#' @import htmlwidgets
#' Set d3heatmap dendrograms
#' Set and adjust the dendrograms for a d3heatmap object
#' @param d3heatmap \emph{Required} A valid \emph{d3heatmap} object
#' @param dendrogram \emph{Required} The dendrogram to process in this
#' call, among \code{'row', 'col', 'both', 'none'}. Using the \code{'none'}
#' value turns off any previous dendrogram settings. If reorder or row.reorder
#' and col.reorder are FALSE or NULL and dendrogram is 'both', then a warning
#' is issued and row.reorder (or col.reorder) arguments are honored.
#' @param reorder a parameter that allows the user to pass in a single
#' reordering value to use on the dendrograms specified in the
#' \code{dendrogram} argument.
#' @param row.reorder determines if and how the row dendrogram
#' should be reordered. By default, it is TRUE, which implies
#' dendrogram is computed and reordered based on row means.
#' If NULL or FALSE, then no dendrogram is computed and no reordering
#' is done. If a dendrogram, then it is used "as-is", i.e., without any
#' reordering. If a vector of integers, then dendrogram is computed
#' and reordered based on the order of the vector.
#' @param column.reorder determines if and how the column dendrogram should be
#' be reordered. Has the options as the Rowv argument above and additionally
#' when x is a square matrix, Colv = "Rowv" means that columns should be
#' treated identically to the rows.
#' @param distance.function function used to compute the distance
#' (dissimilarity) between both rows and columns. Defaults to dist.
#' @param clustering.function function used to compute the hierarchical
#' clustering when Rowv or Colv are not dendrograms. Defaults to hclust.
#' @param reorder.function function(d, w) of dendrogram and weights for
#' reordering the row and column dendrograms.
#' @param groups an integer scalar with the desired number of groups by which
#' to color the dendrogram's branches (uses \link[dendextend]{color_branches})
#' @param symmetrical logical indicating if x should be treated symmetrically; can only be true when x is a square matrix.
#' @return Modified d3heatmap object
#' @source
#' The interface was inspired by \cite{dygraphs}
#' @seealso
#' \link{heatmap}, \link[gplots]{heatmap.2}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' d3heatmap(mtcars, scale = "column", col = "Blues") %>%
#' hmDendrogram(dendrogram = 'row', groups = 3)
#' }
#' @export
hmDendrogram <- function(d3heatmap
## dendrogram control
, dendrogram = c('row', 'column', 'both', 'none')
, reorder
, row.reorder #row.reorder
, column.reorder #col.reorder
, distance.function #distfun
, clustering.function #hclustfun
, reorder.function #reorder
, groups
, symmetrical) {
# perform critical argument checks
stop('hmDendrogram: no d3heatmap provided')
if(missing(dendrogram)) {
message('hmDendrogram: no dendrogram specified... returning original
# grab the input parameters for generating the heatmap
params <- d3heatmap$x$params
## process parameters
dendrogram <- match.arg(dendrogram)
# if setting to 'none', then we're turning off past
# dendrogram arguments, and we'll call heatmap() and exit early
if (dendrogram == 'none') {
params$dendrogram <- 'none'
hm <- do.call(heatmap, args = params)
x <- hm$x
hm_colors <- heatmapColors(x
, params$col
, params$na.color
, params$na.rm
, params$rng
, params$scale
, params$breaks
, params$symbreaks
imgUri <- encodeAsPNG(t(x), hm_colors$col)
d3heatmap$x$rows <- hm$rowDend
d3heatmap$x$cols <- hm$colDend
d3heatmap$x$matrix <- hm$mtx
d3heatmap$x$image <- imgUri
d3heatmap$x$params <- params
column.groups <- row.groups <- NULL
# setup some control logicals
row <- (dendrogram %in% c('row', 'both'))
col <- (dendrogram %in% c('column', 'both'))
# combining old setting with new setting
both <- (params$dendrogram == 'col' & row) |
(params$dendrogram == 'row' & col) |
(params$dendrogram == 'both')
if(missing(symmetrical)) symmetrical <- params$symm
if (row) {
if(missing(reorder)) reorder <- params$Rowv
if(missing(row.reorder)) row.reorder <- reorder
if(!missing(groups)) row.groups <- groups
if(!col) column.reorder <- params$Colv
if (col) {
if(missing(reorder)) reorder <- params$Colv
if(missing(column.reorder)) column.reorder <- reorder
if(!missing(groups)) column.groups <- groups
if(symmetrical) column.reorder <- row.reorder
if(!row) row.reorder <- params$Rowv
if (both) dendrogram <- 'both'
# process other arguments
if(missing(distance.function)) distance.function <- params$distfun
if(missing(clustering.function)) clustering.function <- params$hclustfun
if(missing(reorder.function)) reorder.function <- params$reorderfun
if(is.null(row.groups)) row.groups <- params$k_row
if(is.null(column.groups)) column.groups <- params$k_col
new <- list(
dendrogram = dendrogram
, Rowv = row.reorder
, Colv = column.reorder
, distfun = distance.function
, hclustfun = clustering.function
, reorderfun = reorder.function
, k_row = row.groups
, k_col = column.groups
, symm = symmetrical
params <- mergeLists(params, new)
## call heatmap with the updated params and save
## the params with the heatmap for later use
hm <- do.call(heatmap, args = params)
x <- hm$x
## process re-coloring
hm_colors <- heatmapColors(x
, params$col
, params$na.color
, params$na.rm
, params$rng
, params$scale
, params$breaks
, params$symbreaks
imgUri <- encodeAsPNG(t(x), hm_colors$col)
## load up the widget
d3heatmap$x$rows <- hm$rowDend
d3heatmap$x$cols <- hm$colDend
d3heatmap$x$matrix <- hm$mtx
d3heatmap$x$image <- imgUri
d3heatmap$x$params <- params
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