# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : April 2010
# Version 0.9
# License GPL v3
setMethod ("has.RGB" , "SpatRaster",
function(x, strict=TRUE) {
if (strict) {
x@pntr$rgbtype == "rgb"
} else {
x@pntr$rgbtype != ""
setMethod("set.RGB", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, value=1:3, type="rgb") {
if (is.null(value[1]) || is.na(value[1]) || any(value < 1)) {
} else {
if (inherits(value, "character")) {
i <- match(value, names(x))
j <- !is.na(i)
value[j] <- i[j]
value <- as.integer(value)
if (!all(value %in% 1:nlyr(x))) {
error("set.RGB", "value(s) are not value layer numbers")
if (length(value) == 3) {
x@pntr$setRGB(value[1]-1, value[2]-1, value[3]-1, -99, type)
} else if (length(value) == 4) {
x@pntr$setRGB(value[1]-1, value[2]-1, value[3]-1, value[4]-1, type)
} else {
error("set.RGB", "value must have length 3 or 4")
x <- messages(x, "set.RGB")
setMethod("RGB<-", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, ..., type="rgb", value) {
x@pntr <- x@pntr$deepcopy()
set.RGB(x, value, type)
setMethod("RGB", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, value=NULL, type="rgb") {
if (!is.null(value)) {
RGB(x, type=type) <- value
} else {
if (x@pntr$rgb) {
x@pntr$getRGB() + 1
} else {
#### RGB2col
make_cut <- function(x) {
j <- length(x)
out <- vector("list", 2*j)
for (i in 1:j) {
rgb <- x[[i]]
if (NROW(rgb) <= 1) {
out[[i]] <- rgb
j <- j - 1
rng <- apply(rgb[,-1], 2, function(i) diff(range(i)))
if (max(rng) == 0) {
out[[i]] <- rgb
j <- j - 1
p <- which.max(rng) + 1
m <- median(rgb[,p])
out[[i]] <- rgb[rgb[,p] >= m, ,drop=FALSE]
out[[i+j]] <- rgb[rgb[,p] < m, ,drop=FALSE]
i <- sapply(out, is.null)
out <- out[!i]
i <- sapply(out, nrow) > 0
median_cut <- function(v) {
v <- list(v)
n <- 0
while ((length(v) < 129) & (length(v) > n)) {
n <- length(v)
v <- make_cut(v)
s <- sapply(v, function(i) max(apply(i[,-1,drop=FALSE], 2, function(j) diff(range(j)))))
n <- 256 - length(v)
ss <- rev(sort(s))
ss <- max(2, min(ss[1:n]))
i <- which(s > ss)
if (length(i) > 0) {
vv <- make_cut(v[i])
v <- c(v[-i], vv)
v <- lapply(1:length(v), function(i) cbind(group=i, v[[i]]))
do.call(rbind, v)
rgb2col <- function(x, value, stretch=NULL, grays=FALSE, NAzero=FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
idx <- RGB(x)
if (is.null(idx)) {
if (missing(value)) {
error("colorize", "x does not have an RGB attribute and the value argument is missing")
} else {
idx <- value
n <- length(idx)
stopifnot((n == 3) | (n == 4))
if ((min(idx) < 1) | (max(idx) > nlyr(x))) {
error("colorize", "invalid value (RGB indices)")
x <- x[[idx]]
if (!is.null(stretch)) {
if (stretch == "lin") {
x <- stretch(x, minq=0.02, maxq=0.98)
} else {
x <- stretch(x, histeq=TRUE, scale=255)
if (n == 4) x[[4]] <- x[[4]] * 255
if (NAzero) {
x <- classify(x, cbind(NA, 0))
if (grays) {
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$rgb2col(0, 1, 2, opt)
return(messages(x, "colorize"))
v <- cbind(id=1:ncell(x), values(x))
v <- median_cut(stats::na.omit(v))
a <- aggregate(v[,-c(1:2)], list(v[,1]), median)
# if (n==3) {
# a$cols <- grDevices::rgb(a[,2], a[,3], a[,4], maxColorValue=255)
# } else {
# a$cols <- grDevices::rgb(a[,2], a[,3], a[,4], a[,5], maxColorValue=255)
# }
m <- merge(v[,1:2], a, by=1)
m[,1] <- m[,1] - 1
r <- rast(x, 1)
r[m$id] <- m$group
coltab(r) <- unique(m[,-2])
if (filename != "") {
r <- writeRaster(r, filename, overwrite, ...)
terra_col2rgb <- function(x, alpha=FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
if (nlyr(x) > 1) {
x <- x[[1]]
warn("colorize", "only the first layer of 'x' is considered")
ct <- coltab(x)[[1]]
if (is.null(ct)) {
error("colorize", "x has no color table")
ct <- unique(as.matrix(ct))
nms <- c("red", "green", "blue", "alpha")
rgbidx <- 1:4
if (!alpha) {
ct <- ct[,1:4]
nms <- nms[1:3]
rgbidx <- rgbidx[1:3]
if (is.null(wopt$names)) {
wopt$names <- nms
out <- subst(x, from=ct[,1], to=ct[,-1], raw=TRUE, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite, wopt=wopt)
set.RGB(out, rgbidx)
setMethod("colorize", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, to="hsv", alpha=FALSE, stretch=NULL, grays=FALSE, NAzero=FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
to <- tolower(to)
if (to %in% c("hsi", "hsl", "hsv")) {
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$rgb2hsx(to, opt)
} else if (to == "rgb") {
if (nlyr(x) == 1) {
return(terra_col2rgb(x, alpha=alpha, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite, ...))
} else {
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$hsx2rgb(opt)
} else if (to == "hsl") {
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$hsx2rgb(to, opt)
} else if (to == "col") {
return(rgb2col(x, stretch=stretch, grays=grays, NAzero=NAzero, filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite, ...))
} else {
error("colorize", "'to' is not valid. Should be 'rgb', 'col', 'hsi', 'hsl', or 'hsv'")
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