
Defines functions count_identifiers

Documented in count_identifiers

#' Count OAI-PMH identifiers for a data provider.
#' Count identifiers for the data sources from the OAI-PMH list, and others not
#'     on that list, including PMC, DataCite, Hindawi Journals, Dryad, and
#' 		Pensoft Journals.
#' @import XML httr
#' @param provider The metadata provider.
#' @param metadataPrefix Specifies the metadata format that the records will be
#'     returned in.
#' @param fuzzy Do fuzzy search or not (default FALSE). Fuzzy uses agrep.
#' @param useurl Setting to TRUE allows you to just provide the metadata
#' 		provider name, and any matches found the function will just use the url
#' 		to query their OAI-PMH API.
#' @param seconds Number of seconds by which to timeout an API call to one of
#' 		the data providers.
#' @seealso \code{\link{md_identify}}, \code{\link{md_listidentifiers}},
#' 		\code{\link{md_listmetadataformats}}, \code{\link{md_listrecords}},
#' 		\code{\link{md_listsets}}, \code{\link{md_getrecord}}
#' @author Scott Chamberlain \email{myrmecocystus@@gmail.com}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Select one
#' md_count_identifiers(provider="datacite")
#' # Select a few
#' library("plyr")
#' ldply(c("datacite","pensoft","arXiv"), md_count_identifiers)
#' }
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # All of them, takes a while, run in parallel, e.g. on AWS RStudio AMI
#' out <- llply(providers[,2], function(x) md_count_identifiers(x, useurl = T), .inform=T)
#' outdf <- ldply(out)
#' str(outdf)
#' outdf_ <- outdf[!is.na(as.numeric(as.character(outdf$count))), ]  # just those with counts
#' }
#' @export
count_identifiers <- function(provider = NULL, metadataPrefix = 'oai_dc',
    fuzzy = FALSE, useurl = FALSE, seconds = 3)
#   if(exists(as.character(substitute(providers)))==TRUE){ NULL } else
#   { data(providers); message("loaded providers") }

  args <- compact(list(verb = 'ListIdentifiers', metadataPrefix = metadataPrefix))

  if(useurl == TRUE){ url <- provider } else
    if(fuzzy){ get_ <- providers[ agrep(provider, providers[,1]), ] } else
    { get_ <- providers[ grep(provider, providers[,1]), ] }
    if(nrow(get_) == 0){ data.frame(x="no match found") } else
      if(nrow(get_) > 1){  data.frame(repo_name = get_[,1]) } else
      { url <- get_[,"base_url"] }
  mm <- tryCatch(GET(as.character(url),
                     config=timeout(seconds))[[4]]$`content-type`, error = function(e) e$message)
  if(length(mm)==0) {dd <- "error"} else {
  if(grepl("timed out", mm)){dd<-"timed out"} else
      nn <- strsplit(mm, ";")[[1]][[1]]
      if(nn == "text/html") { dd<-"not provided" } else
        if(nn == "text/xml") {
          ss <- tryCatch(http_status(GET(as.character(url), query=args,
                             config=timeout(seconds))), error = function(e) e$message)
          if(grepl("timed out", ss[[1]])){dd<-"timed out"} else {
            if(!grepl("success", ss$category)){dd<-"error"} else {
              tt <- tryCatch(xmlToList(
                      as.character(url), query=args, config=timeout(seconds)),
                             error = function(e) e$message)
          if(is.null(tt)){dd<-"not provided"} else
            if(class(tt)=="try-error"){ dd<-"not provided" } else
              if(tt == "subscript out of bounds") { dd<-"not provided" } else
                  { dd<-tt }
    } else { dd<-"bad content type" }
  if(useurl){ provider <-
    providers[providers$base_url %in% provider, 1]} else {provider <- provider}
  data.frame(provider = provider, count = dd)
ropensci/rmetadata documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:41 p.m.