
Defines functions github_create_pat wait_for_clipboard_pat is_pat

Documented in github_create_pat

#' Create a GitHub PAT
#' Prompts the user to create a personal access token for the GitHub API
#' related to the current repository, e.g., to work around rate limitations.
#' First, the user is directed to the website where a PAT can be created.
#' A suggestion for the PAT's title is copied to the clipboard.
#' Then, the function waits until the user copies a string that resembles a PAT
#' (i.e., 40 lowercase hexadecimal digits) to the clipboard.
#' The clipboard is cleared right after obtaining the PAT.
#' The relatively cumbersome workflow is due to the fact that
#' creating a PAT requires basic authentication (username + password).
#' @inheritParams github_add_key
#' @inheritParams travis_repo_info
#' @family GitHub functions
#' @export
github_create_pat <- function(path = ".", repo = github_repo(path)) {
  if (!interactive()) {
    stopc("Cannot use `github_create_pat()` in non-interactive mode")

  desc <- paste0("travis+tic for ", repo)
    "Create a personal access token, make sure that you are signed in as the correct user. ",
    "The suggested description '", desc, "' has been copied to the clipboard. ",
    "If you use this token only to avoid GitHub's rate limit, you can leave all scopes unchecked. ",
    "Then, copy the new token to the clipboard, it will be detected and applied automatically",
    url = "https://github.com/settings/tokens/new"


wait_for_clipboard_pat <- function() {
  message("Waiting for PAT to appear on the clipboard.")
  repeat {
    pat <- clipr::read_clip()
    if (is_pat(pat)) break
  message("Detected PAT, clearing clipboard.")
    error = function(e) {
      warningc("Error clearing clipboard: ", conditionMessage(e))

is_pat <- function(pat) {
  grepl("^[0-9a-f]{40}$", pat)
romainfrancois/travis documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:49 p.m.