
Defines functions check_args_design_search design_search_many design_search

Documented in design_search design_search_many

#' Search design documents
#' @export
#' @template all
#' @template return
#' @param dbname (character) Database name. required.
#' @param design (character) Design document name. this is the design name
#' without `_design/`, which is prepended internally. required.
#' @param view (character) a view, same as `fxn` param in
#' [design_create_()]. required.
#' @param params query parameters. a named list
#' @param body same as `params`, but if any given, a POST request is
#' sent (if body non-NULL, `params` also sent). a named list
#' @param queries a list of named lists of queries
#' @section Options to pass to `params`, `body`, or `queries` params:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item conflicts (logical) Includes conflicts information in response.
#' Ignored if include_docs isn't `TRUE`. Default: `FALSE`
#'  \item descending (logical) Return the documents in descending by key
#' order. Default: `FALSE`
#'  \item endkey,end_key (list) Stop returning records when the specified key is
#' reached. Optional. `end_key` is an alias for `endkey`
#'  \item endkey_docid,end_key_doc_id (character) Stop returning records when
#' the specified document ID is reached. Requires endkey to be specified for
#' this to have any effect. Optional. `end_key_doc_id` is an alias for
#' `endkey_docid`
#'  \item group (logical) Group the results using the reduce function to a
#' group or single row. Default: `FALSE`
#'  \item group_level (integer) Specify the group level to be used. Optional
#'  \item include_docs (logical) Include the associated document with each
#' row. Default: `FALSE`.
#'  \item attachments (logical) Include the Base64-encoded content of
#' attachments in the documents that are included if include_docs is
#' `TRUE`. Ignored if include_docs isn't `TRUE`.
#' Default: `FALSE`
#'  \item att_encoding_info (logical) Include encoding information in
#' attachment stubs if include_docs is `TRUE` and the particular
#' attachment is compressed. Ignored if include_docs isn't `TRUE`.
#' Default: `FALSE`.
#'  \item inclusive_end (logical) Specifies whether the specified end key
#' should be included in the result. Default: `TRUE`
#'  \item key (list) Return only documents that match the specified
#' key. Optional
#'  \item keys (list) Return only documents where the key matches one of the
#' keys specified in the array. Optional
#'  \item limit (integer) Limit the number of the returned documents to the
#' specified number. Optional
#'  \item reduce (logical)  Use the reduction function. Default: `TRUE`
#'  \item skip (integer)  Skip this number of records before starting to
#' return the results. Default: 0
#'  \item sorted (logical)  Sort returned rows (see Sorting Returned Rows).
#' Setting this to `FALSE` offers a performance boost. The total_rows
#' and offset fields are not available when this is set to `FALSE`.
#' Default: `TRUE`
#'  \item stale (character) Allow the results from a stale view to be used.
#' Supported values: ok and update_after. Optional
#'  \item startkey,start_key (list) Return records starting with the specified
#' key. Optional. `start_key` is an alias for startkey
#'  \item startkey_docid,start_key_doc_id (character) Return records starting
#' with the specified document ID. Requires startkey to be specified for this
#' to have any effect. Optional. `start_key_doc_id` is an alias for
#' `startkey_docid`
#'  \item update_seq (logical) Response includes an update_seq value
#' indicating which sequence id of the database the view reflects.
#' Default: `FALSE`
#' }
#' @references https://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/api/ddoc/views.html
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' user <- Sys.getenv("COUCHDB_TEST_USER")
#' pwd <- Sys.getenv("COUCHDB_TEST_PWD")
#' (x <- Cushion$new(user=user, pwd=pwd))
#' file <- system.file("examples/omdb.json", package = "sofa")
#' strs <- readLines(file)
#' ## create a database
#' if ("omdb" %in% db_list(x)) {
#'   invisible(db_delete(x, dbname="omdb"))
#' }
#' db_create(x, dbname='omdb')
#' ## add the documents
#' invisible(db_bulk_create(x, "omdb", strs))
#' # Create a view, the easy way, but less flexible
#' design_create(x, dbname='omdb', design='view1', fxnname="foobar1")
#' design_create(x, dbname='omdb', design='view2', fxnname="foobar2",
#'   value="doc.Country")
#' design_create(x, dbname='omdb', design='view5', fxnname="foobar3",
#'   value="[doc.Country,doc.imdbRating]")
#' design_create_(x, dbname='omdb', design='view6', fxnname="foobar4",
#'   fxn = "function(doc){emit(doc._id,doc.Country)}")
#' # Search using a view
#' compact <- function(l) Filter(Negate(is.null), l)
#' res <- design_search(x, dbname='omdb', design='view2', view ='foobar2')
#' head(
#'   do.call(
#'     "rbind.data.frame",
#'     Filter(
#'       function(z) length(z) == 2,
#'       lapply(res$rows, function(x) compact(x[names(x) %in% c('id', 'value')]))
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' res <- design_search(x, dbname='omdb', design='view5', view = 'foobar3')
#' head(
#'   structure(do.call(
#'     "rbind.data.frame",
#'     lapply(res$rows, function(x) x$value)
#'   ), .Names = c('Country', 'imdbRating'))
#' )
#' # query parameters
#' ## limit
#' design_search(x, dbname='omdb', design='view5', view = 'foobar3',
#'   params = list(limit = 5))
#' ## limit and skip
#' design_search(x, dbname='omdb', design='view5', view = 'foobar3',
#'   params = list(limit = 5, skip = 3))
#' ## with start and end keys
#' ### important: the key strings have to be in JSON, so here e.g., 
#' ###  need to add escaped double quotes
#' res <- design_search(
#'   cushion = x,
#'   dbname = 'omdb',
#'   design = 'view6',
#'   view = 'foobar4',
#'   params = list(
#'     startkey = "\"c25bbf4fef99408b3e1115374a03f642\"",
#'     endkey = "\"c25bbf4fef99408b3e1115374a040f11\""
#'   )
#' )
#' # POST request
#' ids <- vapply(db_alldocs(x, dbname='omdb')$rows[1:3], "[[", "", "id")
#' res <- design_search(x, dbname='omdb', design='view6', view = 'foobar4',
#'   body = list(keys = ids), verbose = TRUE)
#' res
#' # Many queries at once in a POST request
#' queries <- list(
#'   list(keys = ids),
#'   list(limit = 3, skip = 2)
#' )
#' design_search_many(x, 'omdb', 'view6', 'foobar4', queries)
#' }
design_search <- function(cushion, dbname, design, view, params = list(),
  body = list(), as = 'list', ...) {

  url <- file.path(cushion$make_url(), dbname, "_design", design,
    "_view", view)
  params <- check_args_design_search(params, ds_params_keys)
  body <- check_args_design_search(body, c(ds_params_keys, ds_body_keys))
  if (length(body) != 0) {
    sofa_POST(url, as, body = body, "json", cushion$get_headers(),
      cushion$get_auth(), query = params, ...)
  } else {
    sofa_GET(url, as, query = params, cushion$get_headers(),
      cushion$get_auth(), ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname design_search
design_search_many <- function(cushion, dbname, design, view, queries,
  as = 'list', ...) {

  if (cushion$version() < 220) {
    url <- file.path(cushion$make_url(), dbname, "_design", design,
      "_view", view)
  } else {
    url <- file.path(cushion$make_url(), dbname, "_design", design,
      "_view", view, "queries")
  sofa_POST(url, as, body = list(queries = queries),
    "json", cushion$get_headers(),
    cushion$get_auth(), ...)

# helpers ------------
ds_params_keys <- c(
  "conflicts", "descending", "endkey_docid",
  "end_key_doc_id", "group", "group_level", "include_docs",
  "attachments", "att_encoding_info", "inclusive_end",
  "limit", "reduce", "skip", "sorted", "stale",
  "startkey_docid", "start_key_doc_id", "update_seq",
  "endkey", "end_key", "startkey", "start_key"

ds_body_keys <- c(
  "endkey", "end_key", "key", "keys", "startkey", "start_key"

check_args_design_search <- function(x, z) {
  x <- sc(x)
  # check that named args are in acceptable set
  if (!all(names(x) %in% z)) {
    stop("some 'params' or 'body' names are not in acceptable set")
ropensci/sofa documentation built on March 10, 2024, 4:26 a.m.