
Defines functions zip_datafiles

Documented in zip_datafiles

# zip_datafiles
#' Zip a set of data files
#' Zip a set of data files (in format read by [read_cross2()]).
#' @param control_file Character string with path to the control file
#' ([YAML](https://yaml.org) or [JSON](https://json.org))
#' containing all of the control information.
#' @param zip_file Name of zip file to use. If NULL, we use the
#' stem of `control_file` but with a `.zip` extension.
#' @param overwrite If `TRUE`, overwrite file if it exists. If `FALSE`
#' (the default) and the file exists, stop with an error.
#' @param quiet If `FALSE`, print progress messages.
#' @return Character string with the file name of the zip file that
#' was created.
#' @details The input `control_file` is the control file (in
#' [YAML](https://yaml.org) or [JSON](https://json.org) format)
#' to be read by [read_cross2()].  (See the
#' [sample data files](https://kbroman.org/qtl2/pages/sampledata.html) and the
#' [vignette describing the input file format](https://kbroman.org/qtl2/assets/vignettes/input_files.html).)
#' The [utils::zip()] function is used to do the zipping.
#' The files should all be contained within the directory where the
#' `control_file` sits, or in a subdirectory of that directory.
#' If file paths use `..`, these get stripped by zip, and so the
#' resulting zip file may not work with [read_cross2()].
#' @export
#' @keywords IO
#' @seealso [read_cross2()], sample data files at <https://kbroman.org/qtl2/pages/sampledata.html>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' zipfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "grav2.zip")
#' zip_datafiles("grav2.yaml", zipfile)
#' }
zip_datafiles <-
function(control_file, zip_file=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    control_file <- path.expand(control_file)
        stop("The control file (", control_file, ") doesn't exist.")

    dir <- dirname(control_file)

    move_zip_file <- TRUE
    if(is.null(zip_file)) {
        zip_file <- sub("\\.[a-z]+$", ".zip", basename(control_file))
        move_zip_file <- FALSE

    # read control file
    control <-  read_control_file(control_file)

    # get all of the file names
    sections <- c("geno", "gmap", "pmap", "pheno", "covar", "phenocovar", "founder_geno")
    files <- basename(control_file)
    for(section in sections) {
        if(section %in% names(control))
            files <- c(files, control[[section]])

    # sex and cross_info as files?
    sections <- c("sex", "cross_info")
    for(section in sections) {
        if(section %in% names(control)) {
            if("file" %in% names(control[[section]]))
                files <- c(files, control[[section]][["file"]])

    # flag for quiet
    zip_flags <- ifelse(quiet, "-q", "")

    # move to the directory with the files
    cwd <- getwd()
    on.exit(setwd(cwd)) # move back on exit

    # check for ".." in file paths
    patterns <- c("^\\.\\.\\/", "\\/\\.\\.\\/")
    patterns <- gsub("/", .Platform$file.sep, patterns, fixed=TRUE)
    if(any(grepl(patterns[1], files) | grepl(patterns[2], files))) {
        warning('zip strips ".." from file paths, so ', zip_file,
                ' may not work with read_cross2().')

    # check if file exists
    if(file.exists(zip_file)) {
        if(overwrite) { # first delete it
        } else { # refuse to overwrite
            stop("The zip file (", zip_file, ") already exists. Remove it first (or use overwrite=TRUE).")

    # do the zipping
    utils::zip(basename(zip_file), files, flags=zip_flags)

    # if not being zipped into the data file directory, move it
    if(move_zip_file) {
        file.rename(file.path(dir, basename(zip_file)), zip_file)
    } else {
        zip_file <- file.path(dir, zip_file)

rqtl/qtl2 documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:49 a.m.