test_that("spatial queries work", {
con <- invisible(dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "inst/examples/test-2.3.sqlite", loadable.extensions = TRUE))
# List Tables
tables <- dbListTables(con)
expect_is(tables, "character")
expect_equal(length(tables), 7)
expect_true(any(grepl('HighWays', tables)))
# Show the structure of Towns (point-shape)
struct <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Towns LIMIT 2")
expect_is(struct, "data.frame")
# Now query the same but format the geometry using spatialite functions (X,Y)
splite1 <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT Name, X(Geometry) AS Longitude, Y(Geometry) AS Latitude, SRID(Geometry) as SRID, GeometryType(Geometry) FROM Towns LIMIT 2")
expect_is(splite1, "data.frame")
expect_named(splite1, c("Name", "Longitude", "Latitude", "SRID", "GeometryType(Geometry)"))
# Calculate the length im m of the biggest 5 Highways
splite2 <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT Name, Length(Geometry) as length FROM HighWays ORDER BY length DESC LIMIT 5")
expect_is(splite2, "data.frame")
expect_is(splite2$length, "integer")
expect_named(splite2, c("Name", "length"))
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