
#' zest join
#' a zest join is similar to a [dplyr::nest_join()] but the rows of `y` that are
#' included in the list column are controlled by a predicate.
#' @param x a tibble
#' @param y another tibble
#' @param ... named predicate formulas
#' The rhs of the formulas is used y [dplyr::filter()] on `y` for each row of `x`.
#'   - Literal column names refer to columns of `y`. Alternatively you can use `.data$`.
#'   - To use the current value for a column of `x` you can use unquoting, e.g. `!!cyl`
#' @return a tibble that contains all columns and rows of `x`, plus an additional list column per formula:
#'   - its name is given by the name of the formula
#'   - each element of the column is a tibble
#'   - each of the tibbles is a subset of `y` according to the rhs of the formula
#' @examples
#' tbl <- tibble::tibble(cyl = c(4, 6, 8), mpg = c(30, 25, 20))
#' # zest join of tbl and mtcars
#' # - the created column is called `data`
#' # - each element of the data column is the result of filter(mtcars, cyl == !!cyl & mpg < !!mpg)
#' #    - `cyl` and `mpg` refer to columns of `y`
#' #    - `!!cyl` and `!!mpg` refer to the current
#' tbl %>%
#'   zest_join(mtcars, data = ~cyl == !!cyl & mpg < !!mpg)
#' # similar to
#' tbl %>%
#'   rap(data = ~filter(mtcars, cyl == !!cyl & mpg < !!mpg))
#' # multiple zest
#' tbl %>%
#'   zest_join(mtcars,
#'     one = ~cyl == !!cyl & mpg < !!mpg,
#'     two = ~cyl <  !!cyl & mpg > !!mpg
#'   )
#' @export
zest_join <- function(x, y, ...) {
  out <- x

  formulas <- list(...)
    all(map_lgl(formulas, is_formula)),
    msg = "`...` should be a named list of formulas"

  iwalk(formulas, ~{
    c(lambda, mapper) %<-% prepare_wap(x, .x, check = FALSE)

    if (.y %in% tbl_vars(x)) {
      abort("cannot zest_join() a column with the same name as a column of x")

    predicate <- body(lambda)[[2]][[2]]
    body(lambda)[[2]][[2]] <- call('filter', sym(".::rhs::."), predicate)
    environment(lambda) <- env(`.::rhs::.` = y, filter = dplyr::filter, environment(lambda))

    out[[.y]] <<- mapper(seq_len(nrow(x)), lambda)
romainfrancois/rap documentation built on June 8, 2019, 5:42 p.m.