DAISIE_loglik_CS: Computes the loglikelihood of the DAISIE model with...

DAISIE_loglik_CSR Documentation

Computes the loglikelihood of the DAISIE model with clade-specific diversity-dependence given data and a set of model parameters


Computes the loglikelihood of the DAISIE model with clade-specific diversity-dependence given colonization and branching times for lineages on an island, and a set of model parameters. The output is a loglikelihood value


  methode = "lsodes",
  CS_version = 1,
  abstolint = 1e-16,
  reltolint = 1e-10



Contains the model parameters:

pars1[1] corresponds to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate)
pars1[2] corresponds to mu (extinction rate)
pars1[3] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity)
pars1[4] corresponds to gamma (immigration rate)
pars1[5] corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate)
pars1[6] corresponds to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate) for an optional subset of the species
pars1[7] corresponds to mu (extinction rate) for an optional subset of the species
pars1[8] corresponds to K (clade-level carrying capacity) for an optional subset of the species
pars1[9] corresponds to gamma (immigration rate) for an optional subset of the species
pars1[10] corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate) for an optional subset of the species
pars1[11] corresponds to p_f (fraction of mainland species that belongs to the second subset of species
The elements 6:10 and 11 are optional, that is, pars1 should either contain 5, 10 or 11 elements. If 10, then the fraction of potential colonists of type 2 is computed from the data. If 11, then pars1[11] is used, overruling any information in the data.


Contains the model settings

pars2[1] corresponds to lx = length of ODE variable x
pars2[2] corresponds to ddmodel = diversity-dependent model, model of diversity-dependence, which can be one of

ddmodel = 0 : no diversity dependence
ddmodel = 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel = 11: linear dependence in speciation rate and in immigration rate
ddmodel = 2 : exponential dependence in speciation rate
ddmodel = 21: exponential dependence in speciation rate and in immigration rate

pars2[3] corresponds to cond = setting of conditioning

cond = 0 : conditioning on island age
cond = 1 : conditioning on island age and non-extinction of the island biota

cond > 1 : conditioning on island age and having at least cond colonizations on the island

pars2[4] sets whether parameters and likelihood should be printed (1) or not (0)


Data object containing information on colonisation and branching times. This object can be generated using the DAISIE_dataprep function, which converts a user-specified data table into a data object, but the object can of course also be entered directly. It is an R list object with the following elements.
The first element of the list has two or three components:

$island_age - the island age
Then, depending on whether a distinction between types is made, we have:
$not_present - the number of mainland lineages that are not present on the island
$not_present_type1 - the number of mainland lineages of type 1 that are not present on the island
$not_present_type2 - the number of mainland lineages of type 2 that are not present on the island

The remaining elements of the list each contains information on a single colonist lineage on the island and has 5 components:

$colonist_name - the name of the species or clade that colonized the island
$branching_times - island age and stem age of the population/species in the case of Non-endemic, Non-endemic_MaxAge and Endemic anagenetic species. For cladogenetic species these should be island age and branching times of the radiation including the stem age of the radiation.
$stac - the status of the colonist

* Non_endemic_MaxAge: 1
* Endemic: 2
* Endemic&Non_Endemic: 3
* Non_Endemic: 4
* Endemic_Singleton_MaxAge: 5
* Endemic_Clade_MaxAge: 6
* Endemic&Non_Endemic_Clade_MaxAge: 7

* Non_endemic_MaxAge_MinAge: 8
* Endemic_Singleton_MaxAge_MinAge: 9
$missing_species - number of island species that were not sampled for particular clade (only applicable for endemic clades)
$type1or2 - whether the colonist belongs to type 1 or type 2


Method of the ODE-solver. See package deSolve for details. Default is "lsodes"


a numeric or list. Default is 1 for the standard DAISIE model, for a relaxed-rate model a list with the following elements:

  • model: the CS model to run, options are 1 for single rate DAISIE model, 2 for multi-rate DAISIE, or 0 for IW test model.

  • relaxed_par: the parameter to relax (integrate over). Options are "cladogenesis", "extinction", "carrying_capacity", "immigration", or "anagenesis".


Absolute tolerance of the integration


Relative tolerance of the integration


The loglikelihood


Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman


Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015). Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.

See Also

DAISIE_ML, DAISIE_sim_cr, DAISIE_sim_time_dep, DAISIE_sim_cr_shift


pars1 = c(0.195442017,0.087959583,Inf,0.002247364,0.873605049,
pars2 = c(100,11,0,1)

rsetienne/DAISIE documentation built on July 6, 2024, 5:48 a.m.