
Defines functions balancePA cleanZeros clearAbsences .toPA toPA.default toPA.prediction.niche.models toPA

# convert matrix or arrays to presence/absence data

toPA = function(x, thr, ...) {

toPA.prediction.niche.models = function(x, prob=FALSE, criteria="MinROCdist", ...) {
  thr = getThreshold(x=x, criteria=criteria)
  out = toPA.default(x=x$prediction/x$info$factor, thr=thr, prob=prob)
# toPA.default = function(x, thr=0, prob=FALSE) {
#   if(!isTRUE(prob)) {
#     if(all(thr==0)) return(.toPA(x))
#     thr = sort(unique(c(-Inf, thr, 1)))
#     probs = seq(from=0, to=1, len=length(thr)-1)
#     xcut = cut(x, breaks=thr, labels=probs)
#     x[] = as.numeric(as.character(xcut))
#     return(x)
#   } else {
#     return(toPA.default(x, thr=thr, prob=FALSE)*x)
#   }
# }

toPA.default = function(x, thr=0, prob=FALSE) {
  if(!isTRUE(prob)) {
    if(thr==0) return(.toPA(x))
    ind0 = which(x<thr)
    ind1 = which(x>=thr)
    x[ind0] = 0 
    x[ind1] = 1 
  } else {
    return(toPA.default(x, thr=thr, prob=FALSE)*x)

.toPA = function(x) {  
  return(0 + !!x)

# to be deprecated
# toPAm = function(x, thr=c(0,0.5)) toPA(x, thr=thr) 

# remove absences using teseract exclusion
clearAbsences = function(data, control=NULL, species, vars, alpha=0.05, lowerOnly=FALSE) {
  dataN    = data[data[,species]==0,]
  dataPx   = data[data[, species]==1, ]
  dataP    = if(is.null(control)) dataPx else control[control[, species]==1, ]
  dataN_PA = cleanZeros(data=dataN, control=dataP, vars=vars, 
                        alpha=alpha, lowerOnly=lowerOnly)
  data_PA  = rbind(dataPx, dataN_PA)

# remove zeros using teseract exclusion
cleanZeros = function(data, control, vars, alpha=0.05, lowerOnly=FALSE) {
  if(length(alpha)==1) alpha = rep(alpha, len=length(vars))
  if(length(alpha)!=length(vars)) stop("You must provide as many confidence thresholds as control vars.")
  if(length(lowerOnly)==1) lowerOnly = rep(lowerOnly, len=length(vars))
  if(length(lowerOnly)!=length(vars)) stop("You must provide as many confidence thresholds type as control vars.")
  ind = rep(TRUE, len=nrow(data))
  for(i in seq_along(vars)) {
    ind = ind & .insider(data, control, vars[i], alpha[i], lowerOnly[i])
  ind = !ind & !is.na(ind)
  output = data[ind, ]

balancePA = function(data, PA, species, rpa=0.1, seed=771104) {
  if(rpa<0 | rpa>1) error("ratio must be in [0,1].")
  ind.pa = which(PA[,species]==0 & !is.na(PA[,species]))
  ind.a  = which(data[,species]==0 & !is.na(data[,species]))
  ind.p  = which(data[,species]==1 & !is.na(data[,species]))
  np  = length(ind.p)
  nn  = length(ind.a)
  npa = max(np - nn, 0)
  ppa = npa/np
  if(ppa >= rpa) {
    ind.pa = sample(ind.pa, npa)
  } else {
    npa = floor(rpa*np)
    ind.pa = sample(ind.pa, npa)
    ind.a  = sample(ind.a, np-npa)

  cat("Balancing prevalence in data for", sQuote(species), ":\n")
  cat("Pseudo-Absence ratio = ", round(npa/np,1), " (minimum ratio= ", rpa,")\n", sep="")
  print( c(Presences=np, Absences=np-npa, 'Pseudo-Absences'=npa) )
  output = merge(data[c(ind.p, ind.a),], PA[ind.pa,], all=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
  output = output[, names(data)] # only columns in data

# table.summary (rename!!!)
roliveros-ramos/kali documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 4:30 a.m.