cache_file_info: Get information on possibly bad files in your cache

View source: R/cache_clean.R

cache_file_infoR Documentation

Get information on possibly bad files in your cache


Get information on possibly bad files in your cache




This function only identifies possibly bad files. You have to remove/delete them yourself. See example for how to do so. You can also open up your cache folder and delete them that way as well.


list, with three elements:

  • xml_not_valid: xml files that could not be read in with xml2::read_xml()

  • xml_abstract_only: xml files that only have abstracts. you can of choose to retain these if you like

  • pdf_not_valid: pdf files that could not be read in with pdftools::pdf_info()

See Also

Other caching-functions: cache, ftxt_cache


## Not run: 
# identify likely bad files
res <- cache_file_info()

# you can remove them yourself, e.g.,
# invisible(lapply(res$xml_abstract_only, unlink))

## End(Not run)

ropensci/fulltext documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 7:57 a.m.