
Defines functions easter bizdays

Documented in bizdays easter

## Add as.Date.timeDate to S3 method table
#' @export
as.Date.timeDate <- timeDate::as.Date.timeDate

#' Number of trading days in each season
#' Returns number of trading days in each month or quarter of the observed time
#' period in a major financial center.
#' Useful for trading days length adjustments. More on how to define "business
#' days", please refer to \code{\link[timeDate]{isBizday}}.
#' @param x Monthly or quarterly time series
#' @param FinCenter Major financial center.
#' @return Time series
#' @author Earo Wang
#' @seealso \code{\link[forecast]{monthdays}}
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' x <- ts(rnorm(30), start = c(2013, 2), frequency = 12)
#' bizdays(x, FinCenter = "New York")
#' @export
bizdays <- function(x, FinCenter = c(
                      "New York", "London", "NERC", "Toronto",
                    )) {
  # Return the number of trading days corresponding to the input ts
  # Args:
  #   x: a ts object
  #   FinCenter: inherits holiday calendar from "timeDate" package
  # Returns:
  #   A matrix contains the number of trading days
  if (is.null(tsp(x))) {
    stop("We cannot handle a time series without time attributes.")
  # Convert tsp to date
  freq <- frequency(x)
  years <- start(x)[1L]:end(x)[1L]
  # Grab the holidays from years and financial center
  FinCenter <- match.arg(FinCenter)
  if (FinCenter == "New York") {
    holidays <- timeDate::holidayNYSE(years)
  } else if (FinCenter == "London") {
    holidays <- timeDate::holidayLONDON(years)
  } else if (FinCenter == "NERC") {
    holidays <- timeDate::holidayNERC(years)
  } else if (FinCenter == "Toronto") {
    holidays <- timeDate::holidayTSX(years)
  } else if (FinCenter == "Zurich") {
    holidays <- timeDate::holidayZURICH(years)
  if (freq == 12L) { # monthly data
    date <- zoo::as.Date(time(x))
    start <- date[1L]
    end <- seq(date[length(date)], length.out = 2L, by = "month")[2L] - 1L
    days.len <- timeDate::timeSequence(from = start, to = end)
    # Grab business days
    biz <- days.len[timeDate::isBizday(days.len, holidays = holidays)]
    bizdays <- format(biz, format = "%Y-%m")
  } else if (freq == 4L) { # Quarterly data
    date <- zoo::as.Date(time(x))
    start <- date[1L]
    end <- seq(date[length(date)], length.out = 2L, by = "3 month")[2L] - 1L
    days.len <- timeDate::timeSequence(from = start, to = end)
    # Grab business days
    biz <- days.len[timeDate::isBizday(days.len, holidays = holidays)]
    bizdays <- format(zoo::as.yearqtr(biz), format = "%Y Qtr%q")
  } # else if (freq == 52L) {  # Weekly data
  #   start <- paste0(start(x)[1L], "-01-01")
  #   start <- as.Date(start) + start(x)[2L] * 7L
  #   end <- start + length(time(x)) * 7L
  #   days.len <- as.timeDate(seq(start, end, by = "days"), FinCenter = FinCenter)
  #   biz <- days.len[isBizday(days.len,
  #                            holidays = unique(format(days.len, "%Y")))]
  #   bizdays <- format(biz, format = "%Y Wk%W")
  # }
  num.days <- table(bizdays)
  out <- ts(num.days, start = tsp(x)[1L], frequency = freq)

#' Easter holidays in each season
#' Returns a vector of 0's and 1's or fractional results if Easter spans March
#' and April in the observed time period. Easter is defined as the days from
#' Good Friday to Easter Sunday inclusively, plus optionally Easter Monday if
#' \code{easter.mon=TRUE}.
#' Useful for adjusting calendar effects.
#' @param x Monthly or quarterly time series
#' @param easter.mon If TRUE, the length of Easter holidays includes Easter
#' Monday.
#' @return Time series
#' @author Earo Wang
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' easter(wineind, easter.mon = TRUE)
#' @export
easter <- function(x, easter.mon = FALSE) {
  # Return a vector of 0's and 1's for easter holidays
  # Args:
  #   x: monthly, quarterly or weekly data
  #   easter.mon: An option including easter.mon
  if (is.null(tsp(x))) {
    stop("We cannot handle a time series without time attributes.")
  freq <- frequency(x)
  date <- zoo::as.Date(time(x))
  start.yr <- start(x)[1L]
  end.yr <- end(x)[1L]
  yr.span <- seq(start.yr, end.yr)
  gd.fri0 <- Easter(yr.span, -2L)
  if (easter.mon) {
    easter0 <- Easter(yr.span, 1L)
  } else {
    easter0 <- Easter(yr.span)
  if (freq == 12L) {
    fmat <- "%Y-%m"
    yr.mon <- format(date, format = fmat)
    gd.fri <- format(gd.fri0, format = fmat) # good fri
    easter <- format(easter0, format = fmat) # easter mon
  } else if (freq == 4L) {
    fmat <- "%Y-%q"
    yr.mon <- format(zoo::as.yearqtr(date), format = fmat) # yr.qtr
    gd.fri <- format(zoo::as.yearqtr(gd.fri0), format = fmat)
    easter <- format(zoo::as.yearqtr(easter0), format = fmat)
  span <- cbind(gd.fri, easter) # the span of easter holidays
  hdays <- unlist(apply(span, 1, unique))
  dummies <- ifelse(yr.mon %in% hdays, 1L, 0L)
  # Allow fractional results
  denominator <- (easter0 - gd.fri0 + 1L)[1L]
  last.mar <- as.timeDate(paste0(yr.span, "-03-31"))
  dif <- difftimeDate(last.mar, gd.fri0, units = "days") + 1L
  # Remove easter out of date range
  if (date[1L] > as.character(last.mar[1L])) {
    dif <- dif[-1L]
  if (date[length(yr.mon)] < as.character(last.mar[length(last.mar)])) {
    dif <- dif[-length(dif)]
  replace <- dif > denominator | dif <= 0L
  dif[replace] <- denominator # Easter in the same month
  # Start to insert the remaining part falling in Apr
  index <- which(dif != denominator)
  if (length(index) != 0L) {
    values <- denominator - dif[index]
    new.index <- index[1L]
    for (i in 1L:length(index)) {
      dif <- append(dif, values = values[i], new.index)
      new.index <- index[i + 1L] + i
    dummies[dummies == 1L] <- round(dif / unclass(denominator), digits = 2)
  out <- ts(dummies, start = tsp(x)[1L], frequency = freq)
robjhyndman/forecast documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 2:40 p.m.