
Defines functions noaa_gefs_download_downscale

Documented in noaa_gefs_download_downscale

##' @title Download NOAA GEFS Forecasts
##' @description Downloads a set of NOAA Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)
##' forecasts for a set of point locations or spatial ranges, downscaling them in
##' time if requested.
##' @param site_list Vector of site codes, e.g. "NOAA", used in directory and file name generation.
##' @param lat_list Vector or range of latitudes to be downloaded (see details).
##' @param lon_list Vector or range of longitudes to be downloaded (see details).
##' @param output_directory Path: directory where the model output will be saved.
##' @param forecast_time The 'hour' of the requested forecast, one of "00", "06", "12", or "18" (see
##' details). If omitted all times will be downloaded.
##' @param forecast_date The date, or coercible string, of the requested forecast. ((Defaults to the
#' most recent date.))
##' @param downscale Logical specifying whether to downscale from 6-hr to 1-hr data.
##' @param debias Logical specifying whether weather data should be adjusted
##' for a bias verses the nearest forecast point.
##' @param debias_coefficients If debias = TRUE, a data frame of debasing parameter value lists (see
##' details).
##' @param run_parallel Logical: whether to run on multiple cores.
##' @param num_cores Integer: number of cores used if run_parallel = TRUE.
##' @param method Character string indicating the download method, either "point" or "grid".
##' @param overwrite Logical stating whether to overwrite any existing output files.
##' @param read_from_path Point mode only:
##' @param grid_name Grid mode only: a short grid name used in directory and file name generation.
##' @param process_specific_date Grid mode only: A date, or coercible string, specifying specific
##' date(s) within the forecast to extract. If omitted all dates will be downloaded.
##' @param process_specific_cycle Grid mode only: A vector of forecast times ("00", "06", "12", or
##' "18" hours), to extract. If omitted all cycles will be processed.
##' @param delete_bad_files Grid mode only: Logical: delete bad files?
##' @param write_intermediate_ncdf Grid mode only: Logical: retain the intermediate netCDF files
##' created during processing?
##' @details
##' @section Coordinates
##' The coordinates will be interpreted differently depending on the download
##' method. If a point download is requested lat_list and lon_list should
##' provide a vectors of coordinates to be downloaded with the same length as
##' site_list. If a grid download is requested lat_list and lon_list should at
##' minimum provide a pair of latitude and longitude values defining a range (not
##' corners) of a rectangular grid of points to be downloaded. Providing a list
##' of more than two point locations will result in a extracted region that
##' encompasses them all.
##' Providing a single set of coordinates will work but will (likely) result in
##' a 3x3 region surrounding the point requested. Only decimal coordinates, without cardinal
##' directions, are currently accepted.
##' @section Forecast Times
##' NOAA GEFS forecasts are made 4 times daily. The forecast made at hour 00 (midnight) goes out for
##' 35 days while the others (hour 06, 12, and 18) only go out to 16 days. Forecasts contain
##' predictions at six hour resolution, also denoted as 00, 06, 12, and 18, for their forecast
##' window.  Forecasts can be donwscaled to 1 hour by setting \code{downscale = TRUE}.
##' @section Weather Debiasing
##' NOAA forecasts are made for a fixed grid. The meteorology at actual locations may differ
##' systemically from their nearest forecast location. Debiasing allows adjust the forecast based
##' on linear relationships between the forecast location and your site based on parameters you can
##' determine from your local meteorology. See \code{\link{debias_met_forecast}} for how to pass
##' debiasing parameters.
##' @return None
##' @export
##' @author Quinn Thomas

# - run_parallel is not actually used.
# - Does the order of coordinates matter? We can't cross the date line right?
# - method expects "point" or anything else.  I suggest "grid" in the documentation but that is not
#inforced. A logical with a default might be better.
# - A central coordinate processing fucntion or object is in order.
# - The difference between forcast hours and cycles is confusing and needs be clarified in the docs.
# - Check that forecast_date = NA doesn't cause issues downstream.
# - Review wording for debias parameter description.
# - Not sure I have the purpose of write_intermediate_ncdf correct. See

noaa_gefs_download_downscale <- function(site_list,
                                         forecast_time = NA,
                                         forecast_date = NA,
                                         downscale = FALSE,
                                         debias = FALSE,
                                         debias_coefficients = NULL,
                                         run_parallel = FALSE,#Not really used!!!!!
                                         num_cores = 1,
                                         method = "point",
                                         overwrite = FALSE,
                                         read_from_path = FALSE,
                                         grid_name = "neon",
                                         process_specific_date = NA,
                                         process_specific_cycle = NA,
                                         delete_bad_files = TRUE,
                                         write_intermediate_ncdf = TRUE){

  model_name <- "NOAAGEFS_6hr"
  model_name_ds <-"NOAAGEFS_1hr" #Downscaled NOAA GEFS
  model_name_ds_debias <-"NOAAGEFS_1hr-debias" #Downscaled NOAA GEFS
  model_name_raw <- "NOAAGEFS_raw"

  #Validate parameters:
  #All pass-through variables will be validated in their respective functions:
  #Check lengths of site_list, lat_list, and lon_list match here?
  #What is site_list used for in noaa_gefs_grid_process_downscale.  It is not needed for

  #The grid download requires longitude to be -180 to 180 so converting here
  lon_list[which(lon_list > 180)] <- lon_list[which(lon_list > 180)] - 360

  #Summary for the user:
  message(paste0("Number of sites: ", length(site_list)))
  message(paste0("Overwrite existing files: ", overwrite))
  message(paste0("Running in parallel: ", run_parallel))
  message(paste0("downscale: ", downscale))
  message(paste0("debias: ", debias))
  message(paste0("Read From Path: ", read_from_path))

  if(method == "point"){

    message("downloading NOAA using single point method.  Note: only the first 16 days of a 35-day forecast are able to be downloading using this method")

    Rnoaa4cast::noaa_gefs_point_download_downscale(read_from_path = read_from_path,
                                                   lat_list = lat_list,
                                                   lon_list = lon_list,
                                                   site_list = site_list,
                                                   forecast_time = forecast_time,
                                                   forecast_date = forecast_date,
                                                   downscale = downscale,
                                                   overwrite = overwrite,
                                                   model_name = model_name,
                                                   model_name_ds = model_name_ds,
                                                   output_directory = output_directory)


      Rnoaa4cast::noaa_gefs_grid_download(lat_list = lat_list,
                                          lon_list = lon_list,
                                          forecast_time = forecast_time,
                                          forecast_date = forecast_date,
                                          model_name_raw = model_name_raw,
                                          output_directory = output_directory,
                                          grid_name = grid_name)

    Rnoaa4cast::noaa_gefs_grid_process_downscale(lat_list = lat_list,
                                                 lon_list = lon_list,
                                                 site_list = site_list,
                                                 downscale = downscale,
                                                 debias = debias,
                                                 overwrite = overwrite,
                                                 model_name = model_name,
                                                 model_name_ds = model_name_ds,
                                                 model_name_ds_debias = model_name_ds_debias,
                                                 model_name_raw = model_name_raw,
                                                 debias_coefficients = debias_coefficients,
                                                 num_cores = num_cores,
                                                 output_directory = output_directory,
                                                 write_intermediate_ncdf = write_intermediate_ncdf,
                                                 process_specific_date = process_specific_date,
                                                 process_specific_cycle = process_specific_cycle,
                                                 delete_bad_files = delete_bad_files,
                                                 grid_name = grid_name)
rqthomas/noaaGEFSpoint documentation built on Feb. 22, 2022, 4:27 a.m.