
Defines functions exec_internal exec_wait

Documented in exec_internal exec_wait

#' @name exec_wait
#' @title Execute system commands and wait for response
#' @description Passes arguments to `sys::exec_wait`, if
#' a server is connected arguments are passed to
#' `ssh::ssh_exec_wait` instead.
#' @param cmd Command
#' @param args Arguments
#' @param std_out Standard out
#' @param std_err Standard error
#' @param std_in Standard in
#' @param timeout Timeout
#' @param with_ssh Try and run with ssh, default TRUE
#' @return logical
#' @family private-sys
exec_wait <- function(cmd, args = NULL, std_out = stdout(), std_err = stderr(), 
                      std_in = NULL, timeout = 0, with_ssh = TRUE) {
  if (with_ssh && is_server_connected()) {
    session <- server_fetch(verbose = 'exec' %in% args)
    command <- paste0(cmd, ' ', paste0(args, collapse = ' '))
    res <- ssh::ssh_exec_wait(session = session, command = command,
                              std_out = std_out, std_err = std_err)
  } else {
    res <- sys::exec_wait(cmd, args = args, std_out = std_out,
                          std_err = std_err, std_in = std_in, timeout = timeout)

#' @name exec_internal
#' @title Execute system commands and wait for response
#' @description Passes arguments to
#' `sys::exec_internal`, if a server is connected
#' arguments are passed to
#' `ssh::ssh_exec_internal` instead.
#' @param cmd Command
#' @param args Arguments
#' @param std_in Standard in
#' @param error Call an error? T/F
#' @param timeout Timeout
#' @param with_ssh Try and run with ssh, default TRUE
#' @return logical
#' @family private-sys
exec_internal <- function(cmd, args = NULL, std_in = NULL, error = TRUE,
                          timeout = 0, with_ssh = TRUE) {
  if (with_ssh && is_server_connected()) {
    session <- server_fetch(verbose = FALSE)
    command <- paste0(cmd, ' ', paste0(args, collapse = ' '))
    res <- ssh::ssh_exec_internal(session = session, command = command,
                                  error = error)
  } else {
    res <- sys::exec_internal(cmd = cmd, args = args, std_in = std_in,
                              error = error, timeout = timeout)
ropensci/outsider.base documentation built on June 21, 2022, 7:39 p.m.