
Defines functions step_length

Documented in step_length

#' Step Length
#' Calculate basic step length with data.table
#' @param DT data.table
#' @param coords character vector, length 2, coordinate column names. UTM required.
#' @param time character time column name.
#' @param splitBy character vector of column names to split step length calculation by. default is id and yr (individual identifier and year as numeric).
#' @param type default: lag. alternative: lead.
#' @param moverate calculate movement rate? stepLength / dif time, unit hours.
#' @param preserve preserve intermediate cols? default: no.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load data.table
#' library(data.table)
#' # Read example data
#' DT <- fread(system.file("extdata", "DT.csv", package = "toast"))
#' DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(datetime)]
#' DT[, yr := year(datetime)]
#' step_length(DT, coords = c('X', 'Y'), splitBy = c('ID', 'yr'))
step_length <-
					 coords = c('EASTING', 'NORTHING'),
					 time = 'datetime',
					 splitBy = c('id', 'yr'),
					 moverate = FALSE,
					 type = 'lag',
					 preserve = FALSE) {
		# NSE errors
		.SD <- . <- stepLength <- moveRate <- NULL

		if (type != 'lag' & type != 'lead') {
			stop('must provide one of lag or lead for argument type')

		check_col(DT, coords[1], 'X coords')
		check_col(DT, coords[2], 'Y coords')
		check_col(DT, time, 'time')
		lapply(splitBy, function(col) check_col(DT, col))

		shiftXY <- paste0('lag', coords)
		difXY <- paste0('dif', coords)

			 (shiftXY) := data.table::shift(.SD, n = 1, fill = NA, type),
			 by = splitBy,
			 .SDcols = coords]

		DT[, (difXY) := .((.SD[[1]] - .SD[[3]]) ^ 2, (.SD[[2]] - .SD[[4]]) ^ 2),
			 .SDcols = c(coords, shiftXY)]

		DT[, stepLength := sqrt(rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)),
			 .SDcols = difXY]

		DT[is.na(get(difXY[1])) | is.na(get(difXY[2])), stepLength := NA]

		dropem <- c(shiftXY, difXY)

		if (moverate) {
			shiftT <- paste0('lag', time)
			difT <- paste0('dif', time)

			dropem <- c(dropem, shiftT, difT)

			DT[order(get(time)), (shiftT) := data.table::shift(.SD, 1, NA, 'lag'),
				 by = splitBy,
				 .SDcols = time]

			DT[, (difT) := as.numeric(.SD[[1]] - .SD[[2]], units = 'hours'),
				 .SDcols = c(time, shiftT)]

			DT[, moveRate := .SD[[1]] / .SD[[2]],
				 .SDcols = c('stepLength', difT)]

		if (!preserve) {
			set(DT, j = dropem, value = NULL)

robitalec/toast documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:14 a.m.