ftdoi_cache: Caching

ftdoi_cacheR Documentation



Manage cached ftdoi files with hoardr


The dafault cache directory is paste0(rappdirs::user_cache_dir(), "/R/ftdoi"), but you can set your own path using cache_path_set()

cache_delete only accepts 1 file name, while cache_delete_all doesn't accept any names, but deletes all files. For deleting many specific files, use cache_delete in a lapply() type call

Useful user functions

  • ftdoi_cache$cache_path_get() get cache path

  • ftdoi_cache$cache_path_set() set cache path. You can set the entire path directly via the full_path arg like ftdoi_cache$cache_path_set(full_path = "your/path")

  • ftdoi_cache$list() returns a character vector of full path file names

  • ftdoi_cache$files() returns file objects with metadata

  • ftdoi_cache$details() returns files with details

  • ftdoi_cache$delete() delete specific files

  • ftdoi_cache$delete_all() delete all files, returns nothing

See Also

Other ftdoi: ftd_doi(), ftd_fetch_patterns(), ftd_members(), ftd_prefixes(), prefix_local()


## Not run: 

# list files in cache

# delete certain database files
# ftdoi_cache$delete("file path")
# ftdoi_cache$list()

# delete all files in cache
# ftdoi_cache$delete_all()
# ftdoi_cache$list()

## End(Not run)

ropensci/fulltext documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 7:57 a.m.