Man pages for rstudio/rsconnect
Deploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect', '', and 'RPubs'

accountsAccount Management Functions
accountUsageShow Account Usage
addAuthorizedUserAdd authorized user to application
addConnectServerAdd a server
addLinterAdd a Linter
addServerServer management
appDependenciesDetect application dependencies
applicationConfigDirApplication Configuration Directory
applicationsList Deployed Applications
authorizedUsers(Deprecated) List authorized users for an application
configureAppConfigure an Application
connectApiUserRegister account on Posit Connect
deployAPIDeploy a Plumber API
deployAppDeploy an Application
deployDocDeploy a single document
deploymentsList Application Deployments
deploySiteDeploy a website
deployTFModelDeploy a TensorFlow saved model
discoverServersDiscover servers automatically
forgetDeploymentForget Application Deployment
generateAppNameGenerate Application Name
lintLint a Project
linterCreate a Linter
listAccountEnvVarsMaintain environment variables across multiple applications
listBundleFilesList Files to be Bundled
listDeploymentFilesGather files to be bundled with an app
makeLinterMessageConstruct a Linter Message
oldApplicationConfigDirOld Application Config Directory
optionsPackage Options
purgeAppPurge an Application
removeAuthorizedUserRemove authorized user from an application
resendInvitationResend invitation for invited users of an application
restartAppRestart an Application
rpubsUploadUpload a file to RPubs
rsconnectConfigDirrsconnect Configuration Directory
rsconnect-packagersconnect: Deploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect',...
rsconnectPackagesUsing Packages with rsconnect
rsconnectProxiesHTTP Proxy Configuration
serversServer metadata
setAccountInfoRegister account on or
setPropertySet Application property
showInvitedList invited users for an application
showLogsShow Application Logs
showMetricsShow Application Metrics
showPropertiesShow Application property
showUsageShow Application Usage
showUsersList authorized users for an application
syncAppMetadataUpdate deployment records
taskLogShow task log
tasksList Tasks
terminateAppTerminate an Application
unsetPropertyUnset Application property
writeManifestCreate a 'manifest.json'
rstudio/rsconnect documentation built on July 6, 2024, 4:40 a.m.