# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : October 2022
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
check_ngb_pars <- function(algo, pars, fill, caller="rasterizeWin") {
#p <- c("Power", "Smoothing", "Radius", "Radius1", "Radius2", "Angle", "nMaxPoints", "nMinPoints")
n <- tolower(names(pars))
if (length(n) == 0) error(caller, "parameters are not named")
if (algo %in% c("min", "max", "range", "mean", "count", "distto", "distbetween")) {
pex <- c("Radius1", "Radius2", "Angle", "MinPoints")
} else if (algo == "invdistpow") {
pex <- c("Power", "Smoothing", "Radius1", "Radius2", "Angle", "MaxPoints", "MinPoints")
} else if (algo == "invdistpownear") {
pex <- c("Power", "Smoothing", "Radius", "MaxPoints", "MinPoints")
} else if (algo == "nearest") {
pex <- c("Radius1", "Radius2", "Angle")
} else if (algo == "linear") {
pex <- c("Radius")
} else {
error(caller, "invalid algorithm name")
if (length(n) != length(pex)) error(caller, paste("expected 4 parameters for", algo, "got", length(n)))
if (!all(n %in% tolower(pex)))error(caller, paste("parameters needed for", algo, ":\n ", paste(pex, collapse=",")))
c(pars[match(n, tolower(pex))], fill)
get_z <- function(y, field, caller="rasterizeWin") {
if (inherits(field, "character")) {
if (length(field) == 0) {
error(caller, "field name missing")
if (!all(field %in% names(y))) {
f <- paste(field[!(field %in% names(y))], collapse=", ")
error(caller, paste(f, " is not a name in y"))
z <- y[, field, drop=TRUE]
#if (any(!sapply(z, is.numeric))) {
# error(caller, paste("fields must be numeric"))
} else {
#if (!is.numeric(field)) {
# error(caller, paste(field, "is not numeric"))
z <- data.frame(field=rep_len(field, nrow(y)))
get_rad <- function(r, caller="rasterizeWin") {
if (length(r) == 1) {
c(r, r, 0)
} else if (length(r) == 2) {
c(r, 0)
} else if (length(r) == 3) {
r[3] = r[3] %% 360
if (r[3] < 0) r[3] = r[3] + 360;
} else {
error(caller, "radius argument should have length 1, 2, or 3")
rastWinR <- function(x, y, win, pars, fun, nl, cvars, filename, wopt, ...) {
out <- rast(x, nlyr=nl)
rb <- rast(out)
e <- ext(out)
hy <- yres(out)/2
opt <- spatOptions()
b <- writeStart(out, filename, n=12, sources="", wopt=wopt)
if ((ncol(y) == 3) && (is.numeric(y[,3]))) {
for (i in 1:b$n) {
e$ymax <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i]) + hy
e$ymin <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i] + b$nrows[i] - 1) - hy
rbe <- crop(rb, e)
if (win == "rectangle") {
p <- rbe@pntr$winrect(y[,1], y[,2], y[,3], pars, opt)
} else {
p <- rbe@pntr$wincircle(y[,1], y[,2], y[,3], pars, opt)
if ((pars[4] > 1) && (length(p[[1]]) > 0)) {
a <- aggregate(p[[1]], p[1], length)
a <- a[a[,2] >= pars[4], 1]
a <- p[[1]] %in% a
p[[1]] <- p[[1]][a]
p[[2]] <- p[[2]][a]
if (length(p[[1]]) > 0) {
p <- aggregate(p[2], p[1], fun, ...)
v <- matrix(pars[5], ncell(rbe), nl)
v[p[,1]+1, ] <- p[,-1]
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
writeValues(out, rep(pars[5], ncell(rbe) * nl), b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
id <- 1:nrow(y)
for (i in 1:b$n) {
e$ymax <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i]) + hy
e$ymin <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i] + b$nrows[i] - 1) - hy
rbe <- crop(rb, e)
if (win == "rectangle") {
p <- rbe@pntr$winrect(y[,1], y[,2], id, pars, opt)
} else {
p <- rbe@pntr$wincircle(y[,1], y[,2], id, pars, opt)
if ((pars[4] > 1) && (length(p[[1]]) > 0)) {
a <- aggregate(p[[1]], p[1], length)
a <- a[a[,2] >= pars[4], 1]
a <- p[[1]] %in% a
p[[1]] <- p[[1]][a]
p[[2]] <- p[[2]][a]
if (length(p[[1]]) > 0) {
py <- y[p[[2]],3:ncol(y)]
v <- matrix(pars[5], ncell(rbe), nl)
if (cvars) {
#u <- unique(p[[1]])
#if (usedots) {
# p <- sapply(u, function(i) fun(py[p[[1]]==i, ,drop=FALSE], ...))
#} else {
# p <- sapply(u, function(i) fun(py[p[[1]]==i, ,drop=FALSE]))
p <- split(py, p[[1]])
p <- sapply(p, fun, ...)
if (!is.null(dim(p))) {
p <- t(as.matrix(p))
u <- rownames(p)
} else {
u <- names(p)
u <- as.numeric(u)
v[u+1, ] <- p
} else {
p <- aggregate(py, p[1], fun, ...)
v[p[,1]+1, ] <- as.matrix(p[,-1])
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
writeValues(out, rep(pars[5], ncell(rbe) * nl), b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
rastBufR <- function(x, y, win, pars, fun, nl, cvars, filename, wopt, ...) {
w <- pars[1]
z <- y[,-c(1:2), drop=FALSE]
y <- vect(y[,1:2,drop=FALSE], geom=c("x", "y"))
out <- rast(x, nlyr=1)
rb <- rast(out)
if (!is.lonlat(x)) {
ngb <- max(round(w/yres(x)), round(w/xres(x)))
if (ngb <= 5) {
m <- matrix(1, 2*round(w/yres(x))+1, 2*round(w/xres(x))+1)
rb <- rasterize(y, rb)
rb <- focal(rb, m, "sum", na.rm=TRUE)
out <- rast(x, nlyr=nl)
ncs <- ncol(out)
e <- ext(out)
hy <- yres(out)/2
off <- 0
b <- writeStart(out, filename, n=12, sources="", wopt=wopt)
for (i in 1:b$n) {
e$ymax <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i]) + hy
e$ymin <- yFromRow(out, b$row[i] + b$nrows[i] - 1) - hy
rbe <- crop(rb, e)
buf <- as.polygons(rbe, dissolve=FALSE)
buf <- buffer(buf, w)
r <- relate(buf, y, "intersects", pairs=TRUE)
if ((pars[4] > 1) && (nrow(r) > 0)) {
a <- aggregate(r[,1], list(r[,1]), length)
a <- a[a[,2] >= pars[4], 1]
r <- r[r[,1] %in% a, ]
if (nrow(r) > 0) {
v <- matrix(pars[5], ncell(rbe), nl)
if ((ncol(z) == 1) || (!cvars)) {
f <- aggregate(z[r[,2],,drop=FALSE], list(r[,1]), fun, ...)
v[f[,1], ] <- f[,-1]
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
#u <- unique(r[,1])
#p <- z[r[,2], ,drop=FALSE]
#if (usedots) {
# p <- sapply(u, function(i) fun(p[r[,1]==i, ,drop=FALSE], ...))
#} else {
# p <- sapply(u, function(i) fun(p[r[,1]==i, ,drop=FALSE]))
#if (!is.null(dim(p))) p <- t(p)
#v[u, ] <- as.matrix(p)
py <- z[r[,2], ,drop=FALSE]
s <- split(py, r[,1])
p <- sapply(s, fun, ...)
if (!is.null(dim(p))) {
p <- t(as.matrix(p))
u <- as.numeric(rownames(p))
} else {
u <- as.numeric(names(p))
v[u, ] <- p
writeValues(out, v, b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
} else {
writeValues(out, rep(pars[5], ncell(rbe) * nl), b$row[i], b$nrows[i])
setMethod("rasterizeWin", signature(x="data.frame", y="SpatRaster"),
function(x, y, win="circle", pars, fun, ..., cvars=FALSE, minPoints=1, fill=NA, filename="", wopt=list()) {
pars <- c(get_rad(pars), minPoints[1], fill[1])
if (ncol(x) < 3) {
error("rasterizeNGB", "expecting a matrix with at least three columns")
win <- match.arg(tolower(win), c("circle", "ellipse", "rectangle", "buffer"))
# usedots <- length(list(...)) > 0
if (ncol(x) == 3) cvars = FALSE
if (inherits(fun, "character")) {
if (fun[1] == "count") {
fun <- length
pars[5] = 0
nl <- ncol(x)-2
} else {
if (cvars) {
i <- min(10, nrow(x))
v <- x[1:i, -c(1:2)]
test <- sapply(list(v), fun, ...)
nl <- length(test)
} else {
test <- sapply(list(1:5), fun, ...)
nl <- length(test) * (ncol(x)-2)
if (win == "buffer") {
rastBufR(y, x, win, pars=pars, fun=fun, nl=nl, cvars=cvars, filename=filename, wopt=wopt, ...)
} else {
if (win == "circle") {
pars[2] = pars[1]
pars[3] = 0;
algo <- .makeTextFun(fun)
#algos <- c("min", "max", "range", "mean", "count", "distto", "distbetween")
algos <- c("distto", "distbetween")
builtin <- FALSE
if (inherits(algo, "character") && (algo %in% algos)) {
if (win == "rectangle") {
error("rasterizeWin", paste(fun, "not yet available for 'win=rectangle'"))
} else {
opt <- spatOptions(filename, wopt=wopt)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$rasterizeWindow(x[,1], x[,2], x[,3], algo, pars, opt)
return(messages(x, "rasterizeWin"))
rastWinR(x=y, y=x, win=win, pars=pars, fun=fun, nl=nl, cvars=cvars, filename=filename, wopt=wopt, ...)
setMethod("rasterizeWin", signature(x="SpatVector", y="SpatRaster"),
function(x, y, field, win="circle", pars, fun, ..., cvars=FALSE, minPoints=1, fill=NA, filename="", wopt=list()) {
if (geomtype(x) != "points") {
error("rasterizeWin", "SpatVector y must have a point geometry")
x <- cbind(crds(x), get_z(x, field, "rasterizeWin"))
rasterizeWin(x, y, win=win, pars=pars, fun=fun, minPoints=minPoints, fill=fill, cvars=cvars, filename=filename, wopt=wopt, ...)
setMethod("interpNear", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="matrix"),
function(x, y, radius, interpolate=FALSE, fill=NA, filename="", ...) {
if (ncol(y) != 3) {
error("interpNear", "expecting a matrix with three columns")
if (!is.numeric(y)) {
error("interpNear", "values must be numeric")
if (interpolate) {
algo <- "linear"
pars <- c(radius[1], fill)
} else {
algo <- "nearest"
pars <- c(get_rad(radius, "interpNear"), fill)
opt <- spatOptions(filename, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$rasterizeWindow(y[,1], y[,2], y[,3], algo, pars, opt)
messages(x, "interpNear")
setMethod("interpNear", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="SpatVector"),
function(x, y, field, radius, interpolate=FALSE, fill=NA, filename="", ...) {
if (geomtype(y) != "points") {
error("interpNear", "SpatVector y must have a point geometry")
y <- cbind(crds(y), get_z(y, field, "interpNear"))
y <- as.matrix(y)
interpNear(x, y, radius=radius, interpolate=interpolate, fill=fill, filename=filename, ...)
setMethod("interpIDW", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="matrix"),
function(x, y, radius, power=2, smooth=0, maxPoints=Inf, minPoints=1, near=TRUE, fill=NA, filename="", ...) {
if (ncol(y) != 3) {
error("interpIDW", "expecting a matrix with three columns")
if (!is.numeric(y)) {
error("interpIDW", "values must be numeric")
if (near) {
algo <- "invdistpownear"
pars <- c(power, smooth, radius[1], maxPoints, minPoints, fill)
} else {
algo <- "invdistpow"
pars <- c(power, smooth, get_rad(radius, "interpIDW"), maxPoints, minPoints, fill)
opt <- spatOptions(filename, ...)
x@pntr <- x@pntr$rasterizeWindow(y[,1], y[,2], y[,3], algo, pars, opt)
messages(x, "interpIDW")
setMethod("interpIDW", signature(x="SpatRaster", y="SpatVector"),
function(x, y, field, radius, power=2, smooth=0, maxPoints=Inf, minPoints=1, near=TRUE, fill=NA, filename="", ...) {
if (geomtype(y) != "points") {
error("interpIDW", "SpatVector y must have a point geometry")
y <- cbind(crds(y), get_z(y, field, "interpIDW"))
y <- as.matrix(y)
interpIDW(x, y, radius, power=power, smooth=smooth, maxPoints=maxPoints, minPoints=minPoints, near=near, fill=fill, filename=filename, ...)
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