
#' mrbsizeR: Scale space multiresolution analysis in R.
#' \code{mrbsizeR} contains a method for the scale space multiresolution analysis of 
#' spatial fields and images to capture scale-dependent features. The name is 
#' an abbreviation for \strong{M}ulti\strong{R}esolution \strong{B}ayesian \strong{SI}gnificant
#' \strong{ZE}ro crossings of derivatives in \strong{R} and the method combines the 
#' concept of statistical scale space analysis with a Bayesian SiZer method. 
#' The \code{mrbsizeR} analysis can be applied to data on a regular grid and to spherical 
#' data. For data on a grid, the scale space multiresolution analysis has three steps: 
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Bayesian signal reconstruction. 
#'     \item Using differences of smooths, scale-dependent features of the reconstructed signal are found.
#'     \item Posterior credibility analysis of the differences of smooths created. 
#' }
#' In a first step, Bayesian signal reconstruction is used to extract an underlying 
#' signal from a potentially noisy observation. Samples of the resulting posterior
#' can be generated and used for the analysis. For finding features on different scales, 
#' differences of smooths at neighboring scales are used. This is an important 
#' distinction to other scale space methods (which usually use a wide range of smoothing 
#' levels without taking differences) and tries to separate the features into 
#' distinct scale categories more aggressively. After a successful extraction 
#' of the scale-different features, posterior credibility analysis is necessary
#' to assess whether the features found are ``really there'' or if they are artifacts
#' of random sampling.
#' For spherical data, no Bayesian signal reconstruction is implemented in \code{mrbsizer}.
#' Data samples therefore need to be available beforehand. The analysis procedure 
#' can therefore be summarized in two steps: 
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Using differences of smooths, scale-dependent features of the reconstructed signal are found.
#'     \item Posterior credibility analysis of the differences of smooths created. 
#' }
#' This method has first been proposed by Holmstrom, Pasanen, Furrer, Sain (2011), 
#' see also \cr http://cc.oulu.fi/~lpasanen/MRBSiZer/.
#' \strong{Major Functions}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{TaperingPlot}} Graphical estimation of useful smoothing 
#'       levels. Can be used signal-independent and signal-dependent.
#'   \item \code{\link{MinLambda}} Numerical estimation of useful smoothing levels.
#'       Takes the underlying signal into account. \code{\link{plot.minLambda}} can
#'       be used for plotting the result. 
#'   \item \code{\link{rmvtDCT}} Creates samples on a regular grid from a 
#'       multivariate \eqn{t_{\nu}}-distribution using a discrete cosine transform (DCT).
#'   \item \code{\link{mrbsizeRgrid}} Interface of the mrbsizeR method for data on a 
#'       regular grid. Differences of smooths at neighboring scales are created 
#'       and posterior credibility analysis is conducted. The results can be 
#'       visualized using \code{\link{plot.smMeanGrid}},\code{\link{plot.HPWmapGrid}} 
#'       and \code{\link{plot.CImapGrid}}.
#'   \item \code{\link{mrbsizeRsphere}} Interface of the mrbsizeR method for data on a 
#'       sphere. Differences of smooths at neighboring scales are created 
#'       and posterior credibility analysis is conducted. The results can be 
#'       visualized using \code{\link{plot.smMeanSphere}},\code{\link{plot.HPWmapSphere}} 
#'       and \cr \code{\link{plot.CImapSphere}}. 
#'       For data on a sphere, no Bayesian signal reconstruction is implemented. 
#'       Samples have to be provided instead. 
#' }
#' \strong{Getting Started}
#' The vignette for this package offers an extensive overview of the functionality 
#' and the usage of \code{mrbsizeR}.
#' \strong{References}
#' \itemize{
#'    \item Holmstrom, L. and Pasanen, L. (2011). MRBSiZer. http://cc.oulu.fi/~lpasanen/MRBSiZer/. 
#'    Accessed: 2017-03-04.
#'    \item Holmstrom, L., Pasanen, L., Furrer, R., and Sain, S. R. (2011). 
#'    Scale space multiresolution analysis of random signals. 
#'    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 2840-2855.
#'    <DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2011.04.011>.
#'    \item Holmstrom, L. and Pasanen, L. (2016). Statistical scale space methods. 
#'    International Statistical Review. <DOI:10.1111/insr.12155>.
#' }
#' \strong{DISCLAIMER:} The author can not guarantee the correctness of any 
#' function or program in this package. 
#' @examples 
#' # Artificial sample data
#' set.seed(987)
#' sampleData <- matrix(stats::rnorm(100), nrow = 10)
#' sampleData[4:6, 6:8] <- sampleData[4:6, 6:8] + 5
#' # Generate samples from multivariate t-distribution
#' tSamp <- rmvtDCT(object = sampleData, lambda = 0.2, sigma = 6, nu0 = 15,
#'                   ns = 1000)  
#' # mrbsizeRgrid analysis
#' mrbOut <- mrbsizeRgrid(posteriorFile = tSamp$sample, mm = 10, nn = 10, 
#'                        lambdaSmoother = c(1, 1000), prob = 0.95)
#' # Posterior mean of the differences of smooths
#' plot(x = mrbOut$smMean, turn_out = TRUE)                    
#' # Credibility analysis using simultaneous credible intervals
#' plot(x = mrbOut$ciout, turn_out = TRUE) 
#' @docType package
#' @name mrbsizeR
romanflury/mrbsizeR documentation built on Dec. 15, 2019, 9:30 p.m.