
#  Copyright 2013 Lars Butler & individual contributors
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
import tokenize

    import StringIO
except ImportError:
    import io
    StringIO = io

INVALID_WKT_FMT = 'Invalid WKT: `%s`'

def dump(obj, dest_file):
    Dump GeoJSON-like `dict` to WKT and write it to the `dest_file`.

    :param dict obj:
        A GeoJSON-like dictionary. It must at least the keys 'type' and
    :param dest_file:
        Open and writable file-like object.

def load(source_file):
    Load a GeoJSON `dict` object from a ``source_file`` containing WKT.

    :param source_file:
        Open and readable file-like object.

        A GeoJSON `dict` representing the geometry read from the file.
    return loads(

def dumps(obj, decimals=16):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like `dict` to a WKT string.
    geom_type = obj['type']
    exporter = _dumps_registry.get(geom_type)

    if exporter is None:

    fmt = '%%.%df' % decimals
    return exporter(obj, fmt)

def loads(string):
    Construct a GeoJSON `dict` from WKT (`string`).
    sio = StringIO.StringIO(string)
    # NOTE: This is not the intended purpose of `tokenize`, but it works.
    tokens = (x[1] for x in tokenize.generate_tokens(sio.readline))
    tokens = _tokenize_wkt(tokens)
    geom_type = next(tokens)

    importer = _loads_registry.get(geom_type)

    if importer is None:
    return importer(tokens, string)

def _tokenize_wkt(tokens):
    Since the tokenizer treats "-" and numeric strings as separate values,
    combine them and yield them as a single token. This utility encapsulates
    parsing of negative numeric values from WKT can be used generically in all
    negative = False
    for t in tokens:
        if t == '-':
            negative = True
            if negative:
                yield '-%s' % t
                yield t
            negative = False

def _unsupported_geom_type(geom_type):
    raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry type '%s'" % geom_type)

def _dump_point(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like Point object to WKT.

    :param dict obj:
        A GeoJSON-like `dict` representing a Point.
    :param str fmt:
        Format string which indicates the number of digits to display after the
        decimal point when formatting coordinates.

        WKT representation of the input GeoJSON Point ``obj``.
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    pt = 'POINT (%s)' % ' '.join(fmt % c for c in coords)
    return pt

def _dump_linestring(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like LineString object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the LINESTRING equivalent to
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    ls = 'LINESTRING (%s)'
    ls %= ', '.join(' '.join(fmt % c for c in pt) for pt in coords)
    return ls

def _dump_polygon(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like Polygon object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the POLYGON equivalent to
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    poly = 'POLYGON (%s)'
    rings = (', '.join(' '.join(fmt % c for c in pt) for pt in ring)
             for ring in coords)
    rings = ('(%s)' % r for r in rings)
    poly %= ', '.join(rings)
    return poly

def _dump_multipoint(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like MultiPoint object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the MULTIPOINT equivalent to
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    mp = 'MULTIPOINT (%s)'
    points = (' '.join(fmt % c for c in pt) for pt in coords)
    # Add parens around each point.
    points = ('(%s)' % pt for pt in points)
    mp %= ', '.join(points)
    return mp

def _dump_multilinestring(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like MultiLineString object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the MULTILINESTRING equivalent to
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    mlls = 'MULTILINESTRING (%s)'
    linestrs = ('(%s)' % ', '.join(' '.join(fmt % c for c in pt)
                for pt in linestr) for linestr in coords)
    mlls %= ', '.join(ls for ls in linestrs)
    return mlls

def _dump_multipolygon(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like MultiPolygon object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the MULTIPOLYGON equivalent to
    coords = obj['coordinates']
    mp = 'MULTIPOLYGON (%s)'

    polys = (
        # join the polygons in the multipolygon
        ', '.join(
            # join the rings in a polygon,
            # and wrap in parens
            '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                # join the points in a ring,
                # and wrap in parens
                '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                    # join coordinate values of a vertex
                    ' '.join(fmt % c for c in pt)
                    for pt in ring)
                for ring in poly)
            for poly in coords)
    mp %= polys
    return mp

def _dump_geometrycollection(obj, fmt):
    Dump a GeoJSON-like GeometryCollection object to WKT.

    Input parameters and return value are the GEOMETRYCOLLECTION equivalent to

    The WKT conversions for each geometry in the collection are delegated to
    their respective functions.
    geoms = obj['geometries']
    geoms_wkt = []
    for geom in geoms:
        geom_type = geom['type']
        geoms_wkt.append(_dumps_registry.get(geom_type)(geom, fmt))
    gc %= ','.join(geoms_wkt)
    return gc

def _load_point(tokens, string):
    :param tokens:
        A generator of string tokens for the input WKT, begining just after the
        geometry type. The geometry type is consumed before we get to here. For
        example, if :func:`loads` is called with the input 'POINT(0.0 1.0)',
        ``tokens`` would generate the following values:

        .. code-block:: python
            ['(', '0.0', '1.0', ')']
    :param str string:
        The original WKT string.

        A GeoJSON `dict` Point representation of the WKT ``string``.
    if not next(tokens) == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    coords = []
        for t in tokens:
            if t == ')':
    except tokenize.TokenError:
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    return dict(type='Point', coordinates=coords)

def _load_linestring(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling LINESTRING geometry.

        A GeoJSON `dict` LineString representation of the WKT ``string``.
    if not next(tokens) == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    # a list of lists
    # each member list represents a point
    coords = []
        pt = []
        for t in tokens:
            if t == ')':
            elif t == ',':
                # it's the end of the point
                pt = []
    except tokenize.TokenError:
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    return dict(type='LineString', coordinates=coords)

def _load_polygon(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling POLYGON geometry.

        A GeoJSON `dict` Polygon representation of the WKT ``string``.
    open_parens = next(tokens), next(tokens)
    if not open_parens == ('(', '('):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    # coords contains a list of rings
    # each ring contains a list of points
    # each point is a list of 2-4 values
    coords = []

    ring = []
    on_ring = True
        pt = []
        for t in tokens:
            if t == ')' and on_ring:
                # The ring is finished
                on_ring = False
            elif t == ')' and not on_ring:
                # it's the end of the polygon
            elif t == '(':
                # it's a new ring
                ring = []
                pt = []
                on_ring = True
            elif t == ',' and on_ring:
                # it's the end of a point
                pt = []
            elif t == ',' and not on_ring:
                # there's another ring.
                # do nothing
    except tokenize.TokenError:
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    return dict(type='Polygon', coordinates=coords)

def _load_multipoint(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling MULTIPOINT geometry.

        A GeoJSON `dict` MultiPoint representation of the WKT ``string``.
    open_paren = next(tokens)
    if not open_paren == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    coords = []
    pt = []

    paren_depth = 1
        for t in tokens:
            if t == '(':
                paren_depth += 1
            elif t == ')':
                paren_depth -= 1
                if paren_depth == 0:
            elif t == '':
            elif t == ',':
                # the point is done
                pt = []
    except tokenize.TokenError:
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    # Given the way we're parsing, we'll probably have to deal with the last
    # point after the loop
    if len(pt) > 0:

    return dict(type='MultiPoint', coordinates=coords)

def _load_multipolygon(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling MULTIPOLYGON geometry.

        A GeoJSON `dict` MultiPolygon representation of the WKT ``string``.
    open_paren = next(tokens)
    if not open_paren == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    polygons = []
    while True:
            poly = _load_polygon(tokens, string)
            t = next(tokens)
            if t == ')':
                # we're done; no more polygons.
        except StopIteration:
            # If we reach this, the WKT is not valid.
            raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    return dict(type='MultiPolygon', coordinates=polygons)

def _load_multilinestring(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling MULTILINESTRING geometry.

        A GeoJSON `dict` MultiLineString representation of the WKT ``string``.
    open_paren = next(tokens)
    if not open_paren == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    linestrs = []
    while True:
            linestr = _load_linestring(tokens, string)
            t = next(tokens)
            if t == ')':
                # we're done; no more linestrings.
        except StopIteration:
            # If we reach this, the WKT is not valid.
            raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    return dict(type='MultiLineString', coordinates=linestrs)

def _load_geometrycollection(tokens, string):
    Has similar inputs and return value to to :func:`_load_point`, except is
    for handling GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs.

    Delegates parsing to the parsers for the individual geometry types.

        A GeoJSON `dict` GeometryCollection representation of the WKT
    open_paren = next(tokens)
    if not open_paren == '(':
        raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)

    geoms = []
    result = dict(type='GeometryCollection', geometries=geoms)
    while True:
            t = next(tokens)
            if t == ')':
            elif t == ',':
                # another geometry still
                geom_type = t
                load_func = _loads_registry.get(geom_type)
                geom = load_func(tokens, string)
        except StopIteration:
            raise ValueError(INVALID_WKT_FMT % string)
    return result

_dumps_registry = {
    'Point':  _dump_point,
    'LineString': _dump_linestring,
    'Polygon': _dump_polygon,
    'MultiPoint': _dump_multipoint,
    'MultiLineString': _dump_multilinestring,
    'MultiPolygon': _dump_multipolygon,
    'GeometryCollection': _dump_geometrycollection,

_loads_registry = {
    'POINT': _load_point,
    'LINESTRING': _load_linestring,
    'POLYGON': _load_polygon,
    'MULTIPOINT': _load_multipoint,
    'MULTILINESTRING': _load_multilinestring,
    'MULTIPOLYGON': _load_multipolygon,
    'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION': _load_geometrycollection,
ropensci/wellknown documentation built on April 8, 2023, 11:54 p.m.