
Defines functions get_mod_dirs

Documented in get_mod_dirs

#' @title Get list of MODIS data folders from http server
#' @description Accessory function to get the full list of directories on the
#'  lpdaac http site containing data included in the time range selected for
#'  processing (modified after Barry Rowlingson function):
#' @param http `character` http site on lpdaac corresponding to the selected MODIS
#'   product
#' @param download_server `character ["http" | "offline"]` download service
#'   to be used; if NA, the script tries to download with http.
#' @param user `character` username for earthdata http server
#' @param password `character` password for earthdata http server
#' @param yy `character` Year for which the folder containing HDF images are to
#'  be identified
#' @param n_retries `numeric` number of times the access to the http server
#'   should be retried in case of error before quitting, Default: 20
#' @param gui `logical`` indicates if processing was called from the GUI
#'   environment or not. If not, processing messages are sent to a log file
#'   instead than to the console/GTK progress windows.
#' @param out_folder_mod  `character` output folder for MODIS HDF storage
#' @return `character array` listing all available folders (a.k.a. dates) for
#'   the requested MODIS product on lpdaac http archive, for the years
#'   included in the time range selected for processing.
#' @author Original code by Babak Naimi (\code{.getModisList}, in
#' \href{https://r-gis.net/?q=ModisDownload}{ModisDownload.R})
#' modified to adapt it to MODIStsp scheme and to http archive (instead than old
#' FTP) by:
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2014-2017)
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2016-2017)
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub str_split
#' @importFrom httr RETRY authenticate content

get_mod_dirs <- function(http,
                         user, password,
                         out_folder_mod) {

  # make sure that the http address terminates with a "/" (i.e., it is a
  # folder, not a file)
  if (stringr::str_sub(http, -1) != "/") {
    http <- paste(http, "/", sep = "")

  #   __________________________________________________________________________
  #   retrieve list of folders in case of http download                    ####

  if (download_server == "http") {
    response <- data.frame(status_code = "")
    while (response$status_code != 200) {
      # send request to server
      response <- try(
                    httr::authenticate(user, password),
                    times = n_retries,
                    pause_base = 0.1,
                    pause_cap = 3,
                    quiet = FALSE),
        silent = TRUE

      # On interactive execution, after n_retries attempt ask if quit or ----
      # retry

      if (inherits(response, "try-error") || response$status_code != 200) {
          "[", date(), "] Error: http server seems to be down! ",
          "Please try again later. Aborting!"
        date_dirs <- character()
        attr(date_dirs, "server") <- "unreachable"
    # On httr success get the directory names (available dates) ----
    items <- strsplit(httr::content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"),
    date_dirs <- gsub(
      ".*>(20[0-9]{2}\\.[01][0-9]\\.[0-3][0-9])\\/<.*", "\\1", items
    date_dirs <- date_dirs[grep(paste0(yy, "\\.[01][0-9]\\.[0-3][0-9]"),
    attr(date_dirs, "server") <- "http"

  #   __________________________________________________________________________
  #   In offline mode, retrieve the dates of acquisition of hdfs already
  #   available in `out_folder_mod`

  if (download_server == "offline") {

    # Retrieve the list of hdf files matching the product / version
    items <- list.files(out_folder_mod, "\\.hdf$")
    sel_prod_vers <- unlist(stringr::str_split(gsub(
      "https:\\/\\/[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\/[A-Z]+\\/([A-Z0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\/", "\\1 \\2", #nolint
      http), " "))
    items <- items[grep(paste0(
      sel_prod_vers[1], "\\.A20[0-9]{5}\\.(?:h[0-9]{2}v[0-9]{2}\\.)?",  #nolint
      sel_prod_vers[2], "\\.[0-9]+\\.hdf$"), items)]

    # Extract dates

    date_dirs <- unique(strftime(as.Date(gsub(
      paste0(sel_prod_vers[1], "\\.A(20[0-9]{5})\\..*"),"\\1", #nolint
      items), format = "%Y%j"), "%Y.%m.%d"))
    attr(date_dirs, "server") <- "offline"


ropensci/MODIStsp documentation built on July 19, 2024, 8:29 p.m.