


cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "http://api.crossref.org")
aa <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = "rows",
  offset_param = "offset", limit = 50, chunk = 10)

test_that("Paginator print method", {
  expect_is(aa$print, "function")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "api.crossref.org")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "limit_offset")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "chunk: 10")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "limit_param: rows")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "offset_param: offset")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "limit: 50")
  expect_output(aa$print(), "status: not run yet")

test_that("Paginator works", {
  expect_is(cli, "HttpClient")
  expect_is(Paginator, "R6ClassGenerator")

  expect_is(aa, "Paginator")
  expect_is(aa$.__enclos_env__$private$page, "function")
  expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
  expect_is(aa$content, "function")
  expect_is(aa$responses, "function")

  # before requests
  expect_equal(length(aa$content()), 0)
  expect_equal(length(aa$status()), 0)
  expect_equal(length(aa$status_code()), 0)
  expect_equal(length(aa$times()), 0)

  # after requests
  expect_equal(length(aa$content()), 5)
  expect_equal(length(aa$status()), 5)
  expect_equal(length(aa$status_code()), 5)
  expect_equal(length(aa$times()), 5)

test_that("Paginator works with many different limit and chunk combinations", {
  limit_param = "rows"
  offset_param = "start"

  aa <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 27, chunk = 10)
  expect_equal(aa$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, c(0, 10, 20))
  expect_equal(aa$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(10, 10, 7))

  bb <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 50, chunk = 10)
  expect_equal(bb$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40))
  expect_equal(bb$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(10, 10, 10, 10, 10))

  cc <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 1050, chunk = 20)
  expect_equal(cc$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, seq(0, 1040, by = 20))
  expect_equal(cc$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(rep(20, floor(1050/20)), 10))

  dd <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 1049, chunk = 20)
  expect_equal(dd$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, seq(0, 1040, by = 20))
  expect_equal(dd$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(rep(20, floor(1049/20)), 9))

  ee <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 1051, chunk = 20)
  expect_equal(ee$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, seq(0, 1040, by = 20))
  expect_equal(ee$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(rep(20, floor(1051/20)), 11))

  ff <- Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
    offset_param = offset_param, limit = 1051, chunk = 5)
  expect_equal(ff$.__enclos_env__$private$offset_iters, seq(0, 1050, by = 5))
  expect_equal(ff$.__enclos_env__$private$limit_chunks, c(rep(5, floor(1051/5)), 1))


test_that("Paginator fails well", {
  expect_error(Paginator$new(), "argument \"client\" is missing")
  # expect_error(Paginator$new(cli), "argument \"chunk\" is missing")
  expect_error(Paginator$new(cli, 5), "'by' must be one of")
  expect_error(Paginator$new(5, "limit_offset"), 
    "'client' has to be an object of class 'HttpClient'")

  limit_param = "rows"
  offset_param = "start"
  # chunk = 0 or not an integer
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
      offset_param = offset_param, limit = 51, chunk = 0),
    "'chunk' must be an integer and > 0"
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
      offset_param = offset_param, limit = 51, chunk = 1.5),
    "'chunk' must be an integer and > 0"

  # limit not an integer
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
      offset_param = offset_param, limit = "stuff", chunk = 10),
    "limit must be of class numeric, integer"

  # limit_param must be character
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = 5,
      offset_param = offset_param, limit = 51, chunk = 10),
    "limit_param must be of class character"

  # offset_param must be character
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "limit_offset", limit_param = limit_param,
      offset_param = 5, limit = 51, chunk = 10),
    "offset_param must be of class character"

  # page_param must be character
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "page_perpage", page_param = 5, per_page_param = 'a'),
    "page_param must be of class character"

  # per_page_param must be character
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "page_perpage", page_param = 'b', per_page_param = 45),
    "per_page_param must be of class character"

test_that("Paginator progress option", {
  cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://api.crossref.org")
  cc <- Paginator$new(client = cli, limit_param = "rows",
     offset_param = "offset", limit = 20, chunk = 10, 
     progress = TRUE)
  expect_output(cc$get('works'), "====")

test_that("by throws warning when query_params used", {
    Paginator$new(client = cli, by = "query_params", limit_param = "rows",
      offset_param = "offset", limit = 50, chunk = 10)
ropensci/crul documentation built on April 15, 2024, 1:30 a.m.