Man pages for rqtl/qtl2geno
Treatment of Marker Genotypes for QTL Experiments

basic_summariesBasic summaries of a cross2 object
calc_entropyCalculate entropy of genotype probability distribution
calc_errorlodCalculate genotyping error LOD scores
calc_geno_freqCalculate genotype frequencies
calc_genoprobCalculate conditional genotype probabilities
calc_gridCalculate indicators of which marker/pseudomarker positions...
calc_kinshipCalculate kinship matrix
cbind.calc_genoprobJoin genotype probabilities for different chromosomes
cbind.sim_genoJoin genotype imputations for different chromosomes
cbind.viterbiJoin viterbi results for different chromosomes
check_cross2Check a cross2 object
chisq_colpairsChi-square test on all pairs of columns
compare_genoCompare individuals' genotype data
compare_genoprobCompare two sets of genotype probabilities
convert2cross2Convert R/qtl cross object to new format
count_xoCount numbers of crossovers
drop_markersDrop markers from a cross2 object
drop_nullmarkersDrop markers with no genotype data
est_mapEstimate genetic maps
find_ibd_segmentsFind IBD segments for a set of strains
find_map_gapsFind gaps in a genetic map
find_markerFind markers by chromosome position
find_markerposFind positions of markers
genoprob_to_alleleprobConvert genotype probabilities to allele probabilities
get_x_covarGet X chromosome covariates
guess_phaseGuess phase of imputed genotypes
insert_pseudomarkersInsert pseudomarkers into a marker map
interp_genoprobInterpolate genotype probabilities
locate_xoLocate crossovers
map_to_gridSubset a map to positions on a grid
max_compare_genoFind pair with most similar genotypes
maxmargFind genotypes with maximum marginal probabilities
n_missingCount missing genotypes
print.cross2Print a cross2 object
probs_to_gridSubset genotype probability array to pseudomarkers on a grid
pull_markersDrop all but a specified set of markers
qtl2geno-packageqtl2geno: Treatment of Marker Genotypes for QTL Experiments
rbind.calc_genoprobJoin genotype probabilities for different individuals
rbind.sim_genoJoin genotype imputations for different individuals
rbind.viterbiJoin Viterbi results for different individuals
read_cross2Read QTL data from files
read_csvRead a csv file
read_csv_numerRead a csv file that has numeric columns
read_phenoRead phenotype data
reduce_map_gapsReduce the lengths of gaps in a map
reduce_markersReduce markers to a subset of more-evenly-spaced ones
scale_kinshipScale kinship matrix
sim_genoSimulate genotypes given observed marker data
subset.calc_genoprobSubsetting genotype probabilities
subset.cross2Subsetting data for a QTL experiment
subset.sim_genoSubsetting imputed genotypes
subset.viterbiSubsetting Viterbi results
summary_compare_genoBasic summary of compare_geno object
summary.cross2Summary of cross2 object
viterbiCalculate most probable sequence of genotypes
write_control_fileWrite a control file for QTL data
zip_datafilesZip a set of data files
rqtl/qtl2geno documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:36 a.m.