get_meta: Extracts meta objects matching properties

View source: R/get_metadata.R

get_metaR Documentation

Extracts meta objects matching properties


Extracts the metadata annotations for the given property or properties, and returns the result as a list of meta objects.


get_meta(nexml, annotated = NULL, props)



a nexml object


the nexml component object from which to obtain metadata annotations, or a list of such objects. Defaults to the nexml object itself.


a character vector of property names for which to extract metadata annotations


For matching property identifiers (i.e., URIs), prefixes in the input list as well as in the annotated object will be expanded using the namespaces of the nexml object. Names in the returned list are mapped to the (possibly prefixed) form in the input list. The resulting list is flat, and hence does not retain the nesting hierarchy in the object's annotation.


a named list of the matching meta objects

ropensci/RNeXML documentation built on May 10, 2024, 1:50 p.m.