
setClassUnion('listOrNull', c('list', 'NULL'))
#' Mungepieces are mungebits that have had their arguments cached
#' (with the exception of the first, the data.frame).
#' A mungepiece allows one to fix the arguments to a mungebit
#' (such as input and output columns), without yet necessarily
#' specifying the data.frame on which the mungebit operates. In
#' this way, the mungepiece can "pick up" what operations to perform
#' on a to-be-trained dataset, and later what operations to perform
#' on a to-be-predicted dataset, without yet knowing what the data
#' itself is.
#' @docType class
#' @name mungepiece
#' @param bit a mungebit. The mungepiece produced will be a wrapper around
#'    this mungebit that caches the arguments to subsequent calls.
#' @param train_args a list. These will be passed when a mungebit is run
#'    the first time using \code{mungebit$run} or \code{mungebit$train}.
#' @param predict_args a list. These will be passed when a mungebit is run
#'    subsequent times using \code{mungebit$run} or \code{mungebit$predict}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' doubler <- mungebit(column_transformation(function(x) x * 2))
#' cols <- c('Sepal.Length', 'Petal.Length')
#' mp <- mungepiece(doubler, list(cols))
#' iris2 <- mungeplane(iris)
#' mp$run(iris2)
#' stopifnot(iris2$data[cols] == 2 * iris[cols])
#' }
mungepiece <- setRefClass('mungepiece',
  fields = list(bit = 'mungebit',
                train_args = 'list',
                predict_args = 'listOrNull'),
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(.bit, .train_args = list(), .predict_args = .train_args) {
      if (!is.list(.train_args)) .train_args <- list(.train_args)
      if (!is.list(.predict_args) && !is.null(.predict_args))
        .predict_args <- list(.predict_args)


      bit <<- .bit
      train_args <<- .train_args
      predict_args <<- .predict_args

    run = function(.mungeplane, ...) {
      method <- if (bit$trained) bit$predict else bit$train
      rest_args <- list_merge(
        if (bit$trained) predict_args %||% train_args
        else train_args, list(...))
      do.call(method, append(list(.mungeplane), rest_args))

is.mungepiece <- function(x) inherits(x, 'mungepiece')
# S3 definition... uglier I think, since you need to knwo the calling convention
#mungepiece <- function(bit, train_args, predict_args = train_args) {
#  mp <- list()
#  class(mp) <- 'mungepiece'
#  stopifnot(is.mungebit(bit), is.list(train_args), is.list(predict_args))
#  attr(mp, 'mungebit') <- bit
#  attr(mp, 'train_args') <- train_args
#  attr(mp, 'predict_args') <- predict_args
#  mp
robertzk/mungebits documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.