This is the first submission of ggtda to CRAN.

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.

There was 1 NOTE: new package submission to CRAN.

Some checks flagged words in the DESCRIPTION as possible misspellings, but these are correct:

There was one WARNING:

   Missing or unexported objects:
     ‘simplextree::expand’ ‘simplextree::maximal’

{ggtda} Suggests {simplextree}, but the version on CRAN is incompatible with the package from which it originally spun off, {Mapper} (itself not on CRAN). Instead, the older v0.9.1 remains compatible with {Mapper}. Since TDA workflows may rely both on {Mapper} and on {ggtda}, it will be necessary to ensure that {ggtda} is compatible with {simplextree} v0.9.1 until the incompatibility is resolved. The WARNING arises because the methods simplextree::expand and simplextree::maximal were not implemented in v0.9.1. To prevent them from being called when unavailable, the hidden object .simplextree_version is defined on load (see the file 'ggtda.R') and is queried inside functions to determine how to perform certain operations.

Downstream dependencies

There are no downstream dependencies.

rrrlw/ggtda documentation built on April 14, 2024, 2:24 p.m.