

# FIXME: when vcr fixed to use relative paths to files on disk,
# only skip on cran
# skip_on_travis()

crm_cache$cache_path_set(path = "crminer", type = "tempdir")

test_that("crm_text works: pdf", {
  vcr::use_cassette("crm_text_type_pdf_prep", {
    links <- crm_links("10.7717/peerj.8746", "pdf")
  pdf_read <- suppressMessages(crm_text(links, "pdf", read = FALSE,
                                        verbose = FALSE))
  pdf <- suppressMessages(crm_text(links, "pdf", verbose = FALSE))

  expect_is(pdf_read, "character")
  expect_is(pdf, "crm_pdf")

  expect_equal(length(pdf_read), 1)
  expect_equal(length(pdf), 2)
  expect_is(pdf$info, "list")
  expect_equal(length(pdf$text), pdf$info$pages)

test_that("crm_text fails well", {
  expect_error(crm_text(), 'argument "url" is missing')
  expect_error(crm_text("3434"), "no 'crm_text' method for character")

  vcr::use_cassette("crm_text_fails", {
    links <- crm_links("10.1155/mbd.1994.183", "all")
  expect_error(crm_text(links, type = "adfasf"),
               "'type' must be one of xml, plain, html, or pdf")

# test_that("crm_text with pdf works for 'unspecified' = TRUE",{
  # skip_if_not(Sys.getenv("CROSSREF_TDM") != "",
  #             "Needs 'Sys.setenv(CROSSREF_TDM = \"your-key\")' to be set.")
  # vcr::use_cassette("crm_text_pdf_unspecified_true", {
    # links <- crm_links("10.2903/j.efsa.2014.3550", type = "all")
    # res <- suppressMessages(crm_text(links, type = "pdf",
    #                                  overwrite_unspecified = TRUE))
  # })
  # expect_is(res$info, "list")
# })

test_that("crm_text with pdf fails for 'unspecified' = FALSE",{
  vcr::use_cassette("crm_text_pdf_unspecified_false", {
    links <- crm_links("10.2903/j.efsa.2014.3550", type = "all")
  expect_error(crm_text(links, type = "pdf", overwrite_unspecified = FALSE),
              "no links for type pdf")

test_that("crm_text works w/ elsevier DOI tranferred from another publisher",{
  vcr::use_cassette("crm_text_plain_elsevier_doi_transfer_prep", {
    x <- crm_links("10.1016/j.actao.2019.01.006")

  skip_on_ci() # no elsevier access
  out <- crm_text(x, "plain")
  expect_is(out, "character")
  expect_true(any(grepl("10.1016/j.actao.2019.01.006", out)))
  # expect_true(any(grepl("Directors of Southern Africa", out)))

# test_that("ocr parameter", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   skip_on_travis()
#   skip_on_appveyor()
#   # path <- system.file("examples", "S0022053183710665.pdf",
#   #   package = "crminer")
#   doi <- '10.1006/jeth.1993.1066'
#   z <- crm_links(doi)
#   ocr_false <- crm_text(z, "pdf", try_ocr = FALSE)
#   expect_is(ocr_false, "crm_pdf")
#   expect_true(!all(nzchar(ocr_false$text)))
#   ocr_true <- crm_text(z, "pdf", try_ocr = TRUE)
#   expect_is(ocr_true, "crm_pdf")
#   expect_true(all(nzchar(ocr_true$text)))
# })
ropensci/crminer documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:50 a.m.