
Defines functions p.mean mean.bias.test mean.compare.test

p.mean <- function(p){
	p <- p.check(p)

	mean.p = median(p)


mean.bias.test <- function(p, lower.limit = 0.03, reps = 1000){

    limits <- c(lower.limit, 0.05)
    p <- p.check(p, limits) # removes p values outside limits    
	n <- length(p)

  	observed.mean <- p.mean(p)
	# Now find distribution of the expected skew, giving sampling error with n samples
	rand <- matrix(runif(reps*n, min = lower.limit, max = 0.05), ncol = n, nrow = reps)
	boot.mean <- apply(rand, 1, p.mean)
	upper.CI <- quantile(boot.mean, probs = c(0.95))[[1]]
    # One-tailed p value
  	p.value <- (1 + length(boot.mean[boot.mean > observed.mean])) / reps

  	d <- data.frame(mean = observed.mean, p.num = length(p), p = p.value, upper.CI = upper.CI)
	pl <- ggplot(as.data.frame(boot.mean), aes(x=boot.mean)) + 
		geom_histogram(colour="dark grey") + 
		geom_vline(x=observed.mean, linetype = 'dashed', colour="dark grey") + 
		geom_vline(x = upper.CI, linetype='dashed')

mean.compare.test <- function(p1, p2, reps = 1000){

	p1 <- p.check(p1)
	p2 <- p.check(p2)

	n1 <- length(p1)
	n2 <- length(p2)
  	observed.difference <- mean(p1) - mean(p2)

  	rand1 <- matrix(sample(p1,n1*reps,replace=T), ncol = n1, nrow = reps)
  	rand2 <- matrix(sample(p2,n2*reps,replace=T), ncol = n2, nrow = reps)
  	boot.skew1 <- apply(rand1, 1, p.skew)
  	boot.skew2 <- apply(rand2, 1, p.skew)
  	boot.diffs <- boot.skew1 - boot.skew2
  	CIs <- quantile(boot.diffs, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))   # 95% CIs on the difference. Should not overlap zero if there is a difference
    d <- data.frame(mean = observed.difference, lower.CI = CIs[[1]], upper.CI = CIs[[2]])

	pl <- ggplot(as.data.frame(boot.diffs), aes(x=boot.diffs)) + 
		geom_histogram(colour="dark grey") + 
		geom_vline(x = CIs[[1]], linetype='dashed') +
		geom_vline(x = CIs[[2]], linetype='dashed')

roblanf/pcurver documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:58 a.m.