
Defines functions freq_intervals bm_2 freq_upper freq_lower binrep firstbins binlength binned plot.rbin_equal_freq print.rbin_equal_freq rbin_equal_freq.default rbin_equal_freq

Documented in plot.rbin_equal_freq rbin_equal_freq

#' Equal frequency binning
#' Bin continuous data using the equal frequency binning method.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} or \code{tibble}.
#' @param response Response variable.
#' @param predictor Predictor variable.
#' @param bins Number of bins.
#' @param x An object of class \code{rbin_quantiles}.
#' @param print_plot logical; if \code{TRUE}, prints the plot else returns a plot object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A \code{tibble}.
#' @examples
#' bins <- rbin_equal_freq(mbank, y, age, 10)
#' bins
#' # plot
#' plot(bins)
#' @export
rbin_equal_freq <- function(data = NULL, response = NULL, predictor = NULL, bins = 10) UseMethod("rbin_equal_freq")

#' @export
rbin_equal_freq.default <- function(data = NULL, response = NULL, predictor = NULL, bins = 10) {

  resp         <- deparse(substitute(response))
  pred         <- deparse(substitute(predictor))

  var_names    <- names(data[, c(resp, pred)])
  bm           <- data[, c(resp, pred)]
  colnames(bm) <- c("response", "predictor")

  bin_prop     <- 1 / bins
  bins         <- binned(bin_prop)
  bin_length   <- binlength(bm, bins)
  first_bins   <- firstbins(bins, bin_length)
  residual     <- binresidual(bm, first_bins)
  bin_rep      <- binrep(bins, bin_length, residual)
  k            <- freq_bin_create(bm, bin_rep)
  lower        <- freq_lower(bin_length, bins)
  upper        <- freq_upper(bin_length, bins, bm)
  bm2          <- bm_2(bm)
  intervals    <- freq_intervals(bm2, lower, upper)

  result <- list(bins      = cbind(intervals, k),
                 method    = "Equal Frequency",
                 vars      = var_names,
                 lower_cut = lower,
                 upper_cut = upper)

  class(result) <- c("rbin_equal_freq")


#' @export
print.rbin_equal_freq <- function(x, ...) {

  print(x$bins[c('lower_cut', 'upper_cut', 'bin_count', 'good', 'bad', 'good_rate',
           'woe', 'iv', 'entropy')])


#' @rdname rbin_equal_freq
#' @export
plot.rbin_equal_freq <- function(x, print_plot = TRUE, ...) {

  p <- plot_bins(x)

  if (print_plot) {



binned <- function(bin_prop) {
  round(1 / bin_prop)

binlength <- function(bm, bins) {
  round(nrow(bm) / bins)

firstbins <- function(bins, bin_length) {
  (bins - 1) * bin_length

binresidual <- function (bm, first_bins) {
  nrow(bm) - first_bins

binrep <- function(bins, bin_length, residual) {
  c(rep(seq_len((bins - 1)), each = bin_length), rep(bins, residual))

freq_lower <- function(bin_length, bins) {

  c(1, (bin_length * seq_len((bins - 1)) + 1))


freq_upper <- function(bin_length, bins, bm) {

  c(bin_length * seq_len((bins - 1)), nrow(bm))


bm_2 <- function(bm) {

freq_intervals <- function(bm2, lower, upper) {

  result        <- data.frame(lower, upper)
  result$li     <- bm2[lower]
  result$ui     <- bm2[upper]
  out           <- result[c('li', 'ui')]
  colnames(out) <- c('lower_cut', 'upper_cut')

rsquaredacademy/rbin documentation built on June 3, 2023, 6:07 p.m.