
Defines functions osf_retrieve_file osf_retrieve_node osf_retrieve_user

Documented in osf_retrieve_file osf_retrieve_node osf_retrieve_user

#' Retrieve an entity from OSF
#' Create an [`osf_tbl`] representation of an existing OSF project, component,
#' file, or user based on the associated unique identifier. Usually this is a
#' 5-character global unique identifier (GUID) but for files or directories, it
#' could also be an 11-character Waterbutler ID. See below for details.
#' @section OSF identifiers: A 5-character GUID is assigned to every user,
#'   project, component, and file on OSF and forms the basis for the service's
#'   URL scheme. For example the GUID for a project accessible at
#'   <https://osf.io/ezum7> is simply `ezum7`. You can learn more about GUIDs
#'   in the [OSF FAQ](https://help.osf.io/article/203-faqs).
#' An important detail is that files and directories are handled internally on
#' OSF by another serviced called [Waterbutler](http://www.waterbutler.io/),
#' which uses 11-character identifiers. Although Waterbutler IDs are largely
#' hidden from users on <https://osf.io>, they represent the primary method for
#' identifying files/directories by the OSF API. In fact, files do not receive a
#' GUID until it is viewed directly on <https://osf.io> and directories never
#' receive a GUID. Therefore, osfr relies on Waterbutler IDs for files and
#' directories, and always includes them (rather than GUIDs) in [`osf_tbl_file`]
#' objects.
#' @section Retrieving OSF objects:
#' To begin using osfr to interact with resources on OSF you must use one of the
#' following *retrieve* functions to create an [`osf_tbl`] that contains
#' the entity of interest. Note the functions are entity-type specific, use:
#' * `osf_retrieve_node()` to retrieve a project or component
#' * `osf_retrieve_file()` to retrieve a file or directory
#' * `osf_retrieve_user()` to retrieve a user
#' @section A note on 3rd-party storage providers:
#' While OSF supports integration with a variety of 3rd-party cloud storage
#' providers, osfr can currently only access files stored on the default OSF
#' storage service. Support for additional storage providers is planned for a
#' future release.
#' @param id An OSF identifier corresponding to an OSF user, project, component,
#'   or file. Set `id = "me"` to retrieve your own OSF profile.
#' @return An [`osf_tbl_user`], [`osf_tbl_node`], or [`osf_tbl_file`] containing
#'   the corresponding OSF entity.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  # retrieve your own OSF user profile (must be authenticated, ?osf_auth)
#'  osf_retrieve_user("me")
#' # retrieve the Psychology Reproducibility Project (P:RP, osf.io/ezum7)
#' osf_retrieve_node("ezum7")
#' # get the first figure from the P:RP
#' osf_retrieve_file("https://osf.io/7js8c")
#' }
#' @name osf_retrieve

#' @export
#' @rdname osf_retrieve
osf_retrieve_user <- function(id) {
  id <- make_single(id)

  # accommodate special case of 'me' id
  id <- switch(id, me = structure(id, class = "osf_id"), as_id(id))

  out <- .osf_user_retrieve(id)

  as_osf_tbl(out["data"], "osf_tbl_user")

#' @export
#' @rdname osf_retrieve
osf_retrieve_node <- function(id) {
  id <- make_single(id)
  id <- as_id(id)

  out <- .osf_node_retrieve(id)

  as_osf_tbl(out["data"], "osf_tbl_node")

#' @export
#' @rdname osf_retrieve
osf_retrieve_file <- function(id) {
  id <- make_single(id)
  id <- as_id(id)

  out <- .osf_file_retrieve(id)

  # prevent file retrieval from other providers until properly supported
  if (out$data$attributes$provider != "osfstorage") {
      "3rd party storage add-ons are not currently supported\n",
      "* The requested file is stored on ", out$data$attributes$provider, "\n"

  as_osf_tbl(out["data"], "osf_tbl_file")
ropensci/osfr documentation built on July 5, 2024, 2:12 p.m.