
#' Old-to-new column mapping transformation
#' A mungebit which does not affect any existing columns, but can transform
#' other columns into new columns, or affect multiple columns simultaneously
#' as functions of each other.
#' @param transformation a function. The arguments will be the ordered columns
#'    selected from the dataframe when the transformation is performed (see
#'    examples). One has to be careful to return an atomic vector if the
#'    result is 1-dimensional, and a list otherwise.
#' @return a function which takes a data.frame, input columns, and output
#'    columns, the latter two of which specify the domain and range of the
#'    transformation (see examples).
#' @seealso \code{\link{column_transformation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' perimeter <- multi_column_transformation(function(x, y) 2*x + 2*y)
#' perimeter(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'), 'Sepal.Perimeter')
#' multiplier <- multi_column_transformation(function(x, y) x*y)
#' multiplier(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'), 'Sepal.Area')
#' property_generator <- multi_column_transformation(
#'    function(x, y) list(2*x + 2*y, x*y))
#' property_generator(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'),
#'    c('Sepal.Perimeter', 'Sepal.Area'))
#' swapper <- multi_column_transformation(function(x, y) list(y, x))
#' swapper(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'),
#'   c('Sepal.Width', 'Sepal.Length'))
#' column_remover <- multi_column_transformation(function(...) NULL)
#' column_remover(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'))
#' scaling_fun <- function(...) {
#'   args <- list(...)
#'   const <- args[[length(args)]]
#'   args <- head(args, -1)
#'   if (length(args) == 1) args[[1]] * const
#'   else lapply(args, function(col) col * const)
#' }
#' scaler <- multi_column_transformation(scaling_fun)
#' # scale Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width by two
#' scaler(iris, c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'), , 2)
#' scaler(iris[c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')], , , 2)
#' # Note the missing second and third arguments.
multi_column_transformation <- function(transformation) {
  invisible(structure(function(dataframe, input_cols = colnames(dataframe),
           output_cols = input_cols, ...) {
    # The fastest way to do this. The alternative is to use pass by value
    # or replace list subset assignment below with mapply.
           transformation, envir = parent.frame())

    input_cols <- force(input_cols)
    if (is.logical(input_cols)) input_cols <- which(input_cols)
    output_cols <- force(output_cols)
    if (is.logical(output_cols)) output_cols <- which(output_cols)

    dataframe <- substitute(dataframe)
      # Trick to make assignment incredibly fast. Could screw up the
      # data.frame if the function is interrupted, however.
      class(dataframe) <- 'list'
      on.exit(class(dataframe) <- 'data.frame')

      # Unfortunately, due to the wrapped substitute causing scoping issues,
      # the clever
      #   (if (length(output_cols) == 1) `[[<-` else `[<-`)(dataframe, ...)
      # does not work here.
      if (length(output_cols) == 1)
        dataframe[[output_cols]] <-
                  append(unname(dataframe[input_cols]), list(...)))
        dataframe[output_cols] <-
                  append(unname(dataframe[input_cols]), list(...)))

      #for(col in colnames(iris2)[vapply(iris2[1,], is.null, logical(1))]) iris2[[col]] <- NULL 
      # Keeping some alternative code for now:
      # Remove any columns that were set to NULL explicitly
      #which(vapply(output_cols, function(x) is.null(dataframe[[x]]), logical(1))) 
      # dataframe[which(vapply(output_cols, function(x) is.null(dataframe[[x]]), logical(1))) %||% integer(0)] <- NULL
               function(x) is.null(dataframe[[x]]),
      ]] <- NULL
      #  vapply(intersect(output_cols, names(dataframe)),
      #         function(x) is.null(dataframe[[x]]),
      #         logical(1))
      #]] <- NULL

      class(dataframe) <- 'data.frame'
    }), envir = parent.frame()))
  }, class = c('multiColumnTransformation', 'transformation', 'function')
  # TODO: named = named, mutating = mutating)

##' @export
# MCT <- multi_column_transformation
robertzk/mungebits documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.