
#' Replace cryptic NAs with standard NA
#' This function will fix every column in a data.frame for possible missing value codes. It should be used if the \code{test_NA()} function identifies cryptic NAs in your data.frame, or if you have a custom NA indicator that you want to fix.
#' A list of missing value codes to check can be found in White et al. 2013.
#' @param dat input dataset. Currently only supports \code{data.frame} but will soon support \code{data.table}
#' @param custom_NAs additional NA aliases you want to fix. Be sure to create a list if you want to include NA aliases of different classes.
#' @param leave_in NA aliases that were identified by \code{test_NA} but should NOT be treated as such when cleaning the dataset. If more than one, the arguments should be a list. 
#' @param removeFactors Should columns be converted from factors after fixing for NA aliases? (Conversion to factors happens by default in correction process.) Strongly recomment the TRUE default.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(iris)
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' date = rep(as.Date("2014-01-01"),10),
#' num = c(rep(1,8),999,"n/a"),
#' name = c("NULL","naa",rep("foo",8))
#' )
#' test_NA(dat)
#' correct_NA(dat,custom_NAs="naa")
#' @references 2 Ethan P. White, Elita Baldridge, Zachary T. Brym, Kenneth J. Locey, Daniel J. McGlinn, and 3 and Sarah R. Supp.  1 Nine simple ways to make it easier to (re)use your data.  PeerJ PrePrints. , doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.7v2
fix_NA <- function(dat, custom_NAs = list(), leave_in = list(), removeFactors=TRUE) {
  if (!is(dat, "data.frame")) {
    stop("Can only fix data.frames at this time")
  message(sprintf("Now fixing %s columns...", ncol(dat)))
  # List is incomplete
  NA_aliases = list(
    "no data", 

  # remove stuff that user says should *not* be considered NA
  if(length(leave_in) > 0){
    remove <- which(NA_aliases %in% leave_in)
    NA_aliases <- NA_aliases[-remove]
  # append user-inputted custom_NAs
    NA_aliases <- append(NA_aliases,custom_NAs)
  # Should also do regexes to include other capitalizations
  matches = is.na(dat) | sapply(dat, function(x){x %in% NA_aliases})
    stop("This data.frame has no identifiable NA aliases.")
  dat[matches] <- NA
  # removing factors, coercing into characters or numeric
    # which columns to check
    check_col <- unique(col(dat)[matches])
    # how many NAs should there be?
    NAs_col <- apply(matches,2,sum)[check_col]
    for(i in 1:length(check_col)){
      # does coercing to numeric cause extra NAs? if not, then coerce to numeric
      # if so, coerce to character
      # no--coerce to numeric
        dat[,check_col[i]] <- as.numeric(as.character(dat[,check_col[i]]))
      # yes--coerce to character
        dat[,check_col[i]] <- as.character(dat[,check_col[i]])
ropensci/testdat documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:32 p.m.