
# altered from
if (!file.exists("portal_mammals.sqlite")) {
  download.file(url = "",
                destfile = "portal_mammals.sqlite", mode = "wb")
mammals <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "portal_mammals.sqlite")

Python or R?

The following two code exercises run language agnostic code. It will finally evaluate to either 5 or 10.

# if running in R, this should return 10
# if running in Python, this should return FALSE and 5
x = 5
x <-10

```{python python-not-r, exercise=TRUE, exercise.lines = 5}

if running in R, this should return 10

if running in Python, this should return FALSE and 5

x = 5 x <-10 print(x)

### Bash

Execute exercises in bash

```{bash bash-not-r, exercise = TRUE}
echo "hello world"


Use a SQL connection defined in a setup chunk.

{sql sql-not-r, exercise = TRUE, connection="mammals"} SELECT * FROM `surveys` LIMIT 10

rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.