
Defines functions renv_path_relative renv_path_pretty renv_path_component renv_path_same renv_path_canonicalize renv_path_normalize_win32_impl renv_path_normalize_win32 renv_path_normalize_unix renv_path_normalize renv_path_within renv_path_aliased renv_path_absolute

the$alpha <- c(letters, LETTERS)

renv_path_absolute <- function(path) {

  substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% c("~", "/", "\\") || (
    substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% the$alpha &&
    substr(path, 2L, 3L) %in% c(":/", ":\\")


renv_path_aliased <- function(path) {

  home <- Sys.getenv("HOME", unset = Sys.getenv("R_USER"))
  if (!nzchar(home))

  home <- gsub("\\", "/", home, fixed = TRUE)
  path <- gsub("\\", "/", path, fixed = TRUE)

  match <- regexpr(home, path, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
  path[match == 1L] <- file.path("~", substring(path[match == 1L], nchar(home) + 2L))



renv_path_within <- function(path, parent) {
  path <- renv_path_canonicalize(path)
  prefix <- paste(renv_path_canonicalize(parent), "/", sep = "")
  path == parent | substring(path, 1L, nchar(prefix)) == prefix

renv_path_normalize <- function(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) {
  if (renv_platform_unix())
    renv_path_normalize_unix(path, winslash, mustWork)
    renv_path_normalize_win32(path, winslash, mustWork)

renv_path_normalize_unix <- function(path,
                                     winslash = "/",
                                     mustWork = FALSE)
  # force paths to be absolute -- this ensures that path prefixes
  # are prepended even if the path does not exist
  bad <- !map_lgl(path, renv_path_absolute)
  if (any(bad)) {
    prefix <- normalizePath(".", winslash = winslash)
    path[bad] <- paste(prefix, path[bad], sep = winslash)

  # normalize the expanded paths
  normalizePath(path, winslash, mustWork)

# NOTE: in versions of R < 4.0.0, normalizePath() does not normalize path
# casing; e.g. normalizePath("~/MyPaTh") will not normalize to "~/MyPath"
# (assuming that is the "true" underlying casing on the filesystem)
# we work around this by round-tripping between the short name and
# the long name, as Windows then has no choice but to figure out
# the correct casing for us
# this isn't 100% reliable (not all paths have a short-path equivalent)
# but seems to be good enough in practice ...
# except that, if the path contains characters that cannot be represented in the
# current encoding, then attempting to normalize the short version of that path
# will fail -- so if the path is already UTF-8, then we need to avoid
# round-tripping through the short path.
# furthermore, it appears that shortPathName() can mis-encode its result for
# strings marked with latin1 encoding?
# https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/629
renv_path_normalize_win32 <- function(path,
                                      winslash = "/",
                                      mustWork = FALSE)

  # see the NOTE above, this workaround is only necessary for R < 4.0.0,
  # and it complicates things unnecessarily
  if (getRversion() >= "4.0.0")
    return(renv_path_normalize_unix(path, winslash, mustWork))

  # get encoding for this set of paths
  enc <- Encoding(path)

  # perform separate operations for each
  utf8    <- enc == "UTF-8"
  latin1  <- enc == "latin1"
  unknown <- enc == "unknown"

  # normalize based on their encoding
  path[utf8]    <- normalizePath(path[utf8], winslash, mustWork)
  path[latin1]  <- normalizePath(path[latin1], winslash, mustWork)
  path[unknown] <- renv_path_normalize_win32_impl(path[unknown], winslash, mustWork)

  # return resulting path

renv_path_normalize_win32_impl <- function(path,
                                           winslash = "/",
                                           mustWork = FALSE)
  # get short path
  expanded <- path.expand(path)
  short <- utils::shortPathName(expanded)

  # if a UTF-8 string is passed to utils::shortPathName(), it seems that
  # the string might be latin1-encoded, even though it's marked as UTF-8?
  if (!identical(R.version$crt, "ucrt")) {
    utf8 <- Encoding(short) == "UTF-8"
    Encoding(short[utf8]) <- "latin1"

  # normalize
  normalizePath(short, winslash, mustWork)

# TODO: this is a lie; for existing paths symlinks will be resolved.
# don't use this for paths that need to be uniquely resolved!
renv_path_canonicalize <- function(path) {
  parent <- dirname(path)
  root <- renv_path_normalize(parent)
  trimmed <- sub("/+$", "", root)
  file.path(trimmed, basename(path))

renv_path_same <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  renv_path_canonicalize(lhs) == renv_path_canonicalize(rhs)

# get the nth path component from the end of the path
renv_path_component <- function(path, index = 1) {
  splat <- strsplit(path, "[/\\]+")
  map_chr(splat, function(parts) parts[length(parts) - index + 1])

renv_path_pretty <- function(path) {

renv_path_relative <- function(path, root) {
  within <- startswith(path, root)
  path[within] <- substring(path[within], nchar(root) + 2L)
rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.