d <- 3


We'll start the setup chunk chain with a regular chunk called setupA:

a <- 5 
a <- 5 

Use exercise.setup to chain setup chunks. Let's start with a simple, single, setup chunk called setupB that depends on setupA.

b <- a + d
b <- a + d

Then we define an exercise, ex1, that uses setupB as its setup chunk, thereby also using setupA for the exercise.

x = b + 1
x = b + 1

Evaluate the code in the above exercise. The result of x should be 9.

Now let's define another exercise, ex2, that uses the pre-filled code from ex1 for its setup code, thereby also depending on setupB and setupA.

y <- x + 1
y <- x + 1

Evaluate the code in the above exercise. The result of y should be 10.

rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.