Man pages for ronkeizer/PKmisc
Functions for clinical pharmacokinetics

add_ruvAdd residual variability to data
as.numfactors or characters to numeric
auc2doseConvert AUCtau or AUCt to dose (for 1-compartment linear PK...
calc_abwCalculate adjusted body weight (ABW)
calc_amts_for_concCalculate the amounts in all compartments in a compartmental...
calc_bmiCalculate BMI
calc_bsaCalculate body surface area
calc_creatEstimate serum creatinine
calc_creat_neoEstimate serum creatinine in neonates
calc_egfrCalculate eGFR
calc_egfr_cystatinCalculate eGFR based on Cystatin C measurements
calc_ffmCalculate fat-free mass
calc_ibwCalculate ideal body weight for children and adults
calc_kel_single_tdmCalculate elimination rate when given a single TDM sample
calc_lbwCalculate lean body weight
calc_t12Calculate half-life based on two points
cm2inchConvert cm to inch
conc2molConvert concentration to molar
convert_creat_assayConvert serum creatinine from various assays to Jaffe
convert_creat_unitConvert creatinine to different unit
dose2aucConvert dose to expected AUCtau or AUCt for 1 compartment...
find_nearest_doseGeneric function to calculate the dose nearest to a specific...
find_nearest_intervalGeneric function to calculate the interval nearest to a...
inch2cmConvert inch to cm
is.nilCheck if values in vector are empty
kg2lbsConvert kg to lbs
lbs2kgConvert lbs to kg
mol2concConvert molar to concentration
ncaPerform an NCA based on a NONMEM-style dataset
pct_bmi_for_agePercentile BMI for age for children
pct_for_age_genericPercentile height or weight for age for children
pct_height_for_agePercentile height for age for children
pct_weight_for_agePercentile weight for age for children
pk_1cmt_bolusConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model after...
pk_1cmt_bolus_cmax_ssCmax for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady state, bolus...
pk_1cmt_bolus_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady...
pk_1cmt_bolus_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_1cmt_bolus_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_1cmt_bolus_ssConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model with...
pk_1cmt_infConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model after...
pk_1cmt_inf_cmax_ssCmax for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady state
pk_1cmt_inf_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for linear 1-compartment PK model at steady...
pk_1cmt_inf_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_1cmt_inf_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_1cmt_inf_ssConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model with...
pk_1cmt_t12Calculate terminal half-life for 1-compartment model
pk_2cmt_bolusConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model,...
pk_2cmt_bolus_cmax_ssCmax for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at steady...
pk_2cmt_bolus_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_bolus_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_2cmt_bolus_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_2cmt_bolus_ssConcentration predictions for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus...
pk_2cmt_infConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model,...
pk_2cmt_inf_cmax_ssCmax (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_inf_cmin_ssCmin (trough) for 2-compartmental PK model, bolus dosing at...
pk_2cmt_inf_dose_from_cmaxCalculate dose to achieve steady state Cmax for...
pk_2cmt_inf_dose_from_cminCalculate dose to achieve steady state trough for...
pk_2cmt_inf_ssConcentration predictions for 1-compartmental PK model with...
pk_2cmt_t12Calculate half-life(s) for 2-compartment model
pk_2cmt_t12_intervalCalculate average half-life for 2-compartment model during a...
read_who_tableInternal function to read WHO growth tables from package or...
weight2kgConvert any weight unit to kg
ronkeizer/PKmisc documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:50 p.m.