# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : December 2017
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
setMethod("focal", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, w=3, fun="sum", ..., na.policy="all", fillvalue=NA, expand=FALSE, silent=TRUE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
na.only <- list(...)$na.only
if (!is.null(na.only)) {
warn("focal", "use 'na.policy' instead of 'na.only'")
na.policy <- "only"
na.policy <- match.arg(tolower(na.policy), c("all", "only", "omit"))
na.only <- na.policy == "only"
na.omit <- na.policy == "omit"
if (!is.numeric(w)) {
error("focal", "w should be numeric vector or matrix")
txtfun <- .makeTextFun(fun)
if (is.matrix(w)) {
m <- as.vector(t(w))
#if (!all(m %in% c(0, 1, NA))) {
#if (isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)) {
# if (txtfun != "sum") {
# error("focal", 'with "na.rm=TRUE" and weights other than 0, 1, or NA, only fun="sum" is allowed')
# }
w <- dim(w)
} else {
w <- rep_len(w, 2)
stopifnot(all(w > 0))
m <- rep(1, prod(w))
cpp <- FALSE
if (is.character(txtfun)) {
if (is.null(wopt$names)) {
wopt$names <- paste0("focal_", txtfun)
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite, wopt=wopt)
if (na.only) {
narm <- TRUE
} else {
narm <- isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$focal(w, m, fillvalue, narm, na.only, na.omit, txtfun, expand, opt)
messages(x, "focal")
} else {
if (expand) {
warn("focal", "expand is ignored for functions that are not 'built-in'")
checkNA <- na.only || na.omit
msz <- prod(w)
dow <- !isTRUE(all(m == 1))
if (any(is.na(m))) {
k <- !is.na(m)
mm <- m[k]
msz <- sum(k)
v <- focalValues(x, w, trunc(nrow(x)/2), 1)[ncol(x)/2, ,drop=FALSE]
if (dow) {
if (any(is.na(m))) {
v <- v[,k,drop=FALSE] * mm
} else {
v <- v * m
test <- try(apply(v, 1, fun, ...), silent=silent)
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
error("focal", "test failed")
nl <- nlyr(x)
outnl <- nl * length(test)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=outnl)
transp <- FALSE
nms <- NULL
if (isTRUE(nrow(test) > 1)) {
transp <- TRUE
nms <- rownames(test)
if (nl > 1) {
nms <- paste0(rep(names(x), each=nl), "_", rep(nms, nl))
} else if (isTRUE(ncol(test) > 1)) {
nms <- colnames(test)
if (nl > 1) {
nms <- paste0(rep(names(x), each=nl), "_", rep(nms, nl))
} else {
nms <- names(x)
if (nl > 1) {
nms <- paste0(rep(names(x), each=nl), "_", rep(1:length(test), nl))
if (length(nms) == nlyr(out)) {
names(out) <- nms
b <- writeStart(out, filename, overwrite, n=msz+2, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
opt <- spatOptions()
for (i in 1:b$n) {
vv <- NULL
for (j in 1:nl) {
if (nl > 1) {
v <- x[[j]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt)
} else {
v <- x@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt)
if (dow) {
if (any(is.na(m))) {
v <- v[k] * mm
} else {
v <- v * m
v <- matrix(v, ncol=msz, byrow=TRUE)
v <- apply(v, 1, fun, ...)
if (transp) {
v <- t(v)
if (checkNA) {
if (nl > 1) {
mv <- readValues(x[[j]], b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
mv <- readValues(x, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
if (na.only) {
k <- !is.na(mv)
} else {
k <- is.na(mv)
v[k] <- mv[k]
if (nl > 1) {
if (outnl > 1) {
vv <- cbind(vv, v)
} else {
vv <- c(vv, v)
#if (bip) {
# v <- matrix(as.vector(v), ncol=ncol(v), byrow=TRUE)
if (nl > 1) {
writeValues(out, vv, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
out <- writeStop(out)
setMethod("focal3D", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, w=3, fun=mean, ..., na.policy="all", fillvalue=NA, pad=FALSE, padvalue=fillvalue, expand=FALSE, silent=TRUE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
na.policy <- match.arg(tolower(na.policy), c("all", "only", "omit"))
na.only <- na.policy == "only"
na.omit <- na.policy == "omit"
checkNA <- na.only || na.omit
if (!(inherits(w, "numeric") || inherits(w, "array"))) {
error("focal3D", "w should be numeric vector or array")
if (is.array(w)) {
if (length(dim(w)) != 3) {
error("focal3D", "the weights array must have three dimensions")
m <- as.vector(w)
w <- dim(w)
} else {
w <- rep_len(w, 3)
stopifnot(all(w > 0))
m <- rep(1, prod(w))
if (w[3] > nlyr(x)) {
error("focal3D", "the third weights dimension is larger than nlyr(x)")
if (any((w %% 2) == 0)) {
error("focal3D", "w must be odd sized in all dimensions")
msz <- prod(w)
dow <- !isTRUE(all(m == 1))
rna <- FALSE
if (any(is.na(m))) {
rna <- TRUE
kna <- !is.na(m)
m <- m[kna]
msz <- sum(kna)
opt <- spatOptions()
halfway <- floor(w[3]/2)
v <- lapply(1:w[3], function(i) focalValues(x[[i]], w[1:2], trunc(nrow(x)/2), 1)[ncol(x)/2, ,drop=FALSE])
v <- t(do.call(cbind, v))
if (dow) {
if (rna) {
v <- v[kna,,drop=FALSE] * m
} else {
v <- v * m
vout <- try(apply(v, 2, fun, ...), silent=silent)
if (inherits(vout, "try-error")) {
error("focal", "test failed")
nl <- nlyr(x)
transp <- FALSE
nms <- NULL
if (isTRUE(nrow(vout) > 1)) {
transp <- TRUE
nms <- rownames(vout)
} else if (isTRUE(ncol(vout) > 1)) {
nms <- colnames(vout)
if (pad || expand) {
startlyr = 1;
endlyr = nl;
outnl <- nl * length(vout)
} else {
startlyr = halfway+1;
endlyr = nl-halfway;
outnl <- (1+endlyr-startlyr) * length(vout)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=outnl)
if (!is.null(nms)) {
if (length(nms) <= outnl) {
names(out) <- rep_len(nms, outnl)
b <- writeStart(out, filename, overwrite, n=msz+2, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
nread <- prod(w[1:2])
for (i in 1:b$n) {
nc <- b$nrows[i]*ncol(x)
vv <- NULL
if (expand) {
v <- list(matrix(x[[1]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt), ncol=nc))
v <- do.call(rbind, rep(v, halfway+1))
for (k in 2:(1+halfway)) {
v <- rbind(v, matrix(x[[k]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt), ncol=nc))
} else if (pad) {
v <- matrix(padvalue, ncol=b$nrows[i]*ncol(x), nrow=nread*halfway)
for (k in 1:(1+halfway)) {
v <- rbind(v, matrix(x[[k]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt), ncol=nc))
} else {
v <- lapply(1:w[3],
function(k) {
y <- x[[k]]
z <- y@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt)
y <- messages(y, "focal3D")
matrix(z, ncol=nc)
v <- do.call(rbind, v)
for (j in startlyr:endlyr) {
if (j > startlyr) {
v <- v[-c(1:nread), ]
k <- j + halfway
if (k > nl) {
if (pad) {
v <- rbind(v, matrix(padvalue, nrow=nread, ncol=ncol(v)))
} else {
v <- rbind(v, v[(nrow(v)-nread):nrow(v), ])
} else {
v <- rbind(v, matrix(x[[k]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt), ncol=ncol(v)))
if (dow) {
if (rna) {
vout <- apply(v[kna,] * m, 2, fun, ...)
} else {
vout <- apply(v * m, 2, fun, ...)
} else {
vout <- apply(v, 2, fun,...)
if (transp) {
vout <- t(vout)
if (checkNA) {
mv <- readValues(x[[j]], b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
if (na.only) {
k <- !is.na(mv)
} else {
k <- is.na(mv)
vout[k] <- mv[k]
vv <- c(vv, as.vector(vout))
writeValues(out, vv, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
out <- writeStop(out)
setMethod("focalCpp", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, w=3, fun, ..., fillvalue=NA, silent=TRUE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
if (!(all(c("ni", "nw") %in% names(formals(fun))))) {
error("focalRaw", 'fun must have an argument "ni"')
if (!is.numeric(w)) {
error("focal", "w should be numeric vector or matrix")
if (is.matrix(w)) {
m <- as.vector(t(w))
w <- dim(w)
} else {
w <- rep_len(w, 2)
stopifnot(all(w > 0))
m <- rep(1, prod(w))
msz <- prod(w)
dow <- !isTRUE(all(m == 1))
if (any(is.na(m))) {
k <- !is.na(m)
mm <- m[k]
msz <- sum(k)
opt <- spatOptions()
nl <- nlyr(x)
v <- x@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, max(0, trunc(nrow(x)/2)), 1, opt)[1:prod(w)]
if (dow) {
if (any(is.na(m))) {
v <- v[k] * mm
} else {
v <- v * m
test <- try(fun(v, ..., ni=1, nw=msz), silent=silent)
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
error("focalCpp", "test failed")
outnl <- nl * length(test)
if (is.null(wopt$names )) {
wopt$names <- colnames(test)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=outnl)
b <- writeStart(out, filename, overwrite, n=msz+2, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
nc <- ncol(out)
for (i in 1:b$n) {
vv <- NULL
for (j in 1:nl) {
if (nl > 1) {
v <- x[[j]]@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt)
} else {
v <- x@pntr$focalValues(w, fillvalue, b$row[i]-1, b$nrows[i], opt)
sst <- messages(x)
if (dow) {
if (any(is.na(m))) {
v <- v[k] * mm
} else {
v <- v * m
v <- fun(v, ..., ni=b$nrows[i]*nc, nw=msz)
if (nl > 1) {
if (outnl > 1) {
vv <- rbind(vv, v)
} else {
vv <- c(vv, v)
if (nl > 1) {
writeValues(out, vv, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
.getRegFun <- function(fun, weighted=FALSE, wopt, nmsx, nl, na.rm=FALSE, intercept=TRUE, ...) {
ols <- function(x, y, ...) {
if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y)) || (NROW(y) < (NCOL(x) + 1))) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1))
stats::.lm.fit(cbind(1, x), y)$coefficients
ols_noi <- function(x, y, ...) {
if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y)) || (NROW(y) < (NCOL(x)))) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)))
stats::.lm.fit(as.matrix(x), y)$coefficients
ols_narm <- function(x, y, ...) {
v <- stats::na.omit(cbind(y, x))
if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x) + 1)) {
return( cbind(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1)) )
stats::.lm.fit(cbind(1, v[,-1]), v[,1])$coefficients
ols_noi_narm <- function(x, y, ...) {
v <- stats::na.omit(cbind(y, x))
if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x))) {
return( cbind(rep(NA, NCOL(x))) )
stats::.lm.fit(v[,-1,drop=FALSE], v[,1])$coefficients
weighted_ols <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y)) || any(is.na(weights)) || (NROW(y) < (NCOL(x) + 1))) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1))
stats::lm.wfit(cbind(1, x), y, weights)$coefficients
weighted_ols_noi <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y)) || any(is.na(weights)) || (NROW(y) < (NCOL(x) + 1))) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)))
stats::lm.wfit(as.matrix(x), y, weights)$coefficients
weighted_ols_narm <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
v <- stats::na.omit(cbind(y, weights, x))
if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x) + 1)) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1))
stats::lm.wfit(cbind(1, v[,-c(1:2)]), v[,1], v[,2])$coefficients
weighted_ols_noi_narm <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
v <- stats::na.omit(cbind(y, weights, x))
if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x))) {
return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)))
stats::lm.wfit(v[,-c(1:2), drop=FALSE], v[,1], v[,2])$coefficients
fun <- tolower(fun[1])
if (fun != "ols") {
return(list(fun=fun, wopt=wopt))
intercept <- isTRUE(intercept)
if (intercept) {
if (weighted) {
if (na.rm) {
fun <- weighted_ols_narm
} else {
fun <- weighted_ols
} else {
if (na.rm) {
fun = ols_narm
} else {
fun = ols
if (is.null(wopt$names )) {
wopt$names <- c("intercept", nmsx[-1])
} else {
if (weighted) {
if (na.rm) {
fun <- weighted_ols_noi_narm
} else {
fun <- weighted_ols_noi
} else {
if (na.rm) {
fun = ols_noi_narm
} else {
fun = ols_noi
if (is.null(wopt$names )) {
wopt$names <- nmsx[-1]
nl = nl-1
list(fun=fun, wopt=wopt, nl=nl, intercept=intercept, na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("focalReg", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, w=3, fun="ols", ..., fillvalue=NA, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
nl <- nlyr(x)
if (nl < 2) error("focalReg", "x must have at least 2 layers")
if (!is.numeric(w)) {
error("focalReg", "w should be numeric vector or matrix")
weighted <- FALSE
if (is.matrix(w)) {
m <- as.vector(t(w))
m[m==0] <- NA
test <- stats::na.omit(m)
if (length(test) == 0) {
error("focalReg", "all values in w are NA and/or zero")
if (any(test != 1)) {
weighted <- TRUE
message("the focal values are used as weights")
w <- dim(w)
} else {
w <- rep_len(w, 2)
stopifnot(all(w > 0))
m <- rep(1, prod(w))
msz <- prod(w)
if (msz < 2) {
error("the effective weight matrix must have positive dimensions, and at least one must be > 1")
hasnam <- FALSE
if (any(is.na(m))) {
hasnam <- TRUE
k <- !is.na(m)
msz <- sum(k)
weights <- m[k]
} else if (weighted) {
weights <- m
if (is.character(fun)) {
funopt <- .getRegFun(fun, weighted, wopt, names(x), nlyr(x), ...)
fun <- funopt$fun
wopt <- funopt$wopt
outnl <- funopt$nl
} else {
# need to test
X <- matrix(sample(msz * (nl-1), replace=TRUE), ncol=nl-1)
out <- fun(1:msz, X)
outnl <- length(out)
if (is.null(wopt$names) && (length(names(out)) == outnl)) {
wopt$names <- names(out)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=outnl)
b <- writeStart(out, filename, n=msz+2, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
ry <- x[[1]]
rx <- x[[-1]]
if (nl == 2) {
for (i in 1:b$n) {
Y <- focalValues(ry, w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
X <- focalValues(rx, w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
if (hasnam) {
Y <- Y[,k,drop=FALSE]
X <- X[,k,drop=FALSE]
if (weighted) {
v <- t(sapply(1:nrow(Y), function(i) fun(X[i,], Y[i,], weights, ...)))
} else {
v <- t(sapply(1:nrow(Y), function(i) fun(X[i,], Y[i,], ...)))
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
for (i in 1:b$n) {
Y <- focalValues(ry, w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
if (hasnam) {
Y <- Y[,k,drop=FALSE]
X <- list()
for (j in 1:(nl-1)) {
X[[j]] <- focalValues(rx[[j]], w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
if (hasnam) {
X[[j]] <- X[[j]][,k]
v <- list()
for (p in 1:nrow(Y)) {
xlst <- list()
for (j in 1:(nl-1)) {
xlst[[j]] <- X[[j]][p,]
pX <- do.call(cbind, xlst)
if (weighted) {
v[[p]] <- fun(pX, Y[p,], weights)
} else {
v[[p]] <- fun(pX, Y[p,])
v <- t(do.call(cbind, v))
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
out <- writeStop(out)
setMethod("focalPairs", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, w=3, fun, ..., fillvalue=NA, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
pearson <- function(x, y, ...) {
.pearson(x, y, FALSE)
pearson_narm <- function(x, y, ...) {
.pearson(x, y, TRUE)
weighted_pearson <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
.weighted_pearson(x, y, weights, FALSE)
weighted_pearson_narm <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
.weighted_pearson(x, y, weights, TRUE)
nl <- nlyr(x)
if (nl < 2) error("focalPairs", "x must have at least 2 layers")
if (!is.numeric(w)) {
error("focalPairs", "w should be numeric vector or matrix")
weighted <- FALSE
if (is.matrix(w)) {
m <- as.vector(t(w))
m[m==0] <- NA
test <- stats::na.omit(m)
if (length(test) == 0) {
error("focalPairs", "all values in w are NA and/or zero")
if (any(test != 1)) {
weighted <- TRUE
message("the focal values are used as weights")
w <- dim(w)
} else {
w <- rep_len(w, 2)
stopifnot(all(w > 0))
m <- rep(1, prod(w))
msz <- prod(w)
hasnam <- FALSE
if (any(is.na(m))) {
hasnam <- TRUE
k <- !is.na(m)
msz <- sum(k)
weights <- m[k]
} else if (weighted) {
weights <- m
if (msz < 2) {
error("the effective weight matrix must have positive dimensions, and at least one must be > 1")
if (is.character(fun)) {
narm <- isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)
fun <- tolower(fun[1])
if (fun == "pearson") {
if (weighted) {
if (narm) {
fun = weighted_pearson_narm
} else {
fun = weighted_pearson
} else {
if (narm) {
fun = pearson_narm
} else {
fun = pearson
if (weighted) {
test <- try(do.call(fun, list(1:prod(w), prod(w):1, weights=rep(1, prod(w)), ...)))
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
error("focalPairs", "'fun' does not work. Does it have a 'weights' argument?")
} else {
test <- try(do.call(fun, list(1:prod(w), prod(w):1, ...)))
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
error("focalPairs", "'fun' does not work. Does it have two arguments (one for each layer)")
if (is.null(wopt$names )) {
wopt$names <- colnames(test)
outnl <- (nlyr(x) - 1) * length(test)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=outnl)
b <- writeStart(out, filename, n=msz+2, sources=sources(x), wopt=wopt)
for (i in 1:b$n) {
v <- list()
Y <- focalValues(x[[1]], w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
if (hasnam) {
Y <- Y[,k,drop=FALSE]
for (j in 2:nlyr(x)) {
X <- Y
Y <- focalValues(x[[j]], w, b$row[i], b$nrows[i], fillvalue)
if (hasnam) {
Y <- Y[,k,drop=FALSE]
if (weighted) {
v[[j-1]] <- t(sapply(1:nrow(Y), function(i) fun(X[i,], Y[i,], weights=weights, ...)))
} else {
v[[j-1]] <- t(sapply(1:nrow(Y), function(i) fun(X[i,], Y[i,], ...)))
v <- do.call(cbind, v)
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
out <- writeStop(out)
# ..ols <- function(x, y, ...) {
# v <- cbind(y, x)
# if (any(is.na(v))) return( cbind(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1)) )
# X <- cbind(1, v[,-1])
# XtX <- t(X) %*% X
# if (det(XtX) == 0) {
# return(rep(NA, NCOL(y)+1))
# }
# invXtX <- solve(XtX) %*% t(X)
# invXtX %*% v[,1]
# }
# ..ols_noi <- function(x, y, ...) {
# v <- cbind(y, x)
# if (any(is.na(v))) return( cbind (rep(NA, NCOL(x))) )
# X <- v[,-1,drop=FALSE]
# XtX <- t(X) %*% X
# if (det(XtX) == 0) {
# return(rep(NA, ncol(y)+1))
# }
# invXtX <- solve(XtX) %*% t(X)
# invXtX %*% v[,1]
# }
# ..ols_narm <- function(x, y, ...) {
# v <- na.omit(cbind(y, x))
# if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x) + 1)) {
# return( cbind(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1)) )
# }
# X <- cbind(1, v[,-1])
# XtX <- t(X) %*% X
# if (det(XtX) == 0) {
# return(NA)
# }
# invXtX <- solve(XtX) %*% t(X)
# invXtX %*% v[,1]
# }
# ..ols_noi_narm <- function(x, y, ...) {
# v <- na.omit(cbind(y, x))
# if (nrow(v) < NCOL(x)) {
# return( cbind(rep(NA, NCOL(y))) )
# }
# X <- v[,-1,drop=FALSE]
# XtX <- t(X) %*% X
# if (det(XtX) == 0) {
# return(NA)
# }
# invXtX <- solve(XtX) %*% t(X)
# invXtX %*% v[,1]
# }
# ..weighted_ols <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
# if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y))) {
# return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1))
# }
# stats::coefficients(stats::glm(y~x, weights=weights))
# }
# ..weighted_ols_noi <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
# if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y))) {
# return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)))
# }
# stats::coefficients(stats::glm(y ~ -1 + ., weights=weights))
# }
# ..weighted_ols_narm <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
# v <- na.omit(data.frame(y=y, x, weights=weights))
# if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x) + 1)) {
# return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)+1))
# }
# weights <- v$weights
# v$weights <- NULL
# stats::coefficients(stats::glm(y ~ ., data=v, weights=weights))
# }
# ..weighted_ols_noi_narm <- function(x, y, weights, ...) {
# v <- na.omit(data.frame(y=y, x, weights=weights))
# if (nrow(v) < (NCOL(x))) {
# return(rep(NA, NCOL(x)))
# }
# weights <- v$weights
# v$weights <- NULL
# stats::coefficients(stats::glm(y ~ -1 + ., data=v, weights=weights))
# }
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