
#' Store hire bicycle data in SQLite3 database
#' Store previously downloaded data (via the \link{dl_bikedata} function) in a
#' database for subsequent extraction and analysis.
#' @param city One or more cities for which to download and store bike data, or
#'          names of corresponding bike systems (see Details below).
#' @param data_dir A character vector giving the directory containing the
#'          data files downloaded with \code{dl_bikedata} for one or more
#'          cities. Only if this parameter is missing will data be downloaded.
#' @param bikedb A string containing the path to the SQLite3 database to
#'          use. If it doesn't already exist, it will be created, otherwise data
#'          will be appended to existing database.  If no directory specified,
#'          it is presumed to be in \code{tempdir()}.
#' @param dates If specified and no \code{data_dir} is given, data are
#' downloaded and stored only for these dates specified as vector of YYYYMM
#' values.
#' @param latest_lo_stns If \code{TRUE} (default), download latest version of
#' London stations; otherwise use potentially obsolete internal version. (This
#' parameter should not need to be changed, but can be set to \code{FALSE} to
#' avoid external calls; for example when not online.)
#' @param quiet If FALSE, progress is displayed on screen
#' @return Number of trips added to database
#' @section Details:
#' City names are not case sensitive, and must only be long enough to
#' unambiguously designate the desired city. Names of corresponding bike systems
#' can also be given.  Currently possible cities (with minimal designations in
#' parentheses) and names of bike hire systems are:
#' \tabular{lr}{
#'  Boston (bo)\tab Hubway\cr
#'  Chicago (ch)\tab Divvy Bikes\cr
#'  Washington, D.C. (dc)\tab Capital Bike Share\cr
#'  Los Angeles (la)\tab Metro Bike Share\cr
#'  London (lo)\tab Santander Cycles\cr
#'  Minnesota (mn)\tab NiceRide\cr
#'  New York City (ny)\tab Citibike\cr
#'  Philadelphia (ph)\tab Indego\cr
#'  San Francisco Bay Area (sf)\tab Ford GoBike\cr
#' }
#' @note Data for different cities may all be stored in the same database, with
#' city identifiers automatically established from the names of downloaded data
#' files. This function can take quite a long time to execute, and may generate
#' an SQLite3 database file several gigabytes in size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- tempdir ()
#' bike_write_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' # or download some real data!
#' # dl_bikedata (city = "la", data_dir = data_dir)
#' bikedb <- file.path (data_dir, "testdb")
#' store_bikedata (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb)
#' # create database indexes for quicker access:
#' index_bikedata_db (bikedb = bikedb)
#' trips <- bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = "LA") # trip matrix
#' stations <- bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb) # station data
#' bike_rm_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' bike_rm_db (bikedb)
#' # don't forget to remove real data!
#' # file.remove (list.files (data_dir, pattern = ".zip"))
#' }
store_bikedata <- function (bikedb, city, data_dir, dates = NULL,
                            latest_lo_stns = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {

    if (missing (city) & missing (data_dir)) {

        mt <- paste0 ("Calling this function without specifying a city or ",
                     "data_dir will download\n*ALL* avaialable data ",
                     "for all cities and store it in a *HUGE* database.\n",
                     "This will likely take quite a long time. ",
                     "Is this really what you want to do?")
        val <- utils::menu (c ("yes", "no"), graphics = FALSE, title = mt)
        if (val != 1)
            stop ("Yeah, probably better not to do that")
        city <- bike_demographic_data ()$city

    if (missing (data_dir)) {

        if (!quiet)
            message ("Checking data for ", city)
        if ("mn" %in% city)
            stop ("Data for the Nice Ride MN system must be downloaded ",
                  "manually from\nhttps://www.niceridemn.com/system-data/")
        data_dir <- tempdir ()
    } else if (missing (city)) {

        if (length (list.files (data_dir)) == 0)
            stop ("data_dir contains no files")
        city <- get_bike_cities (expand_home (data_dir))
    data_dir <- expand_home (data_dir)

    if (missing (bikedb))
        stop ("Can't store bikedata if bikedb isn't provided")
    if (!(grepl ("/", bikedb) | grepl ("*//*", bikedb)))
        bikedb <- file.path (tempdir (), bikedb)

    bikedb <- expand_home (bikedb)

    city <- convert_city_names (city)

    er_idx <- file.exists (bikedb) + 1 # = (1, 2) if (!exists, exists)
    if (!quiet)
        message (c ("Creating", "Adding data to") [er_idx], " sqlite3 database")
    if (!file.exists (bikedb)) {

        chk <- rcpp_create_sqlite3_db (bikedb)
        if (chk != 0)
            stop ("Unable to create SQLite3 database")

    ntrips <- 0
    for (ci in city) {

        if (!quiet) {

            if (length (city) == 1 & (ci != "lo" & ci != "sf"))
                message ("Unzipping raw data files ...")
            else if (ci != "lo" & ci != "sf") {

                # mostly csv files that don't need unzipping
                message ("Unzipping raw data files for ", ci, " ...")
        if (ci == "ch")
            flists <- bike_unzip_files_chicago (data_dir, bikedb, dates)
            flists <- bike_unzip_files (data_dir, bikedb, ci, dates)

        if (!quiet & length (city) > 1)
            message ("Reading files for ", ci, " ...")

        if (length (flists$flist_csv) > 0) {

            # Import file names to datafile table
            nf <- num_datafiles_in_db (bikedb)
            if (length (flists$flist_zip) > 0)
                nf <- rcpp_import_to_file_table (bikedb,
                                                 basename (flists$flist_zip),
                                                 ci, nf)
            if (ci %in% c ("bo", "gu", "lo", "sf") &
                length (flists$flist_csv) > 0) {

                # These cities have both csv and zip files, but only store names
                # of csv's that are not uncompressed zip files
                nms <- flists$flist_csv [which (!flists$flist_csv %in%
                if (length (nms) > 0) {

                    nms <- basename (nms)
                    nf <- rcpp_import_to_file_table (bikedb, nms, ci, nf)

            # import stations to stations table
            if (ci == "ch") {

                ch_stns <- bike_get_chicago_stations (flists)
                if (nrow (ch_stns) > 0)
                    nstations <- rcpp_import_stn_df (bikedb, ch_stns, "ch")
            } else if (ci %in% c("bo", "dc", "gu", "lo", "mn", "mo")) {

                if (ci == "lo")
                    stns <- bike_get_london_stations (external = latest_lo_stns,
                                                      quiet = quiet)
                else if (ci == "dc")
                    stns <- bike_get_dc_stations ()
                else if (ci == "bo")
                    stns <- bike_get_bo_stations (flists, data_dir)
                else if (ci == "gu")
                    stns <- bike_get_gu_stations ()
                else if (ci == "mn")
                    stns <- bike_get_mn_stations (flists)
                else if (ci == "mo") # montreal
                    stns <- bike_get_mo_stations (flists)
                if (is.null (stns)) # can happen for London
                    stop ("No stations returned; please try again")
                nstations <- rcpp_import_stn_df (bikedb, stns, ci)

            # main step: Import trips
            ntrips_city <- rcpp_import_to_trip_table (bikedb,
                                                      header_file_name (),
                                                      data_has_stations (ci),

            if (length (flists$flist_rm) > 0)
               invisible (tryCatch (file.remove (flists$flist_rm),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL))
            if (!quiet & length (city) > 1)
                message ("Trips read for ", ci, " = ",
                         format (ntrips_city, big.mark = ",",
                                 scientific = FALSE), "\n")
            ntrips <- ntrips + ntrips_city

    if (!quiet)
        if (ntrips > 0) {

            message ("Total trips ", c ("read", "added") [er_idx], " = ",
                     format (ntrips, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE))
            if (er_idx == 2)
                message ("database '", basename (bikedb), "' now has ",
                         format (bike_db_totals (bikedb), big.mark = ",",
                                 scientific = FALSE), " trips")
        } else
            message ("All data already in database; no new data added")

    return (ntrips)

#' Add indexes to database created with store_bikedata
#' @param bikedb The SQLite3 database containing the bikedata.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- tempdir ()
#' bike_write_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' # or download some real data!
#' # dl_bikedata (city = "la", data_dir = data_dir)
#' bikedb <- file.path (data_dir, "testdb")
#' store_bikedata (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb)
#' # create database indexes for quicker access:
#' index_bikedata_db (bikedb = bikedb)
#' trips <- bike_tripmat (bikedb = bikedb, city = "LA") # trip matrix
#' stations <- bike_stations (bikedb = bikedb) # station data
#' bike_rm_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' bike_rm_db (bikedb)
#' # don't forget to remove real data!
#' # file.remove (list.files (data_dir, pattern = ".zip"))
#' }
index_bikedata_db <- function (bikedb) {

    if (missing (bikedb))
        stop ("bikedb must be provided in order to create indexes")

    bikedb <- check_db_arg (bikedb)

    db <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite(), bikedb, create = FALSE)
    idx_list <- DBI::dbGetQuery (db, "PRAGMA index_list (trips)")
    DBI::dbDisconnect (db)

    reindex <- "idx_trips_city" %in% idx_list$name
    chk <- rcpp_create_city_index (bikedb, reindex) # nolint

    reindex <- (nrow (idx_list) > 2)
    chk <- rcpp_create_db_indexes (bikedb,
                                   tables = rep("trips", times = 4),
                                   cols = c("start_station_id",
                                            "start_time", "stop_time"),
                                   reindex) # nolint

#' Remove SQLite3 database generated with 'store_bikedat()'
#' If no directory is specified the \code{bikedb} argument passed to
#' \code{store_bikedata}, the database is created in \code{tempdir()}. This
#' function provides a convenient way to remove the database in such cases by
#' simply passing the name.
#' @param bikedb The SQLite3 database containing the bikedata.
#' @return TRUE if \code{bikedb} successfully removed; otherwise FALSE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_dir <- tempdir ()
#' bike_write_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' # or download some real data!
#' # dl_bikedata (city = "la", data_dir = data_dir)
#' bikedb <- file.path (data_dir, "testdb")
#' store_bikedata (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb)
#' bike_rm_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
#' bike_rm_db (bikedb)
#' # don't forget to remove real data!
#' # file.remove (list.files (data_dir, pattern = ".zip"))
#' }
bike_rm_db <- function (bikedb) {

    if (missing (bikedb))
        stop ("Can'remove database if bikedb isn't provided")

    bikedb <- check_db_arg (bikedb)

    ret <- tryCatch (file.remove (bikedb),
                     warning = function (w) NULL,
                     error = function (e) NULL)

    return (ret)

#' Get list of cities from files in specified data directory
#' @param data_dir A character vector giving the directory containing the
#'          \code{.zip} files of citibike data.
#' @noRd
get_bike_cities <- function (data_dir) {

    ptn <- ".zip"
    flist <- list.files (data_dir)
    # Grepped patterns for raw csv files, the first two for London, the third
    # for Guadalajara
    gptns <- "cyclehireusagestats|JourneyDataExtract|datos"
    if (any (grepl (gptns, flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        ptn <- paste0 (ptn, "|.csv") # London has raw csv files too
    flist <- list.files (data_dir, pattern = ptn)

    n <- nrow (bike_demographic_data ())
    cities <- as.list (rep (FALSE, n))
    names (cities) <- bike_demographic_data ()$city

    if (any (grepl ("citibike", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$ny <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("divvy", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$ch <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("hubway", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$bo <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("cabi|capi", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$dc <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("cyclehireusagestats|JourneyDataExtract", flist,
                    ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$lo <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("metro", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$la <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("nice", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$mn <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("indego", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$ph <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("fordgobike", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$sf <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("bixi|montreal", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$mo <- TRUE
    if (any (grepl ("datos|abiertos", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        cities$gu <- TRUE

    cities <- which (unlist (cities))
    names (cities)

#' Get list of data files for a particular city in specified directory and not
#' in database
#' @param data_dir Directory containing data files
#' @param bikedb name of bikedata database
#' @param city One of (nyc, boston, chicago, dc, la, philly)
#' @return Only those members of flist corresponding to nominated city
#' @noRd
get_flist_city <- function (data_dir, bikedb, city) {

    city <- convert_city_names (city)

    flist <- list.files (data_dir, pattern = ".zip")

    index <- NULL
    if (any (city == "ny"))
        index <- grep ("citibike", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "ch"))
        index <- grep ("divvy", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "bo"))
        index <- grep ("hubway", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "dc"))
        index <- grep ("cabi|capi", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "la"))
        index <- grep ("metro", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "lo"))
        index <- grep ("cyclehireusagestats|JourneyDataExtract", flist,
                       ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "mn"))
        index <- grep ("nice", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "ph"))
        index <- grep ("indego", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "sf"))
        index <- grep ("fordgobike", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "mo"))
        index <- grep ("bixi|montreal", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)
    else if (any (city == "gu"))
        indx <- grep ("bixi|montreal", flist, ignore.case = TRUE)

    ret <- NULL
    if (length (index) > 0)
        ret <- file.path (data_dir, flist [index])

    db <- DBI::dbConnect (RSQLite::SQLite(), bikedb, create = FALSE)
    db_files <- DBI::dbGetQuery (db, "SELECT * FROM datafiles")
    DBI::dbDisconnect (db)

    db_files <- db_files$name [db_files$city == city]
    db_files <- file.path (data_dir, db_files)

    return (ret [!ret %in% db_files])

#' Get list of files to be unzipped and added to database
#' @param data_dir Directory containing data files
#' @param bikedb A string containing the path to the SQLite3 database.
#' If no directory specified, it is presumed to be in \code{tempdir()}.
#' @param city City for which files are to be added to database
#' @param dates If specified, data will be unzipped only for these dates
#' @return List of three vectors of file names:
#' \itemize{
#' \item @code{flist_zip} contains names of all zip archives to be added to
#' database;
#' \item \code{flist_csv} contains all corresponding \code{.csv} files;
#' \item \code{flist_rm} contains files to be deleted after having been added,
#' }
#' @note This function is to be applied only for those cities publishing zip
#' archives containing a single file: NYC, Boston. Other cities which publish
#' multi-file zip archives (Chicago) have their own equivalent routines.
#' @noRd
bike_unzip_files <- function (data_dir, bikedb, city, dates) {

    flist_zip <- get_flist_city (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb,
                                 city = city)
    # These are only those files in data_dir but **not** in bikedb. Remove any
    # not in dates:
    if (!is.null (dates)) {

        dates <- bike_convert_dates (dates) %>%
            expand_dates_to_range () %>%
            convert_dates_to_filenames (city = city)
        indx <- which (grepl (paste (dates, collapse = "|"), flist_zip))
        flist_zip <- flist_zip [indx]
    fcsv <- list.files (data_dir, pattern = "\\.csv$") # existing csv files
    fcsv <- fcsv [which (!grepl ("bikedata_headers.csv|field_names.csv", fcsv))]
    if (city == "bo")
        fcsv <- fcsv [grep ("hubway", fcsv, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    else if (city == "lo")
        fcsv <- fcsv [grep ("JourneyDataExtract", fcsv)]
    else if (city == "gu")
        fcsv <- fcsv [grep ("datos", fcsv)]
    flist_csv <- flist_rm <- flist_csv_stns <- NULL

    # Some cities issue non-compressed files (recent London files; annual Boston
    # dumps for 2011-14; all Guadalajara)
    if (city %in% c ("bo", "gu", "lo", "sf") && length (fcsv) > 0) {

        flist_csv <- get_new_datafiles (bikedb, fcsv)
        if (city == "bo") { # Also has station files

            indx <- which (grepl ("Stations", flist_csv))
            if (length (indx) > 0)             {

                flist_csv_stns <- file.path (data_dir,
                                             basename (flist_csv [indx]))
                flist_csv <- flist_csv [which (!grepl ("Stations", flist_csv))]
        if (length (flist_csv) > 0)
            flist_csv <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv))

    if (length (flist_zip) > 0) {

        flist_zip <- get_new_datafiles (bikedb, flist_zip)
        for (f in flist_zip) {

            fi <- utils::unzip (f, list = TRUE)$Name
            # some files (LA) have junk "MAXOSX" files in the archives
            fi <- fi [which (!grepl ("MACOSX", fi))]
            if (city == "mn") {

                fit <- fi [grep ("trip", fi, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                fis <- fi [grep ("station", fi, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                flist_csv <- c (flist_csv, basename (fit))
                flist_csv_stns <- c (flist_csv_stns, basename (fis))
            } else if (city == "mo") {

                # exclude the directory:
                fi <- fi [which (substring (fi, nchar (fi)) != "/")]
                fit <- fi [grep ("OD", fi, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                fis <- fi [grep ("station", fi, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                flist_csv <- c (flist_csv, basename (fit))
                flist_csv_stns <- c (flist_csv_stns, basename (fis))
            } else {

                # the following can result in duplicated entries
                flist_csv <- c (flist_csv, basename (fi))
            if (!all (fi %in% fcsv)) {

                utils::unzip (f, exdir = data_dir, junkpaths = TRUE)
                flist_rm <- c (flist_rm, fi)
        if (length (flist_csv) > 0)
            flist_csv <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv))
        if (length (flist_csv_stns) > 0)
            flist_csv_stns <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv_stns))
        if (length (flist_rm) > 0)
            flist_rm <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_rm))
    flist_csv <- unique (flist_csv)

    return (list (flist_zip = flist_zip,
                  flist_csv = flist_csv,
                  flist_csv_stns = flist_csv_stns,
                  flist_rm = flist_rm))

#' Get list of Chicago files to be unzipped and added to database
#' @param data_dir Directory containing data files
#' @param bikedb A string containing the path to the SQLite3 database
#' If no directory specified, it is presumed to be in \code{tempdir()}.
#' @param dates If specified, data will be unzipped only for these dates
#' @return List of three vectors of file names:
#' \itemize{
#' \item @code{flist_zip} contains names of all zip archives to be added to
#' database;
#' \item \code{flist_csv_trip} contains all corresponding \code{.csv} files of
#' trip data;
#' \item \code{flist_csv_stn} contains all corresponding \code{.csv} files of
#' station data;
#' \item \code{flist_rm} contains files to be deleted after having been added,
#' }
#' @note File 'Divvy_Stations_Trips_2014_Q1Q2.zip' has a 'Divvy_Stations' file
#' in \code{.xlsx} format. The stations are identical to those from 2013, so
#' this is *NOT* extracted here. That's the only archive with an \code{.xlxs}
#' file.
#' @noRd
bike_unzip_files_chicago <- function (data_dir, bikedb, dates) {

    flist_zip <- get_flist_city (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb,
                                 city = "ch")
    if (!is.null (dates)) {

        dates <- bike_convert_dates (dates) %>%
            expand_dates_to_range %>%
            convert_dates_to_filenames (city = "ch")
        indx <- which (grepl (paste (dates, collapse = "|"), flist_zip))
        flist_zip <- flist_zip [indx]

    flist_zip <- get_new_datafiles (bikedb, flist_zip)
    existing_csv_files <- list.files (data_dir, pattern = "Divvy.*\\.csv")
    if (length (existing_csv_files) == 0)
        existing_csv_files <- NULL
    flist_csv_trips <- flist_csv_stns <- flist_rm <- NULL
    if (length (flist_zip) > 0) {

        for (f in flist_zip) {

            fi <- utils::unzip (f, list = TRUE)$Name
            fi_trips <- fi [which (grepl ("Trips.*\\.csv", basename (fi)))]
            fi_stns <- fi [which (grepl ("Stations", basename (fi)) &
                                            grepl (".csv", basename (fi)))]
            flist_csv_trips <- c (flist_csv_trips, basename (fi_trips))
            flist_csv_stns <- c (flist_csv_stns, basename (fi_stns))
            if (!all (basename (fi_trips) %in% existing_csv_files)) {

                utils::unzip (f, files = fi_trips, exdir = data_dir,
                              junkpaths = TRUE)
                flist_rm <- c (flist_rm, basename (fi_trips))
            if (length (fi_stns) > 0) # always except 2014_Q1Q2 with .xlsx
                if (!all (basename (fi_stns) %in% existing_csv_files)) {

                    utils::unzip (f, files = fi_stns, exdir = data_dir,
                                  junkpaths = TRUE)
                    flist_rm <- c (flist_rm, basename (fi_stns))
        flist_csv_trips <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv_trips))
        flist_csv_trips <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv_trips))
        flist_csv_stns <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_csv_stns))
        if (length (flist_rm) > 0)
            flist_rm <- file.path (data_dir, basename (flist_rm))
    return (list (flist_zip = flist_zip,
                  flist_csv = flist_csv_trips,
                  flist_csv_stns = flist_csv_stns,
                  flist_rm = flist_rm))
ropensci/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:04 a.m.