.clusterBlocks = function(object, n, thr) {
clus = kmeans(object, centers=n, nstart = 100)
kc = as.numeric(factor(clus$cluster,
labels = 1:n))
kc2 = .findBlocks(kc, n=thr)
yr = attr(object, "weights")$year
breaks = c(sort(tapply(yr, INDEX = kc2, FUN=min)), max(yr))
attr(breaks, "cluster") = data.frame(year=yr, cluster=kc, block=kc2)
attr(breaks, "n") = length(table(kc2))
# Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------
.findBlocks = function(x, n) {
S = max(x)
spp = seq_len(S)
thr = n/length(x)
out = matrix(0, ncol=S, nrow=length(x))
for(iSp in spp) {
out[, iSp] = 0 + (x == iSp)
colnames(out) = seq_len(S)
out0 = apply(out, 2, .getRates, n=n)
out1 = apply(out, 2, .getBlocks, n=n)
out2 = rle(rowSums(out1))
ones = out2$values == 1
out2$values[ones] = seq_len(sum(ones))
out2$values[!ones] = NA
out2 = inverse.rle(out2)
if(sum(!is.na(out2))<n) {
# warning("No blocks identified, returning NA")
out3 = round(approx(x=out2, xout = seq_along(out2), rule=2)$y, 0)
spx = table(out3, x)
sp0 = setNames(apply(spx, 1, which.max), nm=NULL)
gg0 = setNames(seq_along(unique(sp0)), nm = unique(sp0))
out4 = setNames(gg0[as.character(sp0[out3])], nm=NULL)
out4 = .removeBumps(out4, thr=thr)
mainSp = apply(table(out4, factor(x, levels=spp)), 1, which.max)
out = setNames(mainSp[as.character(out4)], nm=NULL)
.getBlocks = function(x, n) {
x1 = 0 + (.getRates(x=x, n=n) > 0.5)
x1 = .completeTails(x1)
.getRates = function(x, n) {
x0 = as.numeric(filter(x, filter=rep(1,n)/n))
.removeBumps = function(x, thr) {
x = rle(x)
px = x$lengths/sum(x$lengths)
x$values[px<thr] = NA
validGroups = unique(na.omit(x$values))
validGroups = setNames(seq_along(validGroups), nm=validGroups)
validGroups = validGroups[as.character(x$values)]
names(validGroups) = NULL
x$values = validGroups
x = inverse.rle(x)
x = round(approx(x=x, xout = seq_along(x), rule=2)$y, 0)
x = rle(x)
if(length(x$values)<3) {
x$values = seq_along(x$values)
x = inverse.rle(x)
while(any(table(x$values)>1)) {
bumps = numeric(length(x$values))
for(i in seq_len(length(x$values)-2)) {
# if(x$values[i]==x$values[i+2]) x$values[i+1] = x$values[i]
if(x$values[i]==x$values[i+2]) bumps[i+1] = 1
thisFirst = which.min(x$lengths/bumps)
x$values[thisFirst] = x$values[thisFirst+1]
x = inverse.rle(x)
x = rle(x)
# x = inverse.rle(x)
# x = rle(x)
x$values = seq_along(x$values)
x = inverse.rle(x)
.completeTails = function(x) {
nn = length(x)
nona = which(!is.na(x))
h = head(nona, 1)
t = tail(nona, 1)
x[seq_len(h-1)] = x[h]
x[t+seq_len(nn-t)] = x[t]
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