptor (TGFa). The DREAM exerimental data is comprised of samples with 5 stimulus conditions; no stimulus, stimulus on TNFa, on IL1a, on IGF1, and on TGFa. The dataset also includes 5 inhibition conditions; no inhibition, inhibition on ikk, on mek12, on pi3k, and on p38. There were 25 samples, one for each stimulus and inhibition pair.

and For each of the 4 receptors, there are 5 replicates with a stimulus applied to that receptor. There are an additional 5 replicates with no stimulus applied, providing information on base-line signaling activity.

The dataset has interventions on only 4 proteins; ikk,

node_names <- nodes(net)
receptors <- c("igf1", "il1a", "tgfa", "tnfa")
candidates <- setdiff(node_names, receptors)

Preliminaries: Causal Edgewise-Prior and Historic Data

According to Equation 6 in the manuscript, the presence probability an edge is present is slightly more the 0.5;

(uninformative_presence <- 0.5 + 1 / (2 * (nnodes(net) - 1)))

We have a priori causal knowledge in that receptor edges have a near 0 probability of having incoming edges. I create an edgewise-prior that reflects this knowledge.

prior <- lapply(receptors, 
               cbind(from = nodes(net), to = receptor)
             }) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>% %>%
  mutate(presence = uninformative_presence, 
         orientation = 1e-06)
sample_n(tbl_df(prior), 10)

Next, we use the original dataset as historic data.

.data <- dream$data
dream_ints <- dream$ints

Simulating intervention experiments

sim_sample <- function(fitted_net, stim_target, int_target = "none"){
  if(int_target == "none"){
    sim_net <- fitted_net
  } else {
    # Simulate intervention by mutilating the network
    ev_list <- structure(list("0"), names = int_target)
    sim_net <- mutilated(fitted_net, ev_list)
  # Simulate stimulus using particle filter
  receptors <- c("igf1", "il1a", "tgfa", "tnfa") 
  settings <- rep("0", 4)
  settings[which(receptors == stim_target)] <- "1"
  ev_list <- structure(as.list(settings), names = receptors)
  sim <- cpdist(sim_net, names(sim_net), evidence = ev_list, method = "lw")
  out <- sample_n(sim, 1)
  rownames(out) <- NULL
# Simulate an inhibition experiment with different stimuli.
sim_one_experiment <- function(fitted_net, int_target = "none"){
  lapply(c("none", "igf1", "il1a", "tgfa", "tnfa"), sim_sample, 
         fitted_net = fitted_net, int_target = int_target) %>%
    {"rbind", .)} %>% %>%
    mutate(target = ifelse(is.null(int_target), "none", int_target))
sim_batch <- function(fitted_net, int_targets){
  sim <- lapply(int_targets, sim_one_experiment, fitted_net = fitted_net) %>%
    {"rbind", .)} %>%
  attr(sim, "target") <- sim$target
  select(sim, -target)

Naive Case: Picking interventions at random.

First, we demonstrate the naive case of intervention selection. Here, we use simulated historic data, and an uninformative edgewise-prior. The only causal information that can be inferred in this case is uninformative v-structures.

We randomly select nodes to target for intervention. I simulate 3300 observations for the historic data. The constraints I make on the network search I keep consistent across all subsequent analyses.
We start by generating some DAGs from historic data and a uninformative prior. If I don't pass a prior argument to the learning algorithm, it will automatically construct an uninformative prior.

R <- 200
algo_args <- list(tabu = 50, score = "mbde", exp = dream_ints, 
                  prior = "cs", iss = 1, maxp = 4)
start_net_args <- list(nodes = names(.data), method = "ic-dag", every = 100, 
              = 3, = 3)
cl <- makeCluster(4)
dags_uninformative <- boot_dags(.data, cluster = cl, R = R, 
                             m = nrow(.data), algorithm = "tabu",
                             algorithm.args = algo_args, 
                             random.graph.args = start_net_args)
save(dags_uninformative, file = "vignettes/objects/dream/dags_uninformative.Rdata")
load(dags_uninformative, file = "objects/dream/dags_uninformative.Rdata")

Information Gain and Stopping Criteria in the Naive Case.

In the following, I repeat the "passive learning" algorithm several times and look at the average of the results. The following passive learning algorithm incorporates the stopping criteria.

cl <- makeCluster(4)
pl_results_list <- NULL
for(i in 1:100){
  pl_results <- passive_learning(dags_uninformative, candidates = candidates, cluster = cl, debug = TRUE)
  pl_results_list <- c(pl_results_list, list(pl_results))
# Make array of results for each item
pl_results_list <- lapply(pl_results_list, function(item){
  item$p0 <- c(item$p0, rep(1, length(candidates) - length(item$p0)))
  item$info_gains <- c(item$info_gains, rep(0, length(candidates) - length(item$info_gains)))
save(pl_results_list, file = "vignettes/objects/dream/random_IG_P0.Rdata")
load(file = "objects/dream/random_IG_P0.Rdata")
mean_info_gains <- lapply(pl_results_list, function(item) item$info_gains) %>% 
  {"rbind", .)} %>% colMeans %>% round(3)
mean_p0 <- lapply(pl_results_list, function(item) item$p0) %>% 
  {"rbind", .)} %>% colMeans %>% round(3)

Naive case performance

Next, I generate expected L1 and TPR performance statistics in the case of naive "passive" selection. We replicate the same combination of receptor stimulus as the original experiment

cl <- makeCluster(16)
l1_random_vals <- list() # L1 error
tpr_random_vals <- list() # True positive rates
thresh <- uninformative_presence # Edge detection threshold for calculating tpr
# Arguments for learning when no intervention is applied
start_net_args <- list(nodes = names(.data), method = "ic-dag", every = 100, 
              = 3, = 3)
for(j in 1:100){
  # Get a random ordering of interventions
  target_ordering <- c("none", sample(candidates))
  # Create arrays to hold stats after each experiment
  l1_random <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  tpr_random <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  for(i in 1:length(target_ordering)){
    # Simulate an experiment and combine it with historic data
    .sim <- sim_batch(model, target_ordering[1:i])
    int_array <- attr(.sim, "target")
    ints <- lapply(names(.sim), function(item) which(item == int_array)) %>%
    # Simulate learning of the DAG from the experiment.  
    algo_args <- list(tabu = 50, score = "mbde", exp = ints, 
                      prior = "cs", maxp = 4, iss = 1)
    strength <- boot_dags(.sim, cluster = cl, R = 200,
                         algorithm = "tabu", algorithm.args = algo_args,
                        random.graph.args = start_net_args) %>%
        custom.strength(names(.sim), cpdag = FALSE)
    # Collect the stats
    tpr_random[i] <- get_performance(strength, fit2net(net), consider_direction = TRUE) %>%
                      {nrow(filter(., label == 1, strength >= thresh, direction > .5)) / 
                      nrow(filter(., label == 1))}
    l1_random[i] <- l1_error(strength, net)
  message("L1: ", paste0(l1_random, collapse=", "))  
  message("TPR: ", paste0(round(tpr_random, 2), collapse=", "))  
  # Add to list
  tpr_random_vals[[j]] <- tpr_random
  l1_random_vals[[j]] <- l1_random
save(tpr_random_vals, file="vignettes/objects/dream/random_tpr.Rdata")
save(l1_random_vals, file="vignettes/objects/dream/random_l1.Rdata")
(random_tpr <-"rbind", tpr_random_vals) %>% colMeans %>% round(3)) 
(random_L1 <-"rbind", l1_random_vals) %>% colMeans %>% round(3))

Active learning with uninformative edge-wise prior

Get intervention batch

cl <- makeCluster(4)
al_results_uninformative <- active_learning(dags_uninformative, candidates, 
                              cluster = cl, debug = TRUE)
save(al_results_uninformative, file = "vignettes/objects/dream/al_results_uninformative.Rdata")
load(file = "objects/dream/al_results_uninformative.Rdata")

Evaluate performance of batch

start_net_args <- list(nodes = names(.data), method = "ic-dag", every = 100, 
              = 3, = 3)
cl <- makeCluster(4)
target_ordering <- c("none", al_results$selected)
l1_set_uninformative <- list() # L1 Error rates
tpr_set_uninformative <- list() # True positive rates
thresh <- uninformative_presence # Edge detection threshold for calculating tpr
for(j in 1:100){
  l1 <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  tpr <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  for(i in 1:length(target_ordering)){
    # Simulate an experiment and combine it with historic data
    .sim <- sim_batch(model, target_ordering[1:i])
    int_array <- attr(.sim, "target")
    ints <- lapply(names(.sim), function(item) which(item == int_array)) %>%
    # Simulate learning of the DAG from the experiment.  
    algo_args <- list(tabu = 50, score = "mbde", exp = ints, 
                      prior = "cs", maxp = 4, iss = 1)
    strength <- boot_dags(.sim, cluster = cl, R = 200,
                         algorithm = "tabu", algorithm.args = algo_args,
                        random.graph.args = start_net_args) %>%
        custom.strength(names(.sim), cpdag = FALSE)
    # Collect the stats
    tpr[i] <- get_performance(strength, fit2net(net), consider_direction = TRUE) %>%
                      {nrow(filter(., label == 1, strength >= thresh, direction > .5)) / 
                      nrow(filter(., label == 1))}
    l1[i] <- l1_error(strength, net)
  message("L1: ", paste0(l1, collapse=", "))  
  message("TPR: ", paste0(round(tpr, 2), collapse=", "))  
  l1_set_uninformative[[j]] <- l1
  tpr_set_uninformative[[j]] <- tpr
     file = "vignettes/objects/dream/tpr_uninformative.Rdata")
     file = "vignettes/objects/dream/L1_uninformative.Rdata")
load(file = "vignettes/objects/dream/tpr_uninformative.Rdata")
load(file = "vignettes/objects/dream/L1_uninformative.Rdata")
colMeans("rbind", tpr_set_uninformative)) %>% round(3)
colMeans("rbind", l1_set_uninformative)) %>% round(3)

Active learning with prior information.

Generating DAGs with informative prior

I convert presence and orientation probabilities in the edge-wise prior, into a single edge probability. This is the format the learning algorithm accepts.

beta <- prior %>%
  mutate(prob = presence * orientation) %>%
  select(-presence, -orientation)

I substitute a black list for the original prior in generating the DAGs, this is equivalent to using the prior and computationally more efficient.

receptor_bl <- lapply(receptors, 
               cbind(from = nodes(net), to = receptor)
             }) %>%
  {"rbind", .)}
algo_args <- list(tabu = 50, score = "mbde", exp = dream_ints, prior = "cs",
                  maxp = 4, iss = 1, blacklist = receptor_bl)
start_net_args <- list(nodes = names(.data), method = "ic-dag", 
                       every = 100, = 3, = 3)
cl <- makeCluster(4)
dags_informative <- boot_dags(.data, cluster = cl, R = 200, m = nrow(.data), 
                   algorithm = "tabu", algorithm.args = algo_args,
                   random.graph.args = start_net_args)
save(dags_informative, "vignettes/objects/dreams/dags_informative.Rdata")

Running the active learning

cl <- makeCluster(4)
al_results_informative <- active_learning(dags_informative, candidates, 
                                          beta = beta, cluster = cl, debug = TRUE)
     file = "vignettes/objects/dream/al_results_informative.Rdata")
load(file = "objects/dream/al_results_informative.Rdata")

Performance statistics in informative prior case

start_net_args <- list(nodes = names(.data), method = "ic-dag", every = 100, 
              = 3, = 3)
cl <- makeCluster(4)
target_ordering <- c("none", al_results_informative$selected)
l1_set_informative <- list() # L1 Error rates
tpr_set_informative <- list() # True positive rates
thresh <- uninformative_presence # Edge detection threshold for calculating tpr
for(j in 1:100){
  l1 <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  tpr <- rep(NA, length(target_ordering))
  for(i in 1:length(target_ordering)){
    # Simulate an experiment and combine it with historic data
    .sim <- sim_batch(model, target_ordering[1:i])
    int_array <- attr(.sim, "target")
    ints <- lapply(names(.sim), function(item) which(item == int_array)) %>%
    # Simulate learning of the DAG from the experiment.  
    algo_args <- list(tabu = 50, score = "mbde", exp = ints, 
                      prior = "cs", maxp = 4, iss = 1, blacklist = receptor_bl)
    strength <- boot_dags(.sim, cluster = cl, R = 200,
                         algorithm = "tabu", algorithm.args = algo_args,
                        random.graph.args = start_net_args) %>%
        custom.strength(names(.sim), cpdag = FALSE)
    # Collect the stats
    tpr[i] <- get_performance(strength, fit2net(net), consider_direction = TRUE) %>%
                      {nrow(filter(., label == 1, strength >= thresh, direction > .5)) / 
                      nrow(filter(., label == 1))}
    l1[i] <- l1_error(strength, net)
  message("L1: ", paste0(l1, collapse=", "))  
  message("TPR: ", paste0(round(tpr, 2), collapse=", "))  
  tpr_set_informative[[j]] <- tpr
  l1_set_informative[[j]] <- l1 
     file = "vignettes/objects/dream/selected_tpr_informative.Rdata")
     file = "vignettes/objects/dream/selected_L1_informative.Rdata")
load(file = "objects/dream/selected_tpr_informative.Rdata")
load(file = "objects/dream/selected_L1_informative.Rdata")
(tpr_informative <- colMeans("rbind", tpr_set_informative)))
(l1_informative <-  colMeans("rbind", l1_set_informative)))

robertness/bninfo documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:32 a.m.