
Defines functions renv_purge_impl purge

Documented in purge

#' Purge packages from the cache
#' Purge packages from the cache. This can be useful if a package which had
#' previously been installed in the cache has become corrupted or unusable,
#' and needs to be reinstalled.
#' `purge()` is an inherently destructive option. It removes packages from the
#' cache, and so any project which had symlinked that package into its own
#' project library would find that package now unavailable. These projects would
#' hence need to reinstall any purged packages. Take heed of this in case you're
#' looking to purge the cache of a package which is difficult to install, or
#' if the original sources for that package are no longer available!
#' @inherit renv-params
#' @param package A single package to be removed from the cache.
#' @param version The package version to be removed. When `NULL`, all versions
#'   of the requested package will be removed.
#' @param hash The specific hashes to be removed. When `NULL`, all hashes
#'   associated with a particular package's version will be removed.
#' @return The set of packages removed from the renv global cache,
#'   as a character vector of file paths.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # remove all versions of 'digest' from the cache
#' renv::purge("digest")
#' # remove only a particular version of 'digest' from the cache
#' renv::purge("digest", version = "0.6.19")
#' }
purge <- function(package,
                  version = NULL,
                  hash    = NULL,
                  prompt  = interactive())
  invisible(renv_purge_impl(package, version, hash, prompt))

renv_purge_impl <- function(package,
                            version = NULL,
                            hash = NULL,
                            prompt = interactive())
  if (length(package) != 1)
    stop("argument 'package' is not of length one", call. = FALSE)

  bail <- function() {
    writef("- The requested package is not installed in the cache -- nothing to do.")

  # get root cache path entry for package
  paths <- renv_paths_cache(package)
  if (!any(file.exists(paths)))

  # construct versioned path
  paths <- if (is.null(version))
    list.files(paths, full.names = TRUE)
    file.path(paths, version)
  if (!any(file.exists(paths)))

  # construct hashed path
  paths <- if (is.null(hash))
    list.files(paths, full.names = TRUE)
    file.path(paths, hash)
  if (all(!file.exists(paths)))

  # now add package name
  paths <- file.path(paths, renv_path_component(paths, 3))

  # check that these entries exist
  missing <- !file.exists(paths)
  if (any(missing)) {

      "The following entries were not found in the cache:",
      "They will be ignored."

    paths <- paths[!missing]


  # nocov start
  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

      "The following packages will be purged from the cache:",

    cancel_if(prompt && !proceed())

  # nocov end

  unlink(paths, recursive = TRUE)

  n <- length(paths)
  writef("- Removed %s from the cache.", nplural("package", n))


rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.