
Defines functions get_tags get_filename get_tags_post

Documented in get_tags

#' Function returning tags
#' It returns a data.frame of filenames and tags as Booleans. A nice rectangle!
#' @param path Path to where the posts are located
#' @param format String of post formats
#' @return data.frame of filenames and tags as Booleans
#' @export
#' @examples
#' blog_path <- system.file(package = "blogyaml", "example_blog")
#' get_tags(blog_path, format = "*.md")
get_tags <- function(path, format){
  if(length(format) == 0){
    stop("Indicate at least one post format either '*.md' or '*.Rmd' or well both",
         call. = FALSE)

  if(!all(format %in% c("*.md", "*.Rmd"))){
    stop("Post format has to be either '*.md' or '*.Rmd' or well both",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(length(format == 2)){
    format <- "*.(R)?md"
  posts <- fs::dir_ls(path, regexp = format)
  posts <- purrr::map_chr(posts, get_filename)
  posts <- posts[!grepl("^\\_", posts)]
  tags_info <- unique(purrr::map_df(posts, get_tags_post, path = path))
  if(nrow(tags_info) > 0){
    tags_info$value <- TRUE
    tags_info <- tidyr::spread(tags_info, "tags", "value", fill = FALSE)
    tags_info <- tibble::tibble(file = posts) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(tags_info, by = "file")
    tags_info[is.na(tags_info)] <- FALSE
    tags_info <- tibble::tibble(file = posts)

get_filename <- function(file_path){
  pieces <- fs::path_split(file_path)[[1]]

# C:\\Users\\Maelle\\Documents\\ropensci\\roweb2\\content\\blog
get_tags_post <- function(file, path){

  tags <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(file.path(path, file),
                                       encoding = "utf8")$tags
    tibble::tibble(file = file,
                   tags = tags)

ropenscilabs/blogyaml documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:02 a.m.