ft_cr_links: Get Crossref full text links from a DOI

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ft_cr_linksR Documentation

Get Crossref full text links from a DOI


Get Crossref full text links from a DOI


ft_cr_links(doi, type = "all", ...)



(character) A Digital Object Identifier (DOI). required.


(character) One of 'xml', 'html', 'plain', 'pdf', 'unspecified', or 'all' (default). required.


Named parameters passed on to crul::HttpClient()


Note that this function is not vectorized.

Some links returned will not in fact lead you to full text content as you would understandbly think and expect. That is, if you use the filter parameter with e.g., rcrossref::cr_works() and filter to only full text content, some links may actually give back only metadata for an article. Elsevier is perhaps the worst offender, for one because they have a lot of entries in Crossref TDM, but most of the links that are apparently full text are not in fact full text, but only metadata. You can get full text if you are part of a subscribing institution to that specific Elsever content, but otherwise, you're SOL.

Note that there are still some bugs in the data returned form CrossRef. For example, for the publisher eLife, they return a single URL with content-type application/pdf, but the URL is not for a PDF, but for both XML and PDF, and content-type can be set with that URL as either XML or PDF to get that type.

In another example, all Elsevier URLs at time of writing are have http scheme, while those don't actually work, so we have a custom fix in this function for that publisher. Anyway, expect changes...


NULL if no full text links given; a list of tdmurl objects if links found. a tdmurl object is an S3 class wrapped around a simple list, with attributes for:

  • type: type, matchin type passed to the function

  • doi: DOI

  • member: Crossref member ID

  • intended_application: intended application, e.g., text-mining

Register for the Polite Pool

See of 'Authentication' setion of the fulltext-package manual page


## Not run: 
dois <- c("10.1245/s10434-016-5211-6",
"10.17159/2413-3108/2016/v0i55a49", "10.17159/2413-3108/2015/v0i53a455",
"10.17159/2413-3108/2006/v0i18a982", "10.1007/s10665-016-9845-y", 
"10.1016/j.ad.2015.06.020", "10.1016/j.medipa.2014.03.002")

# pdf link
ft_cr_links(doi = "10.5555/515151", "pdf")

# xml and plain text links
ft_cr_links(dois[1], "pdf")
ft_cr_links(dois[6], "xml")
ft_cr_links(dois[7], "plain")
ft_cr_links(dois[1]) # all is the default

# pdf link
ft_cr_links(doi = "10.5555/515151", "pdf")
ft_cr_links(doi = "10.3897/phytokeys.52.5250", "pdf")

# many calls, use e.g., lapply
lapply(dois[1:3], ft_cr_links)

# elsevier
## DOI that is open acccess
## DOI that is not open acccess

## End(Not run)

ropensci/fulltext documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 7:57 a.m.