
Defines functions valid_dumper dump_raw_to_db dump_to_rds dump_raw_to_txt

Documented in dump_raw_to_db dump_raw_to_txt dump_to_rds

#' Result dumpers
#' Result dumpers are functions allowing to handle the chunks of results from
#' OAI-PMH service "on the fly". Handling can include processing, writing to
#' files, databases etc.
#' Often the result of a request to a OAI-PMH service are so large that it is
#' split into chunks that need to be requested separately using
#' `resumptionToken`. By default functions like
#' [list_identifiers()] or [list_records()] request these
#' chunks under the hood and return all concatenated in a single R object. It
#' is convenient but insufficient when dealing with large result sets that
#' might not fit into RAM. A result dumper is a function that is called on
#' each result chunk. Dumper functions can write chunks to files or databases,
#' include initial pre-processing or extraction, and so on.
#' A result dumper needs to be function that accepts at least the arguments:
#' `res`, `args`, `as`. They will get values by the enclosing
#' function internally. There may be additional arguments, including `...`.
#' Dumpers should return `NULL` or a value that will
#' be collected and returned by the function calling the dumper (e.g.
#' [list_records()]).
#' Currently result dumpers can be used with functions:
#' [list_identifiers()], [list_records()], and [list_sets()].
#' To use a dumper with one of these functions you need to:
#' - Pass it as an additional argument `dumper`
#' - Pass optional addtional arguments to the dumper function in a list
#' as the `dumper_args` argument
#' See Examples. Below we provide more details on the dumpers currently
#' implemented.
#' @param res results, depends on \code{as}, not to be specified by the user
#' @param args list, query arguments, not to be specified by the user
#' @param as character, type of result to return, not to be specified by the
#'   user
#' @param ... arguments passed to/from other functions
#' @return Dumpers should return `NULL` or a value that will be collected
#'   and returned by the function using the dumper.
#' @references OAI-PMH specification
#' <https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html>
#' @seealso Functions supporting the dumpers:
#' [list_identifiers()], [list_sets()], and [list_records()]
#' @aliases dumpers
#' @name dumpers
#' @example man-roxygen/dumpers.R

#' @rdname dumpers
#' @details
#' `dump_raw_to_txt` writes raw XML to text files. It requires
#' `as=="raw"`. File names are created using [tempfile()]. By
#' default they are written in the current working directory and have a format
#' `oaidump*.xml` where `*` is a random string in hex.
#' @param file_pattern,file_dir,file_ext character respectively: initial part of
#' the file name, directory name, and file extension used to create file
#' names. These arguments are passed to [tempfile()] arguments
#' `pattern`, `tmpdir`, and `fileext` respectively.
#' @return `dump_raw_to_txt` returns the name of the created file.
#' @export
dump_raw_to_txt <- function(res, args, as, file_pattern="oaidump", file_dir=".",
                            file_ext=".xml") {
  stopifnot(as == "raw")
  filename <- tempfile(pattern=file_pattern, tmpdir=file_dir, fileext = file_ext)
  cat( as.character(res), file=filename )

#' @rdname dumpers
#' @details
#' `dump_to_rds` saves results in an `.rds` file via [saveRDS()].
#' Type of object being saved is determined by the \code{as} argument. File names
#' are generated in the same way as by `dump_raw_to_txt`, but with default
#' extension `.rds`
#' @return `dump_to_rds` returns the name of the created file.
#' @export
dump_to_rds <- function(res, args, as, file_pattern="oaidump", file_dir=".", file_ext=".rds") {
  filename <- tempfile(pattern=file_pattern, tmpdir=file_dir, fileext = file_ext)
  saveRDS(res, file=filename)

#' @rdname dumpers
#' @details
#' `dump_xml_to_db` writes raw XML to a single text column of a table in a
#' database. Requires `as == "raw"`. Database connection `dbcon`
#' should be a connection object as created by [DBI::dbConnect()] from
#' package \pkg{DBI}. As such, it can connect to any database supported by
#' \pkg{DBI}. The records are written to a field `field_name` in a table
#' `table_name` using [DBI::dbWriteTable()]. If the table does not
#' exist, it is created. If it does, the records are appended. Any additional
#' arguments are passed to [DBI::dbWriteTable()]
#' @param dbcon \pkg{DBI}-compliant database connection
#' @param table_name character, name of the database table to write into
#' @param field_name character, name of the field in database table to write
#'   into
#' @return `dump_xml_to_db` returns `NULL`
#' @export
dump_raw_to_db <- function(res, args, as, dbcon, table_name, field_name, ...) {
  stopifnot( as == "raw" )
  dframe <- data.frame(x=as.character(res), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(dframe) <- field_name
  DBI::dbWriteTable(con=dbcon, name=table_name, value=dframe, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE, ...)

# Checking dumper arguments
valid_dumper <- function(dumper, dumper_args) {
  rval <- NULL

  # Arguments of dumper function
  dargs <- formals(dumper)
  darg_has_default <- !sapply(dargs, is.symbol)
  d_has_ddd <- "..." %in% names(dargs)

  # Dumper has minimal obligatory args
  a <- c("res", "args", "as")
  has_a <- a %in% names(dargs)
    rval <- c(rval,
              paste("dumper misses obligatory arguments:",
                    paste(a[has_a], collapse=", ") )

  # Additional user arguments for dumper: dumper_args

  # Dumper requires user arguments which are not supplied
  aa <- setdiff( names(dargs[!darg_has_default]), c(a, "..."))
  z <- aa %in% names(dumper_args)
    rval <- c(rval,
              paste("required user arguments (dumper_args) missing:",
                    paste(aa[!z], collapse=", ") )

  if(!is.null(dumper_args)) {
    uargs <- names(dumper_args)

    # User supplied res/args/as argument(s)
    z <- a %in% names(dumper_args)
    if( any(z) )
      rval <- c(rval, paste("dumper_args not allowed:",
                            paste(a[z], collapse=", ") ))

    # User arguments that will not be accepted by dumper
    z <- uargs %in% names(dargs)
    if( any(!z) && !d_has_ddd )
      rval <- c(rval, paste("user arguments (dumper_args) not accepted by dumper:",
                            paste(names(dumper_args)[!z], collapse=", ") )

  # Returning
  if(is.null(rval)) {
  } else {
    stop( paste(rval, collapse="\n"))
ropensci/oai documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 5:33 p.m.