
Defines functions dyAxis

Documented in dyAxis

#' dygraph axis
#' Define options for an axis on a dygraph plot. Note that options will use the
#' default global setting (as determined by \code{\link{dyOptions}}) when not
#' specified explicitly.
#' @inheritParams dyOptions
#' @param dygraph Dygraph to add an axis definition to
#' @param name Axis name ('x', 'y', or 'y2')
#' @param label Label to display for axis (defaults to none).
#' @param valueRange Explicitly set the vertical range of the graph to
#'   \code{c(low, high)}. This may be set on a per-axis basis to define each
#'   y-axis separately. If either limit is unspecified, it will be calculated
#'   automatically (e.g. \code{c(NULL, 30)} to automatically calculate just the
#'   lower bound).
#' @param logscale When set for the y-axis or x-axis, the graph shows that axis
#'   in log scale. Any values less than or equal to zero are not displayed.
#'   Showing log scale with ranges that go below zero will result in an
#'   unviewable graph. Not compatible with showZero. connectSeparatedPoints is
#'   ignored. This is ignored for date-based x-axes.
#' @param ticker This lets you specify an arbitrary JavaScript function to
#'   generate tick marks on an axis. The tick marks are an array of (value,
#'   label) pairs. The built-in functions go to great lengths to choose good
#'   tick marks so, if you set this option, you'll most likely want to call one
#'   of them and modify the result. See dygraph-tickers.js and the
#'   \href{https://dygraphs.com/options.html}{dygraphs documentation} for
#'   additional details).
#' @param rangePad Add the specified amount of extra space (in pixels) around
#'   the value range to ensure points at the edges remain visible.
#' @param labelWidth Width of the div which contains the y-axis label. Since the
#'   y-axis label appears rotated 90 degrees, this actually affects the height
#'   of its div.
#' @param labelHeight Height of the x-axis label, in pixels. This also controls
#'   the default font size of the x-axis label. If you style the label on your
#'   own, this controls how much space is set aside below the chart for the
#'   x-axis label's div.
#' @param axisHeight Height, in pixels, of the x-axis. If not set explicitly,
#'   this is computed based on \code{axisLabelFontSize} and \code{axisTickSize}.
#' @param axisLineColor Color of the x- and y-axis lines. Accepts any value
#'   which the HTML canvas strokeStyle attribute understands, e.g. 'black' or
#'   'rgb(0, 100, 255)'.
#' @param axisLineWidth Thickness (in pixels) of the x- and y-axis lines.
#' @param axisLabelColor Color for x- and y-axis labels. This is a CSS color
#'   string. This may also be set globally using \code{dyOptions}.
#' @param axisLabelFontSize Size of the font (in pixels) to use in the axis
#'   labels, both x- and y-axis. This may also be set globally using
#'   \code{dyOptions}.
#' @param axisLabelWidth Width, in pixels, of the axis labels
#' @param axisLabelFormatter JavaScript function to call to format the tick
#'   values that appear along an axis (see the
#'   \href{https://dygraphs.com/options.html}{dygraphs documentation} for
#'   additional details).
#' @param valueFormatter JavaScript function to call to provide a custom display
#'   format for the values displayed on mouseover (see the
#'   \href{https://dygraphs.com/options.html}{dygraphs documentation} for
#'   additional details).
#' @param pixelsPerLabel Number of pixels to require between each x- and
#'   y-label. Larger values will yield a sparser axis with fewer ticks. Defaults
#'   to 50 (x-axis) or 30 (y-axes).
#' @param drawGrid Whether to display grid lines in the chart.
#' @param gridLineColor The color of the grid lines.
#' @param gridLineWidth Thickness (in pixels) of the grid lines drawn under the
#'   chart.
#' @param independentTicks Only valid for y and y2, has no effect on x: This
#'   option defines whether the y axes should align their ticks or if they
#'   should be independent. Possible combinations: 1.) y=true, y2=false
#'   (default): y is the primary axis and the y2 ticks are aligned to the the
#'   ones of y. (only 1 grid) 2.) y=false, y2=true: y2 is the primary axis and
#'   the y ticks are aligned to the the ones of y2. (only 1 grid) 3.) y=true,
#'   y2=true: Both axis are independent and have their own ticks. (2 grids) 4.)
#'   y=false, y2=false: Invalid configuration causes an error.
#' @return Axis options
#' @note See the
#'   \href{https://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/gallery-axis-options.html}{online
#'   documentation} for additional details and examples.
#' @examples
#' library(dygraphs)
#' dygraph(nhtemp, main = "New Haven Temperatures") %>%
#'   dyAxis("y", label = "Temp (F)", valueRange = c(40, 60)) %>%
#'   dyOptions(axisLineWidth = 1.5, fillGraph = TRUE, drawGrid = FALSE)
#' @export
dyAxis <- function(dygraph,
                   label = NULL,
                   valueRange = NULL,
                   logscale = NULL,
                   ticker = NULL,
                   rangePad = NULL,
                   labelWidth = NULL,
                   labelHeight = NULL,
                   axisHeight = NULL,
                   axisLineColor = NULL,
                   axisLineWidth = NULL,
                   pixelsPerLabel = NULL,
                   axisLabelColor = NULL,
                   axisLabelFontSize = NULL,
                   axisLabelWidth = NULL,
                   axisLabelFormatter = NULL,
                   valueFormatter = NULL,
                   drawGrid = NULL,
                   gridLineColor = NULL,
                   gridLineWidth = NULL,
                   independentTicks = NULL) {
  if (!name %in% c("x", "y", "y2")) {
    stop("Axis name must be 'x', 'y', or 'y2'")

  # copy attrs for modification
  attrs <- dygraph$x$attrs

  axis <- list()
  axis$name <- name
  axis$label <- label
  axis$options <- list()
  axis$options$valueRange <- valueRange

  if (!is.null(logscale)) {
    if (identical(name, "x")) {
      axis$options$logscale <- logscale
    } else {
      attrs$logscale <- logscale

  axis$options$ticker <- JS(ticker)
  if (!is.null(axisHeight)) {
    if (name == "x") {
      attrs$xAxisHeight <- axisHeight
    } else {
      stop("axisHeight is only applicable to the x axis")

  if (!is.null(rangePad)) {
    attrs[[sprintf("%sRangePad", axis$name)]] <- rangePad

  if (!is.null(labelWidth)) {
    attrs[[sprintf("%sLabelWidth", axis$name)]] <- labelWidth
  if (!is.null(labelHeight)) {
    attrs[[sprintf("%sLabelHeight", axis$name)]] <- labelHeight

  axis$options$axisLineColor <- axisLineColor
  axis$options$axisLineWidth <- axisLineWidth
  if (!is.null(pixelsPerLabel)) {
    axis$options$pixelsPerLabel <- pixelsPerLabel
  axis$options$axisLabelColor <- axisLabelColor
  axis$options$axisLabelFontSize <- axisLabelFontSize

  if (!is.null(axisLabelWidth)) {
    axis$options$axisLabelWidth <- axisLabelWidth

  axis$options$axisLabelFormatter <- JS(axisLabelFormatter)
  axis$options$valueFormatter <- JS(valueFormatter)
  axis$options$drawGrid <- drawGrid
  axis$options$gridLineColor <- gridLineColor
  axis$options$gridLineWidth <- gridLineWidth
  axis$options$independentTicks <- independentTicks

  # label and options
  if (!is.null(axis$label)) {
    attrs[[sprintf("%slabel", axis$name)]] <- axis$label
  attrs$axes[[axis$name]] <- axis$options

  # return modified dygraph
  dygraph$x$attrs <- mergeLists(dygraph$x$attrs, attrs)
rstudio/dygraphs documentation built on March 17, 2023, 10:48 a.m.