Man pages for ropensci/EndoMineR
Functions to mine endoscopic and associated pathology datasets

BarrettsAllRun all the basic Barrett's functions
BarrettsBxQualGet the number of Barrett's biopsies taken
Barretts_FUTypeDetermine the Follow up group
BarrettsParisEMRRun the Paris classification versus worst histopath grade for...
Barretts_PathStageGet the worst pathological stage for Barrett's
Barretts_PragueScoreExtract the Prague score
BiopsyIndexIndex biopsy locations
CategoricalByEndoscopistGroup anything by Endoscopist and returns the table
ColonFinalFake Lower GI Endoscopy Set
ColumnCleanUpTidy up messy columns
dev_ExtrapolateOPCS4PrepOPCS-4 Coding
DictionaryInPlaceReplaceDictionary In Place Replace
EndoBasicGraphBasic graph creation using the template specified in...
Endomerge2Merge endoscopy and histology data.
EndoMineREndoMineR: A package for analysis of endoscopic and related...
EndoPastePaste endoscopy and histology results into one
EndoscEndoscopistClean endoscopist column
EndoscInstrumentClean instrument column
EndoscMedsClean medication column
EndoscopyEventExtract the endoscopic event.
EntityPairs_OneSentenceSee if words from two lists co-exist within a sentence
EntityPairs_TwoSentenceLook for relationships between site and event
EosinophilicsExtract the Prague score
EventListUse list of endoscopic events and procedures
ExtractorExtract columns from the raw text
ExtrapolatefromDictionaryExtrapolate from Dictionary
GISymptomsListIndex of GI symptoms
GRS_Type_Assess_By_UnitCreate GRS metrics by endoscopist (X-ref with pathology)
HistolBxSizeDetermine the largest biopsy size from the histology report
HistolNumbOfBxExtract the number of biopsies taken from the histology...
HistolTypeUse list of pathology types
HistolTypeAndSiteExtract the site a specimen was removed from as well as the...
HowManyOverTimeNumber of tests done per month and year by indication
IBD_ScoresCleans medication column if present
ListLookupExtract from report, using words from a list
LocationListUse list of upper and lower GI standard locations
LocationListLowerUse list of standard locations for lower GI endoscopy
LocationListUniversalUse list of standard locations for upper GI endoscopy
LocationListUpperUse list of standard locations for upper GI endoscopy
MetricByEndoscopistPlot a metric by endoscopist
MyendoFake Endoscopies
MyImgLibraryClean html endoscopic images
MypathFake Pathology report
NegativeRemoveRemove negative and normal sentences
NegativeRemoveWrapperWrapper for Negative Remove
PathDataFrameFinalFake Upper GI Pathology Set
PathDataFrameFinalColonFake Lower GI Pathology Set
PatientFlow_CircosPlotsCreate a Circos plot for patient flow
PatientFlowIndividualCreate a plot over time of patient categorical findings as a...
RFACathUse list of catheters used in radiofrequency ablation
sanityCreate a basic consort diagram from dataframes
scale_colour_PublicationSet the colour theme for all the ggplots
scale_fill_PublicationSet the fills for all the ggplots
spellCheckFind and Replace
SurveilFirstTestExtracts the first test only per patient
SurveilLastTestExtract the last test done by a patient only
SurveilTimeByRowExtract the time difference between each test in days
SurveySankeyCreate a Sankey plot for patient flow
textPrepCombine all the text cleaning and extraction functions into...
theme_PublicationSet the publication theme for all the ggplots
TheOGDReportFinalFake Upper GI Endoscopy Set
TimeToStatusExtract the time to an event
vColonFake Lower GI Endoscopy Set including Pathology
WordsToNumbersConvetr words to numbers especially for the histopathology...
ropensci/EndoMineR documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 7:12 a.m.