# Functions for gettings data from Earth Explorer with regular login
# TODO: Move these globals into a package env
.ERS_MAIN_URL <- "https://ers.cr.usgs.gov"
.ERS_LOGIN_URL <- file.path(.ERS_MAIN_URL, "login/")
.ERS_LOGOUT_URL <- file.path(.ERS_MAIN_URL, "logout")
.ERS_DOMAIN <- "https://usgs.gov"
.ERS_HANDLE <- httr::handle(.ERS_DOMAIN)
.verify <- function(response){
# Verify a response by saving the html so a person can look at it
tmp_html <- "tmp/check.html"
xml2::write_html(httr::content(response, as="parsed"), tmp_html)
.find_token <- function(){
# Scrape a csrf token from the login page to allow login
# We reset the cookies every time we login, to make sure we get a fresh session.
response <- httr::GET("https://ers.cr.usgs.gov/", handle=.ERS_HANDLE)
if (response$status_code == 200){
# Search the response content for the csrf
contents <- xml2::read_html(httr::content(response, as = "text"))
inputs <- xml2::xml_find_all(contents, "//input")
csrf <- xml2::xml_attr(inputs[grep("csrf_token", inputs)], "value")
} else {
print("Web Page not working try again later")
.login_ers <- function(user, passw){
# Login to USGS ERS system and return an authentication cookie
csrf <- .find_token()
params <- list(
csrf_token = csrf,
username = user,
password = passw
response <- httr::POST(.ERS_LOGIN_URL, body=params, encode="form", handle = .ERS_HANDLE)
if (response$status_code == 200){
html <- httr::content(response, as="text")
# Check that it logged in by looking for the Sign Out button
if (grep("Sign Out", html)){
} else {
print("Login failed, please verify you have a working account.")
} else {
print("Please verify the website is up.")
.logout_ers <- function(){
# Logout function
response <- httr::GET(.ERS_LOGOUT_URL, handle = .ERS_HANDLE)
.find_durls_ers <- function(scene_browse) {
# Scrape the Download URL for the actual urls to files
# TODO: How do we want to take in the items that need to found, results of CMR or EE search
#list_url <- "https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/download/external/options/LANDSAT_8_C1/LC81710582019149LGN00/INVSVC/"
response <- httr::GET(scene_browse)
if (response$status_code == 200){
# Search the response content for the csrf
contents <- xml2::read_html(httr::content(response, as = "text"))
inputs <- xml2::xml_find_all(contents, "//div[@id='optionsPage']/div/div/input")
onclicks <- xml2::xml_attr(inputs, "onclick")
durls <- gsub("'","",sapply(strsplit(onclicks, "="), `[`, 2))
# Usually there is more than 1 file, the user needs to decide which files they want
.get_files_ers <- function(scene_url, path="", ...){
# Download a scene from Earth Explorer, must call .login_ers before using
#scene_url <- "https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/download/14320/LC08_CU_002008_20190503_C01_V01/BT/EE"
tmp <- tempfile()
response <- httr::GET(scene_url, httr::progress(), httr::write_disk(tmp), handle = .ERS_HANDLE)
# Get the file type, size, and name from the header
filename <- unlist(strsplit(httr::headers(response)$`content-disposition`, "="))[2]
size_check <- httr::headers(response)$`content-length`
content_check <- httr::http_type(response) #Note a zip from USGS could mean a .tar or tar.gz
# TODO: check the size and content
fullpath <- "/tmp" # The outpu directory, should come from user.
final_path <- file.path(path, filename)
# Download to tmp directory, rename file to correct name upon moving to final location
file.rename(tmp, final_path )
getERS <- function(scenes, path, username, password, overwrite=FALSE, ...){
# Downloads the files from ERS using basic account login
# Make sure to get the urls with the find_durls_ers function
# RH like this?
durls <- .find_durls_ers (scenes)
# login an get a session
.login_ers(user=username, passw=password)
# TODO: Wrap in a Try to catch errors from downloads
outfiles <- lapply(durls, .get_files_ers)
# logout of the session
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