
Defines functions learnr_env condition_type condition grade_result_strict grade_result

Documented in condition grade_result grade_result_strict

#' Grade result of exercise code (Legacy)
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")` Please use [grade_this()]
#' mixed with [pass()], [pass_if_equal()], [fail()], and/or [fail_if_equal()].
#' `grade_result()` and `grade_result_strict()` both take a set of
#' `pass_if()`/`fail_if()` conditions, evaluate them, and return a final
#' [graded()] object. For `grade_result_strict()` to return a correct grade,
#' every `pass_if()` condition must be met, and every `fail_if()` condition must
#' not be met. On the other hand, `grade_result()`'s final grade reflects the
#' first satisfied condition (if no conditions are met, the final grade can be
#' controlled by `default_correct` and `default_message`).
#' @inheritParams grade_code
#' @param ... `pass_if()`/`fail_if()` `condition()`s to check.
#' @param default_correct In the event that no [condition()]s are met, should the end result
#'   be correct? When `"auto"`, this will be `TRUE` when all the [conditions()] are [fail_if()]
#'   (and `FALSE` otherwise).
#' @param default_message In the event that no [condition()]s are met, what message should be
#'   included with the returned [graded()] object?
#' @return a function whose first parameter should be an environment that contains
#' all necessary information to compare the user's result.  The result of the returned function
#' will be a [graded()] object containing a formatted `correct` or `incorrect` message.
#' @seealso [grade_code()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # The student submits code that returns `5`
#' submitted_5 <- mock_this_exercise(.user_code = 2 + 3)
#' # grade_result() returns a function that is called on the student's
#' # submission. The *-check chunk of the exercise might contain the following
#' # grade_result() code. When you're writing your tutorial, you can ignore the
#' # `(submitted_5)`, we're using that notation here to preview what this
#' # `grade_result()` will do with the mock submission.
#' grade_result(
#'   fail_if(~ identical(.result, 4), "Try adding 1"),
#'   pass_if(~ identical(.result, 5), "You got 5, great!"),
#'   fail_if(~ TRUE, "Some generic failing message.")
#' )(submitted_5)
#' grade_result_strict(
#'   pass_if(~ identical(.result, 5), "You got 5, great!"),
#'   fail_if(~ !is.integer(.result), "I expected an integer")
#' )(submitted_5)
#' # Suppose our exercise asks the student to write a function that adds 1 to
#' # the value of its only argument. The student submits:
#' submitted_fn <- mock_this_exercise(
#'   .user_code = function(x) { x + 2 }
#' )
#' # We can check submissions for this exercise using `grade_result()`. Note that
#' # because all checks in this `grade_result()` are `fail_if()` statements, if
#' # the student's submission passes all of the checks, then `grade_result()`
#' # will return a correct grade.
#' grade_result(
#'   fail_if(~ !is.function(.result), "I expected a function."),
#'   fail_if(~ .result(1) != 2, "Your function should add one.")
#' )(submitted_fn)
#' # To learn more about using grade_result() and grade_code() with learnr, see:
#' \dontrun{
#' gradethis_demo()
#' }
grade_result <- function(
  correct = NULL,
  incorrect = NULL,
  glue_correct = getOption("gradethis.glue_correct"),
  glue_incorrect = getOption("gradethis.glue_incorrect"),
  default_correct = "auto",
  default_message = NULL,
  grader_args = deprecated(),
  learnr_args = deprecated()
) {

  if (is_present(grader_args)) deprecate_warn("0.2.0", "grade_result(grader_args = )")
  if (is_present(learnr_args)) deprecate_warn("0.2.0", "grade_result(learnr_args = )")

  conditions <- list(...)
  if (!length(conditions)) {
    stop("At least one condition object (e.g., `pass_if()`, `fail_if()`, `condition()`) must be provided to `grade_result()`", call. = FALSE)
  chkm8_item_class(conditions, "gradethis_condition")

  # If there is at least one pass_if() condition, then default to an incorrect grade;
  # otherwise, default to a correct grade https://github.com/rstudio/gradethis/issues/118
  if (identical(default_correct, "auto")) {
    default_correct <- !any(vapply(conditions, `[[`, logical(1), "correct"))
  chkm8_class(default_correct, "logical")

  # return a script style function
  function(check_env) {
    last_value <- check_env$.last_value
    env <- learnr_env(envir_prep = check_env$.envir_prep, envir_result = check_env$.envir_result)

    final_grade <- legacy_graded(correct = default_correct, message = default_message)
    found_grade <- FALSE
    for (cond in conditions) {
      grade <- evaluate_condition(
        last_value = last_value,
        env = env
      if (length(grade)) {
        final_grade <- grade
        found_grade <- TRUE

    glue_correct   <- glue_correct   %||% gradethis_legacy_options$gradethis.glue_correct
    glue_incorrect <- glue_incorrect %||% gradethis_legacy_options$gradethis.glue_incorrect

      correct = final_grade$correct,
      message = glue_message(
        if (final_grade$correct) glue_correct else glue_incorrect, # nolint
        .is_match = found_grade,
        .is_correct = final_grade$correct,
        .message = final_grade$message,
        .message_pipe_warning = NULL,
        .correct = correct,
        .incorrect = incorrect


#' @rdname grade_result
#' @export
#' @inheritParams grade_code
grade_result_strict <- function(
  correct = NULL,
  incorrect = NULL,
  glue_correct = getOption("gradethis.glue_correct_test"),
  glue_incorrect = getOption("gradethis.glue_incorrect_test"),
  grader_args = deprecated(),
  learnr_args = deprecated()
) {
  if (is_present(grader_args)) deprecate_warn("0.2.0", "grade_result_strict(grader_args = )")
  if (is_present(learnr_args)) deprecate_warn("0.2.0", "grade_result_strict(learnr_args = )")

  conditions <- list(...)
  chkm8_item_class(conditions, "gradethis_condition")

  # return a script style function
  function(check_env) {
    last_value <- check_env$.last_value
    env <- learnr_env(envir_prep = check_env$.envir_prep, envir_result = check_env$.envir_result)

    grades <- lapply(conditions, function(x) {
      res <- evaluate_condition(x, last_value = last_value, env = env)
      # If a pass_if() condition isn't matched (i.e. res is NULL), then
      # it should be considered an incorrect result.
      res %||% legacy_graded(correct = !x$correct)

    num_correct <- sum(vapply(grades, function(x) x$correct, logical(1)))
    is_correct <- num_correct == length(conditions)

    glue_correct   <- glue_correct   %||% gradethis_legacy_options$gradethis.glue_correct_test
    glue_incorrect <- glue_incorrect %||% gradethis_legacy_options$gradethis.glue_incorrect_test

      correct = is_correct,
      message = glue_message(
        if (is_correct) glue_correct else glue_incorrect, # nolint
        .is_correct = is_correct,
        .message = NULL,
        .message_pipe_warning = NULL,
        .correct = correct,
        .incorrect = incorrect,
        .num_correct = as.character(num_correct),
        .num_total = as.character(length(conditions))


#' @rdname grade_result
#' @export
#' @param x A formula, function, or value, that returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#'    When comparing objects that are greater than length 1
#'    (e.g., vectors, dataframes, matrices, etc)
#'    A logical vector will be returned if the user uses `==`, not a single logical value.
#'    `gradethis` will run the vector through
#'     `all(..., na.rm = TRUE)` to check for the logical value.
#'    It is advised that the user use `identical()` instead of `==` in this case.
#' @param message character string for message returned (usually passed in from
#'    [pass_if()] or [fail_if()].
#' @param correct logical whether the condition is the correct answer.
condition <- function(x, message, correct) {
  stopifnot(length(correct) == 1)
  chkm8_item_class(correct, "logical")

      x = x,
      message = message,
      correct = correct,
      type = condition_type(x)
    class = "gradethis_condition"

condition_type <- function(x) {
  if (rlang::is_formula(x)) {
  } else if (rlang::is_function(x)) {
  } else {

learnr_env <- function(envir_prep, envir_result) {
  envir_result %||%
    envir_prep %||%
    stop("Internal error. learnr did not pass a relevant environment")
rstudio-education/grader documentation built on July 6, 2023, 8:48 a.m.