
Defines functions feat_ds_well_ref fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference fetch_features list_feature_codes.FeatureVectorDatasetReference list_feat_codes list_feature_codes list_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference list_feats list_features

Documented in feat_ds_well_ref fetch_features fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference list_feature_codes list_feature_codes.FeatureVectorDatasetReference list_features list_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference

#' List and download feature data
#' In openBIS, features are datasets that are treated differently from
#' generic datasets. Briefly put, tabular datasets where columns correspond
#' to features and rows to wells can be marked as feature datasets which makes
#' it possible to query openBIS for individual feature values for selected
#' wells instead of having to download the entire table for a plate. The
#' relevant object types for handling feature data are
#' `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` and `FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference`,
#' where the former represents feature data at plate level and the latter at
#' well level. The function `list_features()` can be used to enumerate
#' available features and `fetch_features()` will download feature data.
#' Listing of features can be performed by calling `list_features()` on
#' `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` or `FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference`
#' objects. Plate-level references of feature datasets can for example be
#' retrieved using [list_references()] and well-level references are created
#' whenever a `wells` argument is supplied to `list_features()`, using the
#' internal function `feat_ds_well_ref()`. The returned objects are of type
#' `FeatureInformation` and each contain code, label and description of each
#' feature. If for different datasets different sets of features are available,
#' `list_features()` provides the union of the features of all datasets.
#' Similarly, `list_feature_codes()` provides the list of all available
#' features as character vector of feature codes. As for `list_features()`,
#' either plate-level or well-level feature dataset reference may be passed
#' and if a `wells` argument is supplied together with a plate-level
#' reference, the corresponding well-level references are constructed using
#' the internal function `feat_ds_well_ref()`. If for different datasets
#' different sets of features are available, `list_feature_codes()` provides
#' the union of the features of all datasets.
#' For a given set of feature vector datasets, `fetch_features()` fetches
#' feature data for the specified feature codes, or for all available features
#' in case the argument `feature_codes` is not specified (or `NA`). The
#' behavior regarding well selection is the same as in `list_features()` and
#' `list_feature_codes()`. Either plate-level or well-level dataset references
#' are passed and whenever plate-level references are passed in combination
#' with `WellPosition` object, the corresponding well-level references are
#' created and used. If for different datasets different sets of features are
#' available, the union of the features of all datasets is searched for. The
#' returned object is of type `FeatureVectorDataset`, which for each entry
#' contains a `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` and a set of `FeatureVector`(s),
#' one for each well.
#' @inheritParams logout_openbis
#' @param x Object to specify the set of feature vector datasets of interest.
#' @param ... Generic compatibility. Extra arguments will be passed to
#' [make_request()].
#' @family resource listing/downloading functions
#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @return `list_feature_codes()` returns a character vector of feature codes,
#' while `list_features()` and `fetch_features()` return either [`json_class`]
#' (single object) or a [`json_vec`] (multiple objects), dependent on the
#' number of resulting objects. The sub-type is `FeatureInformation` for
#' `list_features()` and `FeatureVectorDataset` for `fetch_features()`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   tok <- login_openbis()
#'   # search for a sample object corresponding to plate KB2-03-1I
#'   samp <- search_openbis(tok,
#'                          search_criteria(
#'                            attribute_clause("code",
#'                                             "/INFECTX_PUBLISHED/KB2-03-1I")
#'                          ),
#'                          target_object = "sample")
#'   # for the plate sample object, list all feature data sets
#'   feat_ref <- list_references(tok, samp, type = "feature")
#'   # several data set types can act as feature data sets
#'   get_field(feat_ref, "dataSetType")
#'   feat_ref <- feat_ref[[7L]]
#'   # for a feature data set, list all features
#'   feat_info <- list_features(tok, feat_ref)
#'   feat_info <- feat_info[c(2L, 6L)]
#'   # for a feature data set, a set of feature codes and a set of wells,
#'   # retrieve the corresponding feature data
#'   feats <- fetch_features(tok, feat_ref,
#'                           feature_codes = get_field(feat_info, "code"),
#'                           wells = well_pos(1:6, 3:8))
#'   well_pos <- get_field(feats, "wellPosition")
#'   values <- get_field(feats, "values")
#'   tibble::tibble(
#'     well_row = get_field(well_pos, "wellRow"),
#'     well_col = get_field(well_pos, "wellColumn"),
#'     cell_count = as.integer(values[1L, ]),
#'     cell_area = as.integer(values[2L, ])
#'   )
#'   logout_openbis(tok)
#' }
#' @section openBIS:
#' * \Sexpr[results=rd]{infx::docs_link("dsrs", "listAvailableFeatures")}
#' @export
list_features <- function(token, x, ...)
    UseMethod("list_features", x)

list_feats <- function(token, x, ...)
  make_request(api_url("dsrs", attr(token, "host_url"), ...),
               list(token, as_json_vec(remove_null(x))),

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @param wells Set of `WellPosition` objects used to limit the returned
#' feature data.
#' @export
list_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference <- function(token,
                                                        wells = NULL,
                                                        ...) {
  if (is.null(wells))
    list_feats(token, x, ...)
    list_feats(token, feat_ds_well_ref(x, wells), ...)

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @export
list_features.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference <- list_feats

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @section openBIS:
#' * \Sexpr[results=rd]{infx::docs_link("dsrs", "listAvailableFeatureCodes")}
#' @export
list_feature_codes <- function(token, x, ...)
    UseMethod("list_feature_codes", x)

list_feat_codes <- function(token, x, ...)
  make_request(api_url("dsrs", attr(token, "host_url"), ...),
               list(token, as_json_vec(remove_null(x))),

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @export
list_feature_codes.FeatureVectorDatasetReference <- function(token,
                                                             wells = NULL,
                                                             ...) {
  if (is.null(wells))
    list_feat_codes(token, x, ...)
    list_feat_codes(token, feat_ds_well_ref(x, wells), ...)

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @export
list_feature_codes.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference <- list_feat_codes

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @param feature_codes A character vector of feature codes or NA (all
#' available feature codes).
#' @section Implementation note: Even though there exists a constructor for
#' `FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference` objects, which takes two arguments, one
#' for the corresponding `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` object and one for
#' a `WellPosition` objects, this does not work. Furthermore, class information
#' cannot be supplied as this will cause an error as well (hence the use of
#' `rm_json_class()`). Why the function `loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences`
#' behaves this way is currently unclear.
#' @export
fetch_features <- function(token, x, feature_codes = NA, ...)
    UseMethod("fetch_features", x)

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @section openBIS:
#' * \Sexpr[results=rd]{infx::docs_link("dsrs", "loadFeatures")}
#' @export
fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetReference <- function(token,
                                                         feature_codes = NA,
                                                         wells = NULL,
                                                         ...) {

  if (is.null(wells)) {
    x <- as_json_vec(remove_null(x))

    if (length(feature_codes) == 1L && is.na(feature_codes)) {
      feature_codes <- list_feature_codes(token, x)
    } else {
      feature_codes <- as.list(feature_codes)

    make_request(api_url("dsrs", attr(token, "host_url"), ...),
                 list(token, x, feature_codes),
  } else {
    fetch_features(token, feat_ds_well_ref(x, wells), feature_codes, ...)

#' @rdname list_fetch_features
#' @section openBIS:
#' * \Sexpr[results=rd]{infx::docs_link("dsrs",
#'                      "loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences")}
#' @export
fetch_features.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference <- function(
  feature_codes = NA,
  ...) {

  x <- as_json_vec(x)

  fields <- c("datasetCode", "datastoreServerUrl", "plate",
              "experimentIdentifier", "plateGeometry", "registrationDate",
              "properties", "wellPosition")

  assert_that(has_fields(x, fields))

  if (length(feature_codes) == 1L && is.na(feature_codes)) {
    feature_codes <- list_feature_codes(token, x)
  } else {
    feature_codes <- as.list(feature_codes)

  x <- lapply(lapply(x, `[`, fields), rm_json_class, recursive = FALSE,
              restore_type = FALSE)

  make_request(api_url("dsrs", attr(token, "host_url"), ...),
               list(token, x, feature_codes),

#' Create well feature dataset reference objects
#' While `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` objects represent feature datasets on
#' a plate level, `FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference` reference feature
#' datasets on well-level. In order to create such well-level representations,
#' a set of `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` and a set of `WellPosition` are
#' combined to `FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference` objects where each instance
#' contains a single object of the inputted sets. If either argument is of
#' length greater than 1, the other argument has to be of the same length or of
#' length 1, in which case it will be [base::rep()]eated to the required
#' length.
#' @param x A set of `FeatureVectorDatasetReference` objects.
#' @param wells A set of `WellPosition` objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
feat_ds_well_ref <- function(x, wells) {

  x <- as_json_vec(x)
  wells <- as_json_vec(wells)

  max_len <- max(length(x), length(wells))

  if (max_len > 1L) {
    if (length(x) == 1L)
      x <- rep(x, max_len)
    if (length(wells) == 1L)
      wells <- rep(wells, max_len)

  fields <- c("datasetCode", "datastoreServerUrl", "plate",
              "experimentIdentifier", "plateGeometry", "registrationDate",

  assert_that(has_subclass(x, "FeatureVectorDatasetReference"),
              has_subclass(wells, "WellPosition"),
              length(x) == length(wells),
              has_fields(x, fields))

    Map(function(ref, well) {
        as.list(ref[fields], keep_asis = FALSE, recursive = FALSE,
                restore_type = FALSE),
        list(wellPosition = well)
      ), class = "FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference")
    }, x, wells),
    simplify = TRUE
ropensci/infx documentation built on May 14, 2022, 5:51 p.m.